The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: Lens Secret Dreams

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Lens Secret Dreams - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘That embarrassed you, but you couldn’t help but enjoy it could you?’ Lewis asked. Len actually opened his eyes, gave a grin and answered ‘No, it felt lovely.’ ‘Right,’ Lewis said, ‘Now we are getting somewhere.

‘You know that I know you have an erection. I’ve seen your trousers move because your erection is moving. I’ve even felt your erection moving under my hand. So do you think that you can stop feeling embarrassed about it now, with me at least.’

As he moved on down Lens legs, he said, ‘I hope so, I’ll do my best.’ ‘Great,’ Lewis told him, ‘Then you will be able to enjoy your feeling to the full.’ As he started back up his legs, Lewis asked, ‘Are you a virgin?’ ‘Yes,’ came a fairly quick reply and with no sign of a blush. Reaching the top of his thighs Lewis asked, ‘Who was the first girl you dreamt of that made you erect?’

As he moved up onto his trousers and massaged all over, Len told him, ‘Jennifer, who was in my class at school.’ As he thought about her his bulge which had grown even bigger, waved about. Lewis massaged over it then rested his hand still on top of it.

‘Did you fire the first time you dreamt about her?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ Len told him as his cock throbbed again. ‘Look at my hand,’ Lewis said. When Len looked down, Lewis said, ‘Imagine you were describing where my hand is to someone who wasn’t in this room, what would you say?’

‘It’s resting between my legs on my cock over my trousers.’ he replied. ‘Now describe the state of your cock the same way,’ Lewis said. ‘It’s erected, very hard and waving about.’ Len answered. ‘Now describe how you are feeling about it.’ ‘I feel amazed that I’m only slightly embarrassed about it,’ Len said. ‘Plus, I’m loving the feelings I’m getting.’ he added.

‘Have you ever told anyone else anything remotely like that?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, never,’ Len said, ‘I would never have dreamt of telling anyone even the smallest part of what I’ve told you.’

‘That’s fantastic progress,’ Lewis said as he moved off his cock and started up over his stomach. ‘Now, since you had your first dream about Pauline, what other girls have you dreamt about?’ ‘No one,’ Len replied. ‘So, as you like her so much,’ Lewis said, ‘Why haven’t you asked her out on a date.’ As he massaged his chest then moved up onto his head Len said, ‘I actually went halfway up the stairs once, but I couldn’t do it. I turned back.’

Taking his hands off Lens head, Lewis said, ‘Before you turn over, I want you to take your top things off.’ He explained about the link between uncovering your body and your mind. ‘It shouldn’t give you a problem being a swimmer,’ he added.

That seemed logical so Len sat up, pulled his top things off, threw them aside, lay down and turned over. Lewis looked down at him. He was similar height to Lewis but well-padded all over. Little enough for it not to show through his clothes but obvious when uncovered.’

Resting his hands on Lens head, Lewis started massaging. As he moved down onto his bare shoulders, he could feel through the padding that his muscles were quite soft. ‘When did you last go swimming?’ he asked. As Lewis moved down his bare back, Len told him, ‘I haven’t been for years. Once George started growing breasts he wouldn’t go and having no one else to go with I stopped going.’

Moving up onto his trousers and massaging his cheeks, Lewis asked. ‘Where your dreams about George before or after he kissed you?’ After Len said, ‘It had never occurred... ‘ He broke off going beetroot red as he realised what he had said. ‘How did you know?’ he whispered sounding horrified.

As he moved down his legs Lewis told him, ‘His kiss excited you so much that you erected. So, you were bound to dream about it afterwards.’ Reaching his feet and starting back up, Lewis said, ‘Which did you dream about, kissing him, playing with him or firing him?’ ‘All thr...,’ Len broke off once more. Massaging his cheeks, Lewis told him, ‘After we shared our dreams, my pal and I did all three and we fired each other. If you hadn’t been too shy to tell George, you two would probably have done the same.’

‘Really?’ Len said sounding incredulous. As Lewis reached his shoulders Lewis answered, ‘I’m sure of it.’ Massaging his head he said, ‘Turn over.’ This time Len turned over right away, even though his cock was still hard and pushing the front of his trousers out in a bulge. He lay there looking quite relaxed.

‘When I go down this time,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ll undo your trousers to take the pressure off your stomach. It’ll make you relax even more.’ He massaged his temples then moved down onto his shoulders. Lens chest was more padding than muscle although it didn’t look too bad. He had medium thick patch of dark hair in a small patch around and between his nipples.

As he ran his fingers through the hairs, Len gave a shiver and made a happy sounding noise. Lewis asked him, ‘When George asked you about being the first to have sex with him after his operation, you immediately got a hard on. So, I assume that later that evening you dreamt of doing just that, correct?’

As Lewis massaged down his bare stomach, Len went slightly red again as he answered quietly, ‘Yes.’ As he moved down towards his waist Lewis told him, ‘I know in your dream the sex with George would have been lovely and I’m sure you got a wonderful sensation as you fired. But just imagine for the moment that George had gone through with it. He would have been given a vagina, so would you have done as he asked?’

Part way through, Lewis had reached Lens waist. He took hold of his belt and waited. Len seemed to be totally engrossed in his question, so he undid it. Then as Len was still busy deciding, he undid his top button and slid his zip down slowly.

Len didn’t seem to have even noticed. As Lewis moved on down his legs, he was still trying to decide. As Lewis reached his feet and started back up, he said, ‘I don’t know for sure. I’d love to have sex, but would I want to do it with George even if he was Georgina by then. On the other hand, for his benefit I’d rather his first time was with me than someone else. I think the opportunity to experience sex would probably tip the scales.’ he mused almost to himself. ‘So yes.’

As Lewis massaged over the front of his now open trousers, his hand passed over Lens shorts directly over his stiff cock which was now able to wave about even more due to the loose trousers. Len seemed to be surprised to see that they were undone but showed no sign of embarrassment. Indeed, as Lewis’s hand slid over it he let out a distinct ‘mmm’

Moving on up his soft bare stomach, Lewis asked, ‘Have you ever had a dream where you and Georgina became a couple and moved in together?’ ‘No certainly not.’ Len said sounding quite indignant.

As he moved up onto his chest Lewis asked, ‘How about Pauline, have you dreamt of living together with her as a couple?’ Len blushed as he answered, ‘Yes, lots of times.’

As he massaged his head, Lewis told him, ‘If you feel relaxed enough, I want you to turn over so I can go down your back once more. Because your trousers are now loose, I will massage your cheeks directly over your shorts. When I do, if you feel really relaxed, lift your hips up so I can slide them down. Then I can massage the back of your legs directly on the skin.’

‘Turn over whenever you are ready.’ After the slightest of pauses, Len turned over. Once he was settled Lewis massaged his head for a moment then as he moved down onto his shoulders he asked, ‘In the last month, or say thirty days, how many nights did you have an erotic dream about Pauline, how many about George and how many about anyone else.’

As Lewis moved down his back and reached his waist, Len was still doing his sums. Lewis slid his hand inside his trousers and massaged Lens cheeks directly over his shorts. A distinct ‘mmm’ escaped Lens lips. Then as Lewis brought his hand out Len answered, ‘Twenty-seven about Pauline, three about George and no one else.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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