The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis smiled at him, ‘I’m happy to help in any way that I can,’ he said, ‘But why would I want to take you to the police station?’ Ernie looked surprised. ‘I’ve just confessed to a murder,’ he said.
‘Sit up,’ Lewis told him. Lewis got up and returned to sit on the side of the settee. He took Ernie in his arms and hugged him. Ernie put his head on Lewis’s shoulder and held him close.
‘You’ve done no such thing,’ Lewis told him. ‘You have confessed to saving your mum from being raped. You’ve confessed to hitting the rapist when he tried to attack you. You’ve confessed to hitting the rapist again when he ran at you threatening to kill you. To my mind those actions are a credit to you.’
‘Ok, so you disposed of a body which is illegal, but ask yourself who cares? From what you have told me no one, not even his own mother cares that he has disappeared.’
‘The world is clearly a much better place for his absence. Personally, from what you’ve told me about him, I’d give you a medal for getting rid of him. Your brother must have felt that his attacker had been properly dealt with. Nothing you do now can change that.
‘But let’s look at how everyone else is affected by your decision now. First of all, let’s look at what happens if we put it all behind us and move on. Your mum lives the rest of her days happily and in peace. You know that your attacker has been dealt with and will not hurt anyone else ever. After today you can get over it. No one is the slightest bit interested in where Damian has gone, so no one will ever come looking for him.’
‘Then let’s look at what would happen if you went and confessed to murder. Although I very much doubt that you’d be charged with anything other than illegally disposing of a dead body, you might possibly go to prison briefly. At best it would be all over the paper, you’d lose customers, and your life would be hell.’
‘Your mum has already lost two sons. She would suffer terribly knowing you were in prison. I doubt she would care about Damian. After all, she was there, she knows exactly what happened. But she would have to state publicly that her own son tried to rape her. I can’t begin to imagine how she would feel about that.’
‘The family living happily in their bungalow would have their lives wrecked as the police dug up their foundations to recover a body that no one wants, just so that they could replant it somewhere else. They would probably have to move house.’
‘It would come out that Adam helped you dispose of a body so that would ruin the lives of Julie, Ella and Gemma. They might not be able to see you ever again which would upset you as well as each one of them.’
‘Ella could well break up with me because it would come out that I had been responsible for uncovering it all and driving you to go to the police.’
‘So no, I will not be taking you to the police and as I promised you at the start, I will not be telling anyone anything that you have told me in this room.’
‘Because you have told me the story, you now have someone who knows everything that happened to you. So, if anything worries you in future, you can talk to me about it. But my recommendation is that you accept his death was an accident brought about by his own evil actions. Your disposal was to save your mum trauma and has harmed no one.’
He felt Ernie’s shoulders start heaving and realised he was crying. ‘Let it go,’ Lewis said, ‘It’s ok to cry and there’s no one here to see you.’ He held him tight and stroked his head as Ernie cried his heart out.
As he came to a stop, Lewis kissed his cheek. ‘That’s the end of it now,’ he said, ‘Time to forget all about it and move on with your life. Go and wash your face,’ he told him, ‘Then we’ll look at where you go from here.’
When he returned from the bathroom Ernie looked bright and cheerful. Lewis stood up and gave him a hug. ‘Go and sit in the armchair,’ Lewis told him. Ernie sat down and made himself comfortable. Lewis put a cushion on the floor between his feet.
‘Now put your legs up on the arms,’ he told him. Lewis knelt down on the cushion and took hold of Ernie’s cock. The new position and Lewis’s touch made it start to swell.
Lewis smiled up at him. ‘After telling me your story,’ he said, ‘Before we move on, you deserve a reward. Now if you and Adam and Derek hadn’t been so shy with each other, you might well have moved on to other experiences. You have experienced holding someone else’s cock in your hand and firing it. You have also had someone else hold and fire your own cock. The next experience after that which you haven’t yet tried is being sucked.’
‘That is your reward,’ Lewis said with a smile. Ernie’s cock jumped around in excitement at the thought. He wasn’t entirely sure what being sucked entailed but the word itself suggested it would give a lot of pleasure.
‘All you need to do is relax and enjoy,’ Lewis told him. ‘You should have no problem with that now,’ he added with another grin. ‘When you get ready to fire, tap on my head to let me know, but don’t stop, just let yourself go and leave me to deal with your cum, ok?’
‘Ok,’ Ernie said nodding happily. Lewis took hold of his balls and played with them. That made Ernie cry out as well as making his cock do a dance. Keeping hold of his balls with one hand, Lewis grabbed his cock with the other and held it still.
That seemed to give Ernie a great deal of pleasure too, judging by the happy cry he let out. His eyes were tight shut, and he had a big smile on his face. Lewis leaned forward and wrapped his lips around Ernie’s tip. As soon as it was gripped by his lips he let go with his hand and slid his mouth right down until his lips touched Ernie’s hairs.
Ernie sounded like he was going to be sick, he was making so many happy noises at once. Then he managed to call out, ‘Oh that’s wonderful, it’s amazing, Lewis I’m so happy.’
Lewis started moving his mouth up and down which made Ernie’s cock throb about in his mouth. It also sent Ernie back into his incoherent happy noises. As Lewis increased his speed, so did the volume of Ernie’s cries increase.
Unknown to Ernie, Lewis had put a little container of oil on the floor between his knees. He dipped his index finger into it, then as he increased his speed on Ernie’s cock, he rubbed his oily finger around the opening to Ernie’s bum.
Ernie felt the wonderful feelings that he was experiencing go even better, although he didn’t know why. Anyway, he didn’t care, he was content to relax and enjoy as Lewis had instructed. As Lewis kept moving on his cock, he put fresh oil on his finger and pushed it gently against Ernie’s bum.
Because he was so relaxed in enjoyment, his muscles were all relaxed, so Lewis’s finger slid in easily. He slid in an inch, moved it in and out a couple of times, then took it out again. A fresh dip in the oil then back in but going in two inches this time. Several thrusts in, in time with his mouth, then another dip in the oil.
This time he increased the speed of his mouth and slid his finger all the way in, moving in slowly. A couple of movements then he slid his finger out, re oiled it, then slid it back all the way in once more.
Ernie was making loud continuous happy noises now. Satisfied there was enough oil inside Ernie, Lewis now started moving his finger in and out to match the movement of his mouth. Ernie was making so much noise now that Lewis was thinking to himself, I hope his heart is strong.
Very shortly Ernie tapped on his head. Lewis went a little faster with his mouth, and with his finger. Then as he felt Ernie go rigid all over, his cock swelled in Lewis’s mouth, his bum muscles clamped down on Lewis’s finger and as a great blast of cum filled Lewis’s mouth, Ernie literally screamed with joy as he experienced the nicest sensation he had ever had.
As his cum pumped out, Lewis swallowed it as fast as he could, then at the same time he slowly drew his finger out of Ernie’s bum. As it came right out, Ernie’s cum stopped flowing. Lewis lapped up the last bit, licked Ernie’s now softening tip, then as Ernie shivered and gave another happy cry, he let his cock slip out of his mouth.
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