The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Georgina Gets an Erection
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Georgina Gets an Erection - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Stay sitting up,’ Lewis told her. He went and sat in place of the end cushion of the settee. Then putting the cushion on his knee called Georgina to lie down. Once she was settled with her head on his lap, Lewis put one hand on her head and massaged it. His other hand he laid still on her stomach.
Smiling down at her he said, ‘Start with your kissing Len then take me through your feelings and actions right up to today. Try and show me all your reasons for doing whatever you did.’
Georgina closed her eyes and collected her thoughts. She turned her mind back to that day when aged thirteen she had thrown her arms around her friend Len and kissed him.
‘As we were kissing,’ she said, ‘He suddenly seemed to panic. He broke away and went very red. He turned his back on me and wouldn’t look at me or speak to me for ages.’ ‘Had you ever had a desire to kiss him before then,’ Lewis asked. ‘No, never.’ she answered.
‘Try and think back to the moment just before he started to panic,’ Lewis asked as he slowly moved his hand to rest over her cock which was still soft. Georgina lay still, her eyes closed trying to remember. Lewis stroked her cock very gently.
Then she suddenly had a flash back. ‘I felt something pressing into me by my cock,’ she said, ‘Then I started to erect.’ ‘Ok, well done.’ Lewis said replacing his hand on her stomach. ‘What happened next? ‘It had obviously been a shock and had upset him,’ she said. ‘I apologised and told him I wouldn’t hurt him for the world.’ He seemed to be ok by then.
‘He said, ‘Please don’t do that again.’ I said I wouldn’t and ever after things were as they had always been between us. Then a while later I started to dream about Len being my boyfriend. After a while I started dreaming that we were in bed together. The first few times I dreamt I was firing Len by hand, just like I was doing to myself.’
‘But before long, my dreams changed so that we were making love. But it was Len who was making love to me. My dreams felt so much more exciting after that and soon I was dreaming that I was a girl and Lens cock was in my vagina.’
‘Did you say anything to Len?’ Lewis asked. ‘Not at first,’ she said. ‘Then one day we were alone at his again. I told him I had been dreaming about him at night. He blushed a little then asked what I’d dreamt. When I told him he had made love to me he went bright red and rushed out of the room.’
‘Nothing more was said, and things returned to normal between us. My dreams continued. However, they got more erotic. I was now clear in my mind that in those dreams, I was a woman with women’s parts.’
‘I secretly bought a bra and some panties, wearing them when I was alone at home. They gave me some lovely feelings and the feel of the flimsy panties on my cock was so exciting.’
‘As time went on, I started thinking of myself as a woman then when I was fifteen and a half, I went to see my doctor. I told him I felt I was in the wrong body and wanted a sex change. He was very nice, he explained it wasn’t something to rush into and in any case as I was underage, he couldn’t do anything. ‘Even with parental consent I couldn’t.’ he said.’
‘However, think about it very seriously,’ he told me. ‘If you still feel the same come back and see me when you’re sixteen and I’ll give you some tablets to stop you getting an erection. They will also make your breasts grow. Then when you are eighteen, I’ll put you on the waiting list for a sex change. He explained what that entailed, but the only thing that stuck in my mind is that I would have a vagina instead of a cock so Len could make love to me.’
‘I went back just after my sixteenth birthday, so he put me on hormone tablets. After a few months I noticed my breasts growing and I stopped being able to erect or fire myself. My dreams continued though and a couple of times I actually fired, even though I was soft and not playing with myself.’
‘I told Len what I had done. He was astounded and said it was a big decision, I should be really sure about it. ‘Do they er, cut your thing off?’ He asked. When I told him yes, but they made a pocket inside instead so that I’d have a vagina, he went a bit green looking. ‘I don’t think you should do it,’ he said, ‘But it’s your decision, I’ll always be here for you.’ I was dying to ask him how he would feel being the first one to make love to the new me, but I couldn’t do it. I guess I was frightened he might say definitely not.’
‘As I came up to leaving school, I could no longer hide my breasts at home although I had strapped them flat for school. My mum mentioned it and that was when I told her how I felt. She was horrified and burst into tears. That night she told my dad and my brother overheard. He said I was queer and stormed out.’
‘Both parents said I couldn’t do it and a major argument ensued. When I pointed out that at eighteen, I could do what I liked we had a shouting match and I said I was going to move out. ‘You can’t, they said you’re too young to support yourself. I had intended staying on at school, so I had no income at that stage.’
‘After that I was determined to get my own place. I got a job with a publishing firm as an office girl. I went dressed as a girl, but I explained to the boss who interviewed me that I was really male but planning on a sex change operation. He was very good, he took me on, told me no one else need to know unless I chose to tell them as there were several toilets around the place. He would arrange for me to have the sole use of one of them.’
‘I left school and started work. I was still living at home so there was another row about my leaving school. Plus, they were horrified at me going out dressed as a girl. They were so worried about what the neighbours would think that dad stood guarantor for me on a one-bedroom flat on the understanding it would only be for six months. ‘So, you can get it out of your system.’ as my dad put it.
‘Mum and dad visited me a couple of times but although it wasn’t said, I knew I wasn’t welcome to visit them. Towards the end of the six months, I was getting on really well at work, I was good at what I did and started doing proof reading for them, with a rise in pay. That meant I could get a better flat, so I rented the one I have now and gave my notice in on the other one.’
‘They must have notified mum and dad that they would no longer be guarantors, so they came round to visit the last week I was there. I took them to see my new flat which they agreed was nice. Away from home and out of sight of the neighbours, they didn’t seem to have any problem being seen with me dressed as a girl.’
‘I made it clear that I intended going ahead with my operation and whilst they clearly didn’t approve, they seemed to accept it. My brother though had nothing more to do with me. Just after my eighteenth birthday I returned to the doctors. He put me on the waiting list for the operation.’
‘Life went on as normal for a year. Then last month I got an appointment to the hospital. I saw the surgeon who explained in detail what he would do. He said it would still be another six months unless there were any cancellations.’
‘I left the hospital sad about the delay but pleased to be getting close. Then the next day I started having doubts. I don’t think I’d really given serious thought to having my cock and my balls cut off. What if I didn’t like being a woman. What if no one wanted me because I had been born a man. I rang Len and told him all about it. He said he had heard his mum talking to someone about a wonderful young chap who could solve everyone’s problems, so he said he’d try and find out more.’
‘He rang me back yesterday to say I could come today so here I am. When he rang to tell me, I asked him the question I had been far too scared to ask last time we met. ‘When I am fully a woman,’ I said, ‘Will you be the first to make love to me?’ He went very quiet then he said, ‘I’m very fond of you,’ he told me. ‘I always have been, and I always will be no matter what your sex. But I just couldn’t do that. Whatever you end up as, you’ll always be my best pal George to me.’
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