The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Alex Reveals More Than he Intended

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Alex Reveals More Than he Intended - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As Danny massaged down his legs, Alex blushed again, then he answered very quietly, ‘Me.’ Reaching his feet Danny said, ‘How did you feel the first time you realised that?’ Alex couldn’t help grinning. ‘Chuffed,’ he said. ‘I’d always assumed Clive as the big strong one would have the biggest.’

As he moved back up Danny asked, ‘How did Clive take it?’ ‘I think he was surprised as well,’ Alex said, ‘But it didn’t seem to bother him.’ ‘So, who was the biggest between Garth and Clive?’ Danny asked as he moved up his thighs. ‘Clive was,’ Alex said. ‘So, I presume that comparison was when you were all soft,’ Danny asked as he reached the top of his thighs.

‘Yes, of course.’ Alex answered. As Danny moved onto the front of his trousers, he felt Alex tense up very slightly. As he massaged all over the front, feeling a slight increase in firmness now, Danny asked, ‘Was it the same when you were all hard?’ Alex evidently concentrating on where Danny’s hands were and keeping his cock soft, answered without thinking, ‘Yes, we were all exactly the same.’

Then realising what he had said, he went bright red. Before he could speak, Danny had moved up onto his stomach and said, ‘You must have felt really good about that.’ Alex didn’t trust himself to speak, he just nodded. As Danny massaged back up his chest acting as if he hadn’t realised anything, he asked, ‘Are Garth and Clive both married now?’ ‘Yes, they both have two children, Clive now lives in Australia and Garth is in Canada.’ Reaching his head, Danny took his hands off and smiled at him.

‘You’re really relaxing now,’ he said. Alex looked him in the eye, blushed and said, ‘You realised, didn’t you?’ Danny smiled, ‘I realised that you had all had normal instincts and desires.’ he said.

That seemed to surprise Alex. ‘Oh,’ he said, uncertain what to say. ‘Why don’t you forget it and let me get you really relaxed first,’ Danny said. ‘Then we can talk some more. But before you start worrying, let me tell you that I doubt that you have done anything that many teenagers haven’t done, including me.’

Alex looked even more surprised. What had happened in his youth had always bothered him a little, even though it had been very enjoyable at the time. Yet Danny seemed to be suggesting it was normal. Mind you he thought to himself, he is only guessing at what we did, he can’t possibly know.

Danny watched the wheels turning for a while, then he said, ‘In a moment I want you to turn over again. But so that you can relax even more without any pressure on your stomach, I’m going to undo your trousers before you turn over. Then when I go down your back, I can massage over your shorts instead of on your trousers. If you don’t feel ok about that, just say stop when I reach your waist.’ Danny put his hands on Alex’s shoulders and drew them slowly down his front to his waist.

Pausing when they hit his trousers and hearing nothing, Danny undid his belt, undid his top button, slid his zip down, took his hands away and said, ‘Turn over.’ As Alex turned, Danny could see a bulge starting to appear in the part of his shorts showing through his open zip.

When Alex was settled, Danny massaged his shoulders, then as he moved down, he asked, ‘Where were you when you first saw each other erect?’ As Danny reached his waist Alex started to answer, ‘We were at the pool,’ he said, ‘In the changing area. Fortunately, we were the only three in there at the time. It was just before summer holidays at the end of our third year. We had got changed together so often before it took us all by surprise.’

‘I don’t know who it happened to first, but we must have all been aware of it because in seconds we were all red faced looking at each other standing there with our cocks hard and sticking out. We sort of froze, partly because we were studying the other two, never having seen anyone else erect before. Also, because we had no idea what to do.’

‘Then almost together we sat down on a bench with our towels over us and tried to think of anything but cocks and sex. It took ages for us all to go down enough to get dressed. No one said anything, we were all too embarrassed. Eventually we got dressed and went home.’

Alex was in full flow as Danny reached down inside his trousers and massaged his cheeks over his shorts, apart from including an ‘mmm’ amongst his words, he didn’t falter in his answer. By the time he finished, Danny had given both cheeks a good massage, come out and gone down to his feet then started back up again.

As he stopped speaking, Alex realised how much he had enjoyed Danny massaging his cheeks, then got excited as he felt his hands moving up closer to them once more. ‘Let’s move back to girls,’ Danny said as his hands reached Alex’s waist. He slid his hands inside and massaged over his shorts a while before he asked his next question. As he did, Alex let out a few more ‘mmms.’

‘I take it that the girls you fancied before Anne were just night-time dreams?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ Alex admitted. Danny noticed his neck go red. ‘So, who was the first one you ever fancied?’ Danny asked as he moved on up his bare back. ‘That was Belinda in my second year at secondary school,’ he told him. ‘I don’t think she ever knew though,’ he said. ‘I certainly never had the courage to say anything.’

‘Did she make you get your first full erection?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ Alex said, ‘I’d swelled up a bit beforehand but not as hard as when I dreamt about her.’ Then he stopped and his neck went red again. Danny had reached his head, so he told him to turn over.

As Alex settled on his back, Danny noticed the bulge in his shorts had grown. Alex had a red face having realised that Danny would see it. ‘I’ve never ever told any of that to anyone before,’ he said. ‘But then, I’ll bet no one has ever asked you anything like that before either, have they?’ Danny replied. ‘True,’ Alex said, ‘But if they had I doubt I’d have felt able to answer.’

As Danny moved down his chest, he asked, ‘Was it dreaming about Belinda that made you come for the first time?’ ‘Yes,’ Alex replied with a smile at the memory. No blush this time Danny noticed.

‘So how old were you when you lost your virginity?’ Danny asked. Alex did blush at that. ‘That was a word never heard then,’ he said. Then he answered, ‘I was twenty-one. It was six months after I first met Anne.’ ‘Things move a lot quicker nowadays,’ Danny told him, ‘Was Anne your first?’

‘Yes,’ Alex said as Danny moved down his stomach. ‘She’s the only one. I’d always been too shy to ask anyone else out before we met. Then by the time we had sex, we both knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.’

As Danny reached his stomach his bulge had grown considerably. Although Danny’s hands had now reached his trousers and it must have been clear that he couldn’t miss seeing Alex’s growing bulge, Alex seemed to have become completely relaxed.

‘I’m going to massage inside your trousers just like I did the back,’ Danny told him. ‘If you feel relaxed enough, I want you to lift your hips so I can slide your trousers down, then I’ll be able to massage your legs directly on the skin.’

Alex felt surprised that far from feeling embarrassed about it, he was looking forward to it, indeed he felt eager. As Danny slid his hands inside his trousers, Alex lifted his hips immediately.

Danny slid the trousers down to his ankles, then once Alex had settled back down, he massaged over his shorts. There was no doubt now about Alex’s bulge. Not only had it grown but it was waving. Danny looked at his face. Alex had his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Of embarrassment there was no sign.

As he moved down the front of his shorts and over his cock, Danny asked, ‘After the occasion in the changing room with Garth and Clive, whose house were you at when you had a more relaxed look at each other.’

Most of his attention being on the lovely feeling coming from his cock, Alex answered, ‘Garths.’ Then when it sunk in what he had said, his immediate embarrassment that had started, disappeared as he looked down at Danny’s hand stroking his bulge.

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