The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: There’s Something Missing
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: There’s Something Missing - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
After everyone had left, Lee sat down and rang Grants father. ‘I’ve got some news about Grant,’ he said. ‘What’s he done now,’ was his father’s immediate response. ‘A very angry man called here today asking for him,’ Lee said. ‘He informed me that Grant had raped his fourteen-year-old son, so he was looking for him. When I said he wasn’t here he left.’
‘At teatime when Grant came home, I told him what the man had said.’ ‘What did he say?’ his father asked. ‘Nothing,’ Lee said, ‘He just went upstairs. Then ten minutes later I heard the front door slam. I looked out front just in time to see Grant disappearing down the road carrying two black bin bags. I went upstairs and found he had taken all his things with him. Oh, apart from two lethal looking knives.’ he added.
‘I didn’t even know he was staying with you after he was thrown out of his last flat. You’re well rid of him,’ his father said, ‘It’s not the first time he’s been accused of something like that, although he always denied it.’
Meanwhile, after Mike had dropped him off outside the hospital, Grant had hobbled painfully into the grounds and found his way to the accident and emergency department. Booking in, he was asked what his problem was. ‘I’ve been attacked,’ he said, ‘And I’m in agony.’ Are you bleeding anywhere the receptionist asked him. ‘Yes,’ he said grumpily, ‘But never mind the questions, get me something for the pain.’
Her back up by now at his manner, the receptionist told him, ‘You can’t see anyone until I have all your details.’ She filled in the admission form. Strangely, it took her twice as long as it usually did. ‘I’ll go and get a nurse,’ she said when she had finished.
Going around to the treatment area she told the casualty sister about him. Sister returned with her and told Grant to follow her. Sister led him round into a treatment cubicle. ‘Where do you hurt?’ she asked. ‘My bum is killing me,’ he said, ‘Give me something for the pain.’ ‘You’ll have to be prepared and see the doctor first,’ she told him. She handed him a gown. ‘Strip off and put this on,’ she ordered, ‘Then get up on the trolley.’
Not liking his attitude, sister stayed with him. She could see he was in pain. He stripped to his shorts and put the gown on. ‘Take your shorts off too,’ sister told him, ‘If your bum is sore it will need to be examined.’ He slipped his shorts off under his gown then cursed and swore as he struggled to get up on the trolley.
‘What happened to you?’ sister asked him. ‘Nothing,’ he snapped. ‘Well, if you won’t tell me about it,’ sister said, ‘We can’t do anything for you. You may as well get dressed and go home.’ ‘I got attacked,’ he said, ‘They pushed a rough pole up my bum to make it bleed.’
‘That sounds nasty,’ sister said, ‘Why did they do that?’ ‘How the hell should I know woman,’ he snapped. She went over to the cupboard and got a pair of disposable gloves and some cream. ‘What are you doing?’ he growled at her as he watched her put them on. ‘I’m going to examine you,’ she said. ‘The doctor won’t see you until I tell him what he’s coming to look at.’
‘Have you reported the attack to the police.’ ‘No,’ he snapped, ‘I don’t want them involved.’ ‘Your choice,’ sister said. ‘She pulled his gown up as she told him to draw his knees up.’ He snatched the gown out of her hand and covered himself up. ‘For heaven’s sake,’ sister told him, ‘I’ve seen more naked men than you’ve had hot dinners.’
Pulling it up again, this time with no resistance, she saw the writing on his abdomen. Looking at his scrotum she could just about make out the twine around it. Pulling the gown back down she said, ‘I’ll go and get the doctor.’
Five minutes later she returned with the doctor. He pulled the gown up, read the sign and said, ‘Who have you been raping and what did they do to you?’ ‘I didn’t rape anyone,’ Grant snapped at him. ‘I was attacked.’ ‘Ok,’ the doctor said, ‘I’ll call the police then you can tell them all about it.’
