The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: A Day Out with Ella
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: A Day Out with Ella - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Sunday at the start of half term Lewis was going out for the day with Ella, her mum and her sister. Lewis had cycled over to Ella’s early morning then they set off in her mum’s car.
They went to Llandudno in North Wales. Arriving late morning they had a coffee in a café on the main shopping street, then walked along looking at the shops and round to the Great Orme funicular mountain railway.
This railway or tramway is a single-track line and operates by a steel cable in an additional central track. The cable goes from the train waiting at the bottom station, up inside the central track and around a big drum in the engine house which is halfway up the mountain. The other end of the cable, also in the central track, is attached to the train waiting to go down. Halfway between the base station and the engine house is a short double stretch of track so that the tram going up can pass the tram going down.
When the up and the down trains are both ready to move, (They both move or neither move) the brakes are taken off and everything stays still because the weight of the train going up is the same as the weight of the train going down. Then the motor in the engine house is engaged and drives the big drum to move the cable.
As it pulls the bottom train up the mountain, at the same time it lowers the top train down the mountain.
They enjoyed the ride up to the halfway station with some excellent views. Getting off there, they walked the five minutes over to the old copper mine which had accidentally been discovered not many years previously when the ground was being prepared for a car park.
The mine is prehistoric, it was first worked in the Bronze Age, around four thousand years ago. That was when Stonehenge was being built. There are over five miles of explored tunnels. In 2005 it was awarded the title of ‘The Largest Prehistoric Copper Mine in the World’ by the Guinness Book of Records.
They were issued with hard hats then went underground with their guide. It was illuminated but cold below ground. They all found it very interesting. Coming out into the fresh air an hour later, they continued up to the mountain summit on the railway.
They had some lunch in the café at the summit, then walked around admiring the views in all directions. Once they were ready to go down again, they took the chairlift instead of the train. This finished near the pier.
Walking along the pier they looked at all the stalls along one side, then right at the end saw lots of people sea fishing off the end. As a keen fisherman Lewis was particularly interested and spoke to several of the fishermen. He could have happily stayed there for hours.
After another wander back into town and along the opposite side of the main street, they returned to the car. They had decided to return nearer home before having an evening meal out.
Arriving at the local restaurant around six thirty, they went in and had a lovely meal. Even Gemma, Ella’s sister was now completely at ease with Lewis. During the meal Lewis told them about Mike and Valerie’s forthcoming wedding. Ella told him she had never been to a wedding. ‘You are getting invited to accompany the best man,’ he told her.
Ella was about to ask, ‘Why aren’t I going with you?’ when she clicked. ‘You’re their best man?’ she said. Lewis grinned at her. In answer to further questions, he told her it would be a registry office wedding with a small number of guests and a reception at a local hotel, possibly with an overnight stay.
‘Does that mean you’ll have to share a bedroom? Gemma asked quite innocently. ‘No,’ Lewis told her, ‘Mike’s nephew who is a pal of mine is going too with his girlfriend. I will share with him, and Ella will share with Lorraine.’ That seemed to satisfy Gemma who started talking about something else.
Ella’s mum gave Lewis a brief grin. After they had finished their meal, they drove back to Ella’s. As they pulled up outside Ella’s house her mum’s phone rang. As she answered it, Lewis, Ella and Gemma got out and Ella opened up the house. Ella told Gemma to go and put the kettle on, whilst she and Lewis waited for her mum.
‘Will I really have to share with Lorraine?’ Ella asked once they were alone. Lewis grinned. ‘No, she will be sleeping with Danny so I’m afraid you’ll have to bunk in with me.’ ‘Do you think mum guessed?’ she asked. ‘From the grin she gave me I reckon so,’ Lewis said.
Then Ella’s mum came up the path. ‘It’s uncle Ernie,’ she said to Ella, ‘He’s coming round for a cuppa, he’s upset again.’ ‘I’ll get off then,’ Lewis said. ‘No, please stay,’ Ella’s mum said, ‘He’s ok, I’d like you to meet him, he just gets lonely at times which makes him depressed.’
