The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Mike and Lewis Dispose of the Body

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Mike and Lewis Dispose of the Body - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Mike woke to the sound of his phone alarm at eight o’clock. He had to think for a moment where he was. Coming to, he got up and went over to check Gordon. He was still out of it. Mike lifted the blanket to feel his sack and discovered that his bowels had emptied overnight, running onto the plastic dust sheet.

Mike got the remainder of his paper towels and after putting another pair of gloves on, cleaned it all up off the sheet, then washed Gordon’s bum and cheeks with a wet cloth. Next, he washed the scrotum with a clean towel soaked in whiskey. Finally, he took the tube out of the plastic can, emptied the urine down the toilet and put the can back on the end of the pipe. He was just finishing a cup of coffee when there was a quiet knock on the front door.

Lewis came in and as Mike locked the door behind him, he asked, ‘How did it go.’ Mike beamed, ‘Everything went like clockwork,’ he told him. ‘Before we go through, hang on here, I’ll go and get my phone and show you the pictures.’ He returned a few moments later, saying, ‘I took photos on my phone as well as taking the same ones on Gordons, just in case he might like a souvenir.’ He added with a grin.

‘Are you sure you’re not squeamish?’ he asked. ‘I don’t think so,’ Lewis replied, ‘But we’ll soon find out,’ he added with a grin. Mike plugged his phone into the big screen in the shop. First picture was of a naked Gordon all trussed up under the table. Lewis of course had seen this view before he left. The next one was a short video of Gordons hand examining the brush handle. Next came a video of the first thrust in of the handle, complete with sound. ‘Serves him right,’ was Lewis’s reaction. Next was a still of the brush handle with blood specks on. ‘He was out for the count before then,’ Mike told him, ‘But he’ll know all about it tomorrow.’ Next came a still of the scrotum with its incision, one with a testicle hanging out, one with the cord tied up and the testicle missing, then one with the two testicles on the towel. The next one was the scrotum neatly sewn up, followed by one of the testicles in tiny pieces. Finally, the one of the bits in the toilet prior to being flushed away.

‘At least they should make Danny and the others feel better,’ Lewis told him. Mike said, ‘I’m not showing him the pictures, apart from Gordon, only you and I will see them. You can tell Danny about them without telling him they’re mine. He can tell the others if he wishes, the fact that you tell him what you’ve seen will be enough for him to know it’s true.’

Lewis nodded, chuffed again at Mike trusting him so much. Mike switched off the big tv then said, ‘When we go in the other room, have a feel of his sac, you may never get the opportunity to feel another empty one. Then we’ll undo him, get him dressed as best we can, then tie him up again. After that we’ll use the board to get him back into the boot. The whiskey should keep him out of it, hopefully until we’ve dumped him.’

They went through to the back room, pulled the old blanket off Gordon, Lewis admiring the way he had set up the can and tube from Gordon’s cock. Mike put on a pair of disposable gloves, then gave Lewis a pair. Lewis then knelt down and felt Gordon’s sac, it really did feel strange, there being nothing inside to feel. Standing up, he helped Mike undo all the ropes and move the table. With some difficulty they got his shorts on, then his t shirt, followed by his trousers and finally his outer top. Mike rolled him over on his face and tied his hands together again, just in case he stirred. Then they put his socks and shoes on before Mike tied his ankles, then replaced the rope between ankle and wrist.

They moved him out into the passage, then returned to the back room. Mike sat at the table and put a fresh pair of gloves on. He had a new unopened pack of light card, A4 size. He opened it and took a piece out of the centre. He had a plastic sheet with the letters of the alphabet cut out and a biro.

Using the biro in the cut out letters, he wrote on the card...










‘I know the eating line isn’t true,’ Mike said, ‘But I did consider it. Anyway, Gordon won’t remember one way or the other.’

‘What are you going to do with the notice?’ Lewis asked him. ‘When we dump him, I’ll hang it round his neck so whoever finds him can see it. If by any chance he comes around before then, at least he will know what’s been done to him and why.’ Lewis suddenly laughed, ‘I’d love to see his face when he sees the pictures on his phone,’ he said. Mike laughed, ‘Me too,’ he said. Mike had a sudden thought, he picked up Gordon’s phone and deleted the picture of his dissected balls in the toilet. ‘Much better to let him think he did eat them,’ he said with a laugh.