‘I don’t want the police,’ Grant screamed at him, ‘Just give me something for the pain.’ ‘Where is it hurting?’ the doctor asked. ‘Can you feel this.’ ‘No,’ grant said, not realising the doctor was squeezing his balls. ‘You told sister something had been pushed up your bum,’ he said, ‘Can you describe it.’ ‘Like a brush handle but with sandpaper stuck around the end.’ Grant said, ‘And it hurts.’ he said almost in tears. ‘How many times did they put it in,’ the doctor asked. ‘Five times,’ Grant growled, ‘I passed out with the pain, then when I came round there was blood on it.’
‘Right sister,’ the doctor said, ‘Give him an enema, then take him into theatre for a colonoscopy. In the meantime, give me a pair of scissors so I can cut that twine. Perhaps we had better record the evidence first though.’ he said. He took out his phone and took a close-up photo showing the twine and the inked-on message.
‘What are you doing?’ Grant demanded. ‘I’m recording the evidence,’ the doctor told him. ‘You have what looks like fishing twine round your scrotum and a message inked on your abdomen.’ ‘What message?’ Grant said surprised. He sat up and looked. ‘What does it say,’ he asked after unsuccessfully trying to read it upside down. ‘Testicular Tourniquet for a Rapist of Young Boys.’ the doctor read out. ‘What does that mean?’ Grant demanded. ‘It would appear that you raped some young boys, so someone put a tourniquet around your balls and painted a torniquet warning message on your belly.’ the doctor told him.
He gave the sister the scissors back. ‘Perhaps I’d better wait and do it in theatre,’ he said. After he had left Grant said, ‘What are you going to do to me?’ ‘We’re going to put a tube in your bum, then pour a gallon of soapy water inside you,’ the sister said. ‘Then all your excrement will wash out into a bedpan leaving your bowels empty. You will then go into theatre where the doctor will put a camera up your bum and see what damage has been done.’
‘But don’t worry,’ she said, ‘You won’t feel any more pain than your victims.’ ‘I haven’t got any victims.’ he snapped, ‘I told you I was just attacked.’ ‘So shall I ring the police for you to report it?’ sister asked.
‘I’ve had enough of this,’ he said, getting off the trolley. ‘I don’t advise you to leave without treatment.’ sister told him, ‘You could do serious damage to yourself.’ ‘F ... you,’ Grant said, ‘I’m going.’ ‘Well, you’ll need to sign a form to discharge yourself,’ sister said, ‘Otherwise I’ll have to get the police to bring you back for your own safety. I’ll go and get one.’
A few minutes later she returned with the form which Grant signed and walked out carrying his two bin bags. After walking a short distance from the hospital, he was in agony again, so he found a derelict shop and settled down in the doorway. He couldn’t get comfortable but at least the pains in his bum had eased a bit. He decided to have a play with himself in the hope it would send him to sleep, so he put his hand inside his trousers. After he had played with his cock for a while with no effect, he remembered what the doctor had said about his balls. He had a feel around and realised that when he touched his balls there was no feeling of his touch. Exploring around he could just about feel the fishing twine buried in his skin.
He could see nothing for it but to go back to the hospital. It took him close on an hour to struggle back, having to keep resting on the way. When he staggered into the accident and emergency unit the receptionist recognised him. ‘Stay there,’ she said and fetched the sister.
‘I can’t feel my balls,’ he said as soon as she appeared. ‘You were told you needed attention,’ she said, ‘But you chose to leave. Come with me.’ She took him back to the treatment room, gave him a gown and told him, ‘Strip completely. I’ll be back in a moment with the enema.’ He was still struggling to climb on the trolley when she returned with a big jug, a bed pan, and some tubing.
Getting a box for him to stand on, sister helped him up. Once he was lying down, she told him to draw his knees up. This time he obeyed in silence. Sister pushed the end of the pipe up his bum a few inches which made him cry out in agony. A nurse appeared to help. She held the tube up in the air whilst sister put a funnel in the top of the tube. Then after getting all the air out of it, she poured the whole jug of soapy water down the tube.
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