The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Warren Tells of Happier Times
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Warren Tells of Happier Times - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
As Lewis smiled at him and said, ‘Well done,’ Warren gave him a smile back, then turned over. ‘Excellent,’ Lewis said, ‘That’s very good progress.’ He rested his hands on his head. As he started massaging, he asked, ‘Is there anywhere on your back that I might hurt by massaging you?’
‘No, it’s all healed up now.’ Warren told him. ‘I’m not going to ask you about it until you are much more relaxed,’ Lewis told him, ‘But that is because I’m assuming it is connected with your problem. Can you just tell me if I am correct?’ ‘Yes,’ Warren replied right away.
Lewis moved off his head and massaged his now bare shoulders, As he did he asked, ‘When did your problem first start.’ ‘When I moved in with my cousin,’ Warren replied with hardly any delay. Moving on down his back, Lewis massaged extra gently. The ridges of skin under his hands made him shudder inwardly at the thought of the pain Warren must have suffered.
Clearly someone had whipped him viciously with a multi thronged whip, something like a cat-o-nine-tails without the knots, he thought remembering a pirate film he had once watched.
Considering what he must have been through, Lewis thought to himself, he’s remained an amazingly nice person. As he reached his waist, he asked, ‘What do you do to relax when you’re not at work.?’ As he massaged over his cheeks, there was silence, then as Lewis moved down the back of his legs, Warren said quietly, ‘I don’t get out once I get home unless I go shopping.’
To Lewis it sounded like he was saying he wasn’t allowed out, but before he could ask any more his phone alarm went off. ‘Get dressed now,’ he told Warren, ‘It’s work time.’ Once he was dressed, Lewis told him how well he had done, and he hoped they would continue after they closed the shop.
Opening up, they had a busy afternoon. Mid-afternoon Warren had a phone call. When he hung up, he looked very pleased. ‘The relief manager for next week has gone off sick,’ he told Lewis, ‘I’m to stay on here for another week.’ ‘That’s great,’ Lewis said. Then as five o’clock approached, Lewis nipped in the back and put the kettle on. Returning to the shop he told Warren what he had done saying, ‘We can have a coffee then as soon as we lock up.’
Once the last customer had left, Warren locked up and turned the closed sign round. Lewis went back and made them a coffee each. As they sat drinking it, Warren asked, ‘Will the next part take very long.’ Lewis smiled at him as he said, ‘Not at the rate you are going, you did exceptionally well at lunch time. Do you have to be home for dinner?’
‘Oh no,’ Warren told him, ‘It’s just Bashiir doesn’t like me coming in late.’ ‘Do you like going shopping?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Warren said his face lighting up, ‘It gets me out, and like going to work I meet new people.’
Lewis was starting to get very bad vibes about Warrens situation. ‘If there is any problem when you get home,’ Lewis told him, ‘Just say that I let you down and didn’t turn up to work. You had to remain behind after you closed up to rewind all the tapes that I was supposed to have done.’
‘I’d never have thought of that,’ he said sounding very relieved, ‘That should be fine.’ As they finished their coffees, Lewis told him, ‘We’ll go back to where we left off, so if you take your top off again and lie on your front like you were. Although if you feel relaxed enough, you could take your trousers off and lie down in your shorts. That will speed things up considerably.’
Warren was feeling very much at ease now and as Lewis had seen his back, he wasn’t the least concerned about being seen in his shorts. So returning to the settee and taking his top off, he undid and dropped his trousers, stepped out of them and lay back down on his front.’
Lewis sat back on the edge of the settee and started massaging his ankles where he had left off earlier. As he moved up his legs he asked,
‘Tell me about your first experiences with Linden and Grenville.’
‘We were at Grenville’s one weekend,’ Warren began, he didn’t feel at all embarrassed telling Lewis about it anymore. ‘We were sitting in the garden chatting over a cold drink. I couldn’t help noticing that Grenville seemed to keep glancing at my shorts.’
‘After I’d noticed it for the third time, I glanced at his and saw he had a hard on. He saw I’d spotted it and went as red as a beetroot.’ ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘I read the other day that black people often had extra-large penis’s and I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. I even dreamt the other night that I was holding one.’
Lewis was massaging over his cheeks by now. Even through his shorts they felt very firm. As he moved off up his back Warren continued, ‘I could see he felt terrible about it so I said jokingly, Don’t worry about it, I’ve had the same dream about holding a white one. I thought he’d feel better and that would be it. But instead, he said, ‘Wow, perhaps we should try it together.’ Linden had been listening to us both then he said, ‘Can I join in too?’ ‘So, we all trooped up to Grenville’s bedroom.’
As Lewis finished massaging over the terrible marks and ridges on his back, he moved onto his head. After a few seconds on his hair Lewis said, ‘Turn over now.’
Once Warren was settled, Lewis looked at his front. He was about three inches taller than Lewis, quite slim and with a very tiny thin patch of hairs on his chest. The bulge in his shorts was still soft but looked as if it had grown slightly. Even soft it appeared large.
As Lewis massaged down over his chest, Warren continued, ‘It was summer, so we were only in shorts and T shirts. I said why don’t we stand with our backs to each other and strip off. Then when we are all ready, we can turn round at the same time and see each other.’
‘So, we all faced away and stripped off, then as soon as the other two had called out ‘ready’ I said turn around now. As we all turned, Grenville was sticking out rock hard and Linden and I were hanging down soft.’
As he spoke Lewis had gone down his flat firm stomach and moved up onto the front of his shorts. As Lewis massaged over all of the front the bulge flexed slightly as he did. Warren carried on speaking without a break, ‘Grenville went red again because he was hard. Linden was about the same size as Grenville but mine was bigger, just as Grenville had expected. I think he was pleased to be proved right. I certainly felt good.’
‘After we’d stood and looked for a while, Grenville said, ‘Er Warren,’ then as I looked at him, he went even redder and asked, ‘Can I hold it?’ ‘Sure, I said, so he came close and took hold of me. His touch made me shoot up hard and throb in his hand which made him jump. It felt so nice I reached out and held his.’
Lewis reached his feet and started up again. ‘I thought he was going to explode.’ Warren continued, ‘It was already hard before I took hold but then it seemed to swell, and it throbbed in my hand like mad. Grenville couldn’t have hidden how much he was enjoying himself no matter how hard he tried. I have to admit I was enjoying it too.’
As Lewis approached his shorts, he could see Warrens bulge was growing. Moving up over the front of them, he massaged the bulge which had by now doubled in size although still half soft. As Lewis’s hand passed over it, it, gave a good throb and Warren made a happy ‘yeeees; noise. Apart from his noise he carried on with his tale, ‘Then Linden said quietly, ‘Can I have a go?’
‘We both jumped, I think we had forgotten he was there. Very reluctantly Grenville let go of me and as we parted, Linden came and stood in front of me. He took hold and at the same time I took hold of him. He had gone hard too, with watching Grenville and I. We just stood there holding each other’s hard cock and loving the feeling.’
‘As Linden and I separated, Grenville stood looking at my cock now standing out straight in front of me. ‘I bet you fire twice as much cum with that whopper, don’t you?’ he asked. ‘Would you like to give it a try?’ I said.’
‘Oh yes, please.’ he said his face lighting up. Then feeling that Linden was getting left out I added, ‘But if you do, you must let Linden fire you afterwards.’ Linden looked pleased and Grenville was clearly delighted at the prospect.’
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