The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Lens Erection Terror

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Lens Erection Terror - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  


Sunday morning Lewis got two texts. The first one was from Len who thanked him for looking after George and asked if they could meet up. Lewis texted back and said Len could come round next Saturday or it might be possible one evening. Len text back saying George had told him he used the back room of a shop so if it was any help, he was welcome to come round to Lens flat. After exchanging a few more texts Lewis arranged to call round Tuesday evening.

An hour later he got another one. ‘Hi Lewis,’ it said, ‘Thanks again for yesterday, I’ve passed on your message to Len and given him your number. I had a lovely dream last night. E yes. F yes. I’ll let you know how I get on. Enormous thanks again, GEORGE!’

Lewis smiled, happy at the result.


Tuesday evening Lewis left home to walk round to Lens who lived twenty minutes away. Buzzing on the intercom at the communal door, Len let him in. Arriving at the first floor, Len was standing at his front door waiting. He shook hands and said, ‘Thanks for coming, come in.’

They went into the kitchen where he made them both a coffee. Lens flat was a kitchen, dining area and lounge in one. Lewis presumed that the two doors off the lounge were a bedroom and bathroom. As they sat at the table, Len smiled at him, ‘I was over the moon when George rang to tell me he wasn’t going through with his operation. I’ve always told him I thought he was making the wrong choice, but he was so determined.’

‘But you still remained staunch friends,’ Lewis said, ‘That was a credit to you.’ ‘We’d been friends for a long time,’ Len said, ‘Even though I hated calling him Georgina, he was still my friend.’ They chatted generally for a bit then Len said, ‘George said you told him you knew why I got upset when he kissed me. How could you possibly know that?’

‘Since I discovered I could do it, I’ve helped a lot of people,’ Lewis said. ‘A side effect of that is I can often pick things up without being specifically told. I could of course be wrong. I’ll tell you what I think in a moment. Before I do, will you tell me a little about your life at present.’

‘Sure,’ Len said, ‘I’m almost twenty, the same as George. I live here on my own, I work as a forklift truck driver in a local factory. My parents recently moved to live in Tilstock, Shropshire. I like cooking, walking, and swimming.’ He stopped, thought for a moment and added, ‘A bit dull really isn’t it.’

‘Not necessarily,’ Lewis told him, ‘As long as you are happy. Let me tell you what I think of you and what happened with George based on my very brief time with you, what George said and what you have just told me. Then you can either throw me out or let me help you.’

‘You are a very shy and private person,’ Lewis began. ‘You get on with most people, but you find mixing with someone you don’t know extremely difficult. You are a loyal friend and a very nice person. You have made yourself a life which you are happy with, but often feel you are missing out on things. Sex for instance as I guess you are still a virgin. You also get increasing spells of feeling lonely.’ As Lewis mentioned sex and being a virgin, Len went very red.

Lewis continued, ‘When George had his sudden urge years ago and kissed you, the same thing happened to you then as happened when he told you about his operation. When he asked if you would be his first sex as a woman, you got a whopping great erection. That made you so embarrassed you turned away from him to stop him seeing it.’

Len went even redder, if that was possible, he looked horrified, ‘How could you possibly know that. I’m sure George didn’t realise so he couldn’t have told you?’ ‘As I told you earlier,’ Lewis answered, ‘I can pick up things without being told. But also, remember that I am a boy just like you. I have the same feelings and urges. I have a friend who has kissed me too, so it’s only natural to assume that your reaction would be the same as mine.’

‘The only difference is that you had a fit of embarrassment and turned away, whilst I enjoyed it. Then I enjoyed it even more when I saw that he had one too. So, then we both enjoyed ourselves.’

Len was looking confused. ‘So are you telling me that my reaction was normal.’ he asked. ‘Perfectly,’ Lewis told him. ‘Being such a good friend of George’s, it wouldn’t have bothered you if you hadn’t been so shy.’

Len went silent for a while, clearly thinking back. Then he asked, ‘Before, you said that you could help me if I wanted. What do you think I need help with?’ ‘I’ll need to know a lot more about you before I can list them all,’ Lewis said, ‘But clearly you need help to understand and deal with your sexual desires, your shyness, particularly at the mere mention of sex and of course your natural desire to have a girlfriend which you have almost given up on.’

‘If I were to help you,’ Lewis continued, ‘Which I’d like to do, we would go over to the settee where you would lie down. I would start off by massaging your back from head to toe whilst I asked you questions about you and your life. Then when you were relaxed enough with me, we could then discuss those things you have a problem with and how to deal with them.’

‘Once I have sorted all that out, we can then look at how you and George can work together to help each other in future. So, thank you for the coffee. It’s been nice to meet you. Let’s get up now and then you decide whether to show me to the door, or to the settee.’

‘But before you decide, just let me tell you that if you do start, you can stop anytime you wish. Also, no one will hear from me anything that you say or do this evening.’

Lewis stood up, ‘You lead, I’ll follow,’ he said with a smile. Len got up and moved away from the table. Lewis followed as Len crossed the room but instead of heading for the door, he moved over to the settee. Then he stopped and looked at Lewis awaiting instructions.

‘Take your shoes off and lie down.’ he told him. Once Len was settled with his head on the arm, Lewis sat on the edge by his knees. ‘In a moment he told him, I want you to turn over onto your front. I will then massage from your head to your feet and back again whilst I ask you questions about yourself and your life.’

‘If I ask you anything that’s too embarrassing just yet, say ‘Pass’ and we’ll come back to it later. When you do answer, remember how little I know about you and give as much detail as you can. Turn over when you’re ready.’

Len turned over almost immediately. He had been shaken by Lewis’s very accurate reading of him. Also, Lewis had succeeded in a few hours with George. Whereas he had struggled unsuccessfully for years to convince him was all the proof he needed that Lewis knew what he was doing. The idea that all the things he struggled with might disappear also gave him a very happy feeling.

As all this was going through his head, Lewis had rested his hands on the back of Lens head and begun massaging it. It gave Len a lovely relaxing feeling. ‘When did you move into this flat and why?’ Lewis asked. As he moved down onto Lens shoulders he replied, ‘About six months after I had left school and started work.’

‘Dad had retired early through ill health. They had the offer of a bungalow near Whitchurch which would be easier for them and nearer to other relatives. I could have moved with them, but I was in the middle of being trained to drive the forklift. Also, I liked where I worked. So, I went looking and found this flat.’

‘Because of my age, Dad had to stand guarantor, but that was fine, they were happy to see me settled.’ As Lewis reached his waist he asked, ‘How often do you see your parents?’ As he moved up onto Len’s trousers and massaged his cheeks, Len went a little tense but answered, ‘Usually about once a fortnight. I get the train to Whitchurch, then they collect me at the station. I usually stay for a weekend.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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