The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Death On The Doorstep

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Death On The Doorstep - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Yes,’ Ernie answered, ‘About three weeks later. He had been out as usual, up to no good I’ve no doubt. He came into the lounge where mum and I were. Mum said hello but he just ignored her. ‘I’m going to bed,’ he said looking at me and indicating with his eyes for me to follow.’

‘Then as he turned for the door, he gave himself a gentle punch over his kidney for my benefit. I waited a while then I went upstairs. He was standing in his doorway.’ ‘You took your time he snapped, get in here.’ ‘I meekly followed him in and closed the door.’

‘You know what to do,’ he said, ‘Get on with it.’ I glared at him as I had the urge to hit him and go, but as I told you earlier, I had never been a fighter. I stripped off and watched as he stripped too. He was erecting in anticipation as he did. I stayed soft this time, knowing what was coming.’

‘Once he was fully up, he snapped, ‘Bend over the bed again.’ I did and waited anxiously for the impact. Sure enough, no subtlety or consideration with Damian, his hard tip hit at full speed and raced right up my bum. I just stood there thinking of all the terrible things I wanted to do to him if I just had some courage.’

‘Soon I could tell he was getting near. Relieved that the ordeal was almost over I found myself looking forward to him firing. Sure, enough moments later he thrust in extra hard and his jet of wet cum filled my insides. He cried out happily as he shot. I remember thinking it was only the second time in my life I had heard him sound happy.’

‘As his cock shrank, he pulled straight out, turned away and put his shorts on. I got up and picked up my clothes. As I headed for the door he said, ‘As you’re behaving, I might let you lie down next time. I just glared at him with pure hatred and walked out.’

‘I had a shower and lay awake for ages trying to work out a way of stopping it. I didn’t want to move out or leave mum alone with him. But I couldn’t think of any practical answer. I went to sleep hoping that whatever bad things he was doing elsewhere to get money would lead to him getting arrested and locked up.’

‘I was sore again for a few days afterwards then things returned to normal once more. By the end of the week, I had convinced myself that next time it happened I would use my size and strength to flatten him, to hell with the consequences.’

Lewis smiled at him, ‘And did you?’ he asked. ‘I don’t know if I would have done had it actually happened,’ Ernie told him, ‘Realistically, probably not, but before it did, something far worse happened.’

‘I’d been home with mum all evening, then after the news at ten there was a film, I decided I’d like to watch. Mum decided it wasn’t her thing and went off to bed. An hour later Damian arrived home. He had as usual been drinking but seemed more worse for wear than normal.’ He said, ‘Follow me up, I want you.’

‘No,’ I said firmly, ‘I want to see this film.’ He came towards me, so I stood up. He glared at me and turned away. I presume that he realised he was too much under the influence to take me on. ‘You’ll pay for this,’ he sneered as he went out.’

‘I sat down and had an uncontrollable shaking fit for several minutes after what I had done. Then deciding there was nothing I could do about it now, I settled down to watch the film. Not long after at the adverts, I needed a wee, so I went up to the bathroom.’

‘As I came out, I head mum in her bedroom sounding frightened saying, ‘No, please don’t, please don’t.’ Then Damian said, ‘Shut up woman or you’ll feel the back of my hand,’ I couldn’t believe that even he would attack his mother, but whatever he was doing, she was clearly frightened and I couldn’t leave her to it.’

‘All thoughts of getting hurt disappeared, all my hatred of what he had done to me and presumably Adam too welled up inside me. Plus I thought, if I hadn’t insisted on watching the film he might not have gone after mum.’

‘All this seemed to flash through my brain in seconds, I burst through the door. I stopped dead, horrified at the sight that met my eyes. Mum was lying naked on the bed, her night dress torn into pieces and lying on the floor.’

‘Damian was naked, kneeling over her with his cock rock hard, clearly on the point of raping her. I screamed out, ‘You dirty bastard,’ as I lunged forward, grabbed his hair and pulled him off her.’

‘He flew through the air and crashed to the floor with a sickening thud. I went straight over to mum and as I pulled the duvet over her, I said, ‘Are you ok?’ She gave me a shaky smile, ‘I am now,’ she said, then her look changed to alarm, ‘Look out,’ she shouted.’

‘I turned to find Damian flying towards me, fists up and a look of pure hatred on his face, ‘I’ll kill you,’ he screamed. He had his clenched fists out in front of him. I had never thrown a punch at anyone in my life. I clenched my fist, drew it as far back as I could, then as he got close up and started to draw his own fists back to strike, I threw my fist forward aiming at the only vulnerable area I could see, his nose.’

‘As it hit, there was a terrible cracking noise. From the pain, I thought I’d broken every bone in my hand. He screamed in pain as he stopped dead then fell over backwards. His nose was pouring blood and he was crying out in pain, in between telling me what he would do to me.’

‘He got to his feet and headed towards me, one hand holding his nose. In the few seconds I had, my mind flashed back to a boxing match on tv that I had watched with my dad years ago. I suddenly remembered my dad, shouting at the tv, ‘He’s dropped his guard, hit him, hit him.’ The other boxer punched him, his fist starting low and hitting him under the chin. As the boxer fell, knocked out, my dad had said, ‘Now that was an uppercut if ever there was.’

‘Damian was coming towards me with a hand on his nose. His other hand was waving around in front of him, leaving his chin and below it wide open. I dropped my hand to my side, then brought it up with every bit of strength I could muster.’

‘It hit his chin with an audible smack. I screamed out as my already painful hand sent a terrible pain through me. Damian never made a sound, he almost lifted off his feet and fell over backwards hitting his head hard on the floor. He didn’t stir.’

‘I nursed my hand which was agonising, then went over to mum. ‘I’m going to drag him out and throw him out of the house,’ I told her, ‘Then I’ll bring you a cuppa and something to steady your nerves.’ ‘What about your hand,’ she asked. ‘Don’t worry,’ I said, ‘I’ll use the other one.’

‘I picked up a piece of mums torn nightie and tied Damian’s ankles together loosely. Then getting hold of it between his feet I dragged him out of the room and down the stairs.’

‘As his head thudded down each stair, I remember thinking he’s going to have one hell of a headache in the morning. I dragged him out of the front door and left him lying on the path, still naked. Closing the front door, I went into the kitchen and made mum a cup of tea. Putting a good shot of whiskey in it, I took it up to her.’

‘She had put a fresh nightie on and was sitting up in bed. I gave her the cup of tea and told her to make sure that she drank it all. I had brought some black bin bags up with me. ‘I’ve shut him outside, I told her so you’re quite safe now. I’m just going to put all his things in these and dump them outside with him. When he comes round, I’ll tell him we never want to see him again.’

Mum put her arms out and we hugged. ‘Thank you, son,’ she said, ‘That’s something I should have done a while ago.’

‘I went into his room and emptied everything out of the wardrobe and drawers into the bags. In one drawer I found an evil looking knife which I left in the drawer to dispose of later. Checking round that I had got everything, I went downstairs.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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