The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Oscars Erotic Adventures

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Oscars Erotic Adventures - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As Danny reached his head and gave it a brief massage, he told him to turn over. As he got settled, Oscar gave him an embarrassed grin. ‘How did you know?’ he asked.

‘You told me in a way,’ Danny said, ‘After you and Myles had fired each other, it was almost certain you would have had dreams about the two of you together. It would follow from that you would then have similar dreams about your other close friends. It gives you a lovely selection of dreams to choose from each night, doesn’t it?’

Oscar nodded sheepishly, then said, ‘Do you mean that you... ‘ ‘Yes,’ Danny said with a grin, ‘It’s a normal horny teenager thing. And if you’re lucky some of them become more than just a dream. But we are digressing. I’m going to go down your front again. As I pass over your waist, I’ll undo your trousers to release the pressure off your stomach. It will also give you some more relaxing options next time you turn over. Don’t forget you can say stop anytime you want. If you do, I’ll return to your head and start down again.’

Massaging the front of Oscars head, Danny said, ‘Tell me about the first time you and Myles saw each other naked, and how it progressed from there.’ As he moved down onto his shoulders, Oscar who couldn’t believe how relaxed he felt at what he was about to say, began his tale.

‘We were on holiday late in the year with Myles’s parents in the lake district,’ he said. ‘They had gone into the nearest town for the day, so we went for a walk through the countryside. It was a lovely day, and we weren’t intending to go very far, so we went in T shirt and shorts.’

Danny had massaged down his chest which was very bony. There were hardly any hairs on it, but his shoulders were wider than his hips. As he moved over his stomach which was completely flat, Danny thought to himself, If he was in just his shorts and standing sideways to me, I’d have a job to see him.

Oscar continued, ‘We walked several miles, then started back to the cottage we were renting. Halfway back the weather changed and there was a torrential downpour. We were both soaked to the skin in seconds. It kept raining all the way back so when we reached the cottage, we were dripping wet.’

‘There was a small shower room on the ground floor, and we were both starting to shiver so we got into the shower together, just as we were. The hot water soon warmed us up and Myles said, ‘Now were in here we may as well have a shower. He stripped all his things off and threw them out onto the tiled floor.’

As Danny reached his waist he paused. Oscar was in full flow showing no sign of stopping so Danny undid his belt, then his top button before carrying on down over the front of his trousers. His cock had grown noticeably and was fairly firm. It felt as if it was around the same size as Danny’s.

Without a pause Oscar continued, ‘I was looking at him, and seeing he looked near enough the same size as me, I thought what the hell, and stripped off too. We had a shower and being such a small area, we bumped into each other several times.’

‘When we got out to get dry, we were both semi hard. We looked at each other a little embarrassed then Myles said, ‘It’s because we were bumping into each other naked. Nothing to worry about and if you can’t get a hard on with your best mate, who can you.’

‘I’d been fighting it to stop it growing any harder up to then, but on hearing him say that I gave up. I shot up to fully hard in seconds. Seeing me Myles’s cock followed suit. He told me after he had been fighting it too, but when he saw mine spring up, he couldn’t hold it back.’

As Danny reached his waist once more, he took hold of Oscars zip and slid it down. His cock was now completely hard as he was remembering his experiences with Myles, so it pushed his shorts out, relieved to have some space.

Oscar unperturbed carried on without a break. ‘We stood looking at each other, I think our desire to inspect and compare with each other wiped out our embarrassment. We were standing fairly close, and I couldn’t resist reaching out and taking hold of Myles’s erection to see what it felt like.’

‘It throbbed in my hand sending an amazing feeling through me. Myles made a happy sounding noise too then he reached out and took hold of mine. Another lovely feeling surged through me at his touch. It was clear from his face how much Myles was enjoying the sensation too.’

‘We stood there for what seemed ages, enjoying the feel of the others cock throbbing in our hand whilst at the same time we felt the others hand on our own cock. Neither of us stopped throbbing the whole time.’

Danny reached his head and interrupted his flow to say, ‘Turn over.’ Once he was on his front, Danny said, ‘When I reach your waist I’ll massage inside your trousers over your shorts. If you feel relaxed enough, lift your hips so I can slip your trousers down and massage the back of your legs on your skin.’

As Oscar was about to resume his tale, he said, ‘Danny, I’m so happy that I came today.’ ‘Thank you,’ Danny said. ‘You’ll be even happier when you go home and leave your problem behind. Carry on with your story.’

‘Then Myles grinned at me,’ Oscar continued, ‘We can’t stand here like this all day, but I don’t want it to end. How do you feel about going upstairs and firing each other?’ I couldn’t believe my ears, was this really the quiet shy Myles saying that. But I had no hesitation in saying, ‘It would be a lovely experience wouldn’t it.’

‘Let’s finish getting dry, then go up to our bedroom.’ he said. Reluctantly we let go of each other and finished drying ourselves. Then we walked naked upstairs into our room. We were sharing in a room with two single beds. As soon as we were in the room and the door was shut, Myles turned to me and said, ‘We could fire each other at the same time, but I think it would be better to do one after the other, then we can both enjoy it to the full.’

As Danny reached his waist, he slid his hands inside and massaged his cheeks directly over his shorts. Oscar paused to enjoy the feeling, commenting, ‘That’s so nice,’ As Danny started to draw his hand out, Oscar lifted his hips up. Danny slid his trousers down to below his knees and as he massaged his cheeks again, this time with both hands, Oscar made some happy noises before continuing, ‘That sounds great to me,’ I told him as we stood facing each other, our hard cocks still sticking out in front of us. He smiled at me and said, ‘As you’re here as my guest, I should fire you first, is that ok?’ ‘I felt so excited at the prospect that as I replied, ‘Oh yes, definitely,’ I moved forward and hugged him.’

‘As our cocks touched, we both felt an amazingly lovely feeling shoot through us and we held each other tight for ages. Our cocks were now squashed flat on our abdomens side by side between us. As they throbbed like mad it sent another lovely feeling through us.’

‘If we don’t move soon,’ I said, ‘I’ll be firing right here.’ Myles gave me a squeeze which I returned then we stepped back. ‘Go and lie on your bed,’ he said, ‘I’ll be back in a second.’ He returned a few moments later with a handful of toilet paper, a flannel and a towel.

As Danny reached his head, Oscar turned over without being asked. He settled in place completely un phased at his cock, now as hard as nails, clearly sticking up in his shorts. Giving Danny a happy smile he continued, ‘Good thinking,’ I told him, ‘I hadn’t thought of that.’ He came and sat on the edge of my bed by my knees. He was facing me, so he took hold of my cock with one hand then took my balls in his other hand. He played with them both as he had a closer look at them, then giving me a lovely smile, he started stroking my cock.’

‘I closed my eyes and let my mind concentrate on the amazing feelings going through me. He was still playing with my balls and as he speeded up on my cock, I soon felt my special feeling start.’

‘It grew very quickly. We hadn’t said what to do about firing and I was well past being able to stop it happening by now. I called out, ‘I’m getting very near.’ Myles just went faster and a few seconds later I called out, ‘I’m coming.’ I had barely finished saying coming when the fantastic feeling shot through me, I cried out ecstatically and at the same time my cock swelled and throbbed as it shot out four great spurts of cum.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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