They went in to find Gemma had made them all a coffee. ‘Well done,’ Ella told her. When they told her that her uncle Ernie was coming round. Gemma’s face lit up. ‘Can I stay up mum?’ she asked. ‘Ok, as its holidays.’ she answered.
Uncle Ernie arrived shortly after having driven round. He was heavily built, very strong looking and slightly overweight. Gemma and Ella made a big fuss of him, then Ella’s mum gave him a hug and a kiss before introducing Lewis as Ella’s boyfriend. As Ernie shook hands with Lewis, he looked at him quite sternly and said, ‘Ella and Gemma are very important to me, young man. I hope we will not have cause to fall out with each other.’
Lewis smiled at him. ‘I can understand your concern sir,’ he said, ‘But I can assure you that I would never do anything to cause upset to Ella. I would not wish to cause anyone else any upset either.’ He added, ‘But that wouldn’t matter to me as much.’
Ernie grinned at Ella’s mum. ‘I think I’ve just been politely put in my place,’ he said. Turning to Lewis he offered his hand again. As they shook, he said, ‘I like you, young man, welcome.’
They sat and had their drinks and chatted. They told Ernie about their day out and Ella and Lewis told him about meeting at school. An hour later Lewis said it was time for him to go. He gave Gemma a hug and a kiss on her cheek, did the same for Ella’s mum and shook hands again with Ernie saying, ‘Nice to meet you sir.’ ‘Call me Ernie,’ he said smiling, ‘Everyone else does.’
Ella saw him out. They stood outside the front door and kissed. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’ he told her. Then as he was putting his cycling gear on, Uncle Ernie came out. Seeing Lewis was cycling home he said, ‘Pop your bike in the back of my pickup, I’ll drop you off, I’m going your way.’
After a long day out, Lewis was happy to agree. He put his bike in the back of Ernie’s little truck, waved goodbye to Ella and got into the passenger seat. As they set off, Ernie said, ‘Ella looks very happy, the last few times I’ve seen her she seemed a bit down.’
Lewis didn’t pass any comment. He just said, ‘They’re all clearly very fond of you.’ Ernie smiled, ‘They’re very good to me,’ he said, ‘I get very lonely sometimes. They always make me feel so welcome that an hour with them puts me right.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Lewis said, ‘Humans aren’t meant to be alone.’ Ernie didn’t answer for a while then he said quietly, ‘Not everyone has a choice.’ ‘I can’t agree with you there,’ Lewis said, ‘Everyone makes their own choices.’ ‘I’ve never told anyone this before,’ Ernie said, ‘But I’m forty-one and I’ve never had a girlfriend. That was definitely not my choice.’
‘There are people who choose to be alone for many reasons,’ Lewis said, ‘But anyone who is alone and doesn’t want to be, is alone for a reason. They are either doing something wrong but don’t realise it. Can’t be bothered to make the effort, or some trauma in their past frightens them off getting close to anyone.’
‘I wish you were right,’ Ernie told him, ‘I envy you and Ella having each other and having the possibility of a happy future life together.’ ‘It’s my intention that we do that,’ Lewis told him, ‘And it’s not too late for you to do it too.’
‘I wish you were right,’ he answered again, ‘But I can’t see what I can do about it.’ Lewis didn’t answer. He took his notepad out of his pocket and wrote in it. He directed Ernie to his house. As they pulled up Lewis thanked him for the lift and handed him the page he had torn out of his book.
‘What’s this?’ Ernie asked surprised. ‘It’s your passport to a happy future.’ Lewis told him. He explained all about the shop and his counselling success. ‘Come along just before five o’clock on Saturday,’ he said. ‘We can talk in confidence there and I’m sure I can help you. No one, not even Ella will ever know from me that we have met, or anything you tell me.’
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