Mike pierced two holes in the top of the card and fixed a length of fishing twine to it, long enough to fit over Gordon’s head. He got up and went out back, putting the notice face down on the back seat. Coming back in, they both put fresh gloves on, then went out into the passage. Mike opened the back door and the boot, then put the piece of ply in place.

Between them they slid Gordon up it and into the boot. He didn’t make a sound. It was easier this time as they could both concentrate on moving Gordon, the piece of ply in no danger of moving as they were pushing against the car. Closing the boot, Mike said, ‘You hop in, I’ll just go back through and lock up, then I’ll come round.’

It was only a few minutes before Mike appeared walking around the building, he got in, started the car and off they drove. Once they were underway, Lewis asked where they were going to dump him. Mike told him, ‘About halfway between here and Danny’s there’s a country area with lots of country lanes which won’t have any cameras on. There’s not much traffic so we shouldn’t have any problem dumping him, but there is an occasional passing car or tractor, so someone will find him,’ Then he added, ‘Eventually,’ Grinning as he spoke.

Half an hour later Mike said, ‘We’ll be turning off soon. Put your gloves on ready, then when we stop, jump out and wait by the boot. I’ll get out and check the coast is clear then we’ll get him out as quick as we can. As soon as he’s on the floor, leave me to position him, you go and get the sign, making sure your gloves are on before you touch it. Once you’ve given it to me, close the boot and get back in the car quickly, ok?’ ‘Sure,’ Lewis replied.

A few minutes later, they turned off into a narrow lane which wound around as it climbed uphill. They passed two houses in about half a mile, then the road ran as straight as a country lane can ever be, but at least they could see for a fair distance that there were no cars coming. Way down below, they could see the main road they had turned off.

Halfway along they came to a slight recess meant for allowing two vehicles to pass. Mike pulled up and they both jumped out. Standing by the boot, they looked as far as they could see both ways. Seeing nothing coming, Mike opened the boot. Mike reached in and removed the gag and the rope between ankles and wrists. Then they heaved Gordon out, letting him drop unceremoniously onto the ground. A loud grunt showed he was still alive. Lewis immediately went to get the sign as Mike heaved him over and sat him upright against the bank at the side. He had just got him where he wanted him when Lewis returned with the sign.

As Lewis got back into the car, Mike hung the sign around Gordon’s neck, then whipped the blindfold off him as he too returned to the car. He had left the engine running, so the moment he closed the door he was able to drive away. They carried on along the narrow road until it started to descend. A little further along they came to a junction with the main road they had turned off earlier.

Mike turned left, to go back in the direction they had come. A mile along the road, they could see the lane they had just come from further up the hillside. Soon they were level with the spot they had dumped Gordon. It was too far away to see him, but not seeing any vehicles, they assumed he was still sitting where they had left him. Driving a few miles further, they turned onto another main road and headed to Danny’s, arriving half an hour later.

They got a rapturous welcome and hugs all round. Mike’s sister told him off for not telling her he was coming so she could have cooked a Sunday lunch for them all. Mike said he wanted to surprise her, as he was taking them all out for lunch. When asked where, he told her that he hadn’t booked anywhere just in case they had been out, so where would she like to go. A quick phone call to her suggested hotel, then they were off in the car.

A twenty-minute drive found them at the hotel which had once been a castle. It had a lot of grounds and was very old. The restaurant had a big high and ornate ceiling with a fireplace almost the size of a small house. They had a lovely three course Sunday dinner, then they went for a walk in the grounds. Mike told Lewis and Danny to go off on their own and explore, whilst the ‘oldies’ went at a more leisurely pace.

Lewis realised that he had said that so he could speak to Danny alone. The castle had dungeons, so they explored the parts that had access, then they went up onto the battlements of the little bit of perimeter wall that was still standing. They sat on the stones and looked down at the grounds. They could see Mike and his sister strolling through the gardens in the distance as well as a few other diners walking in the grounds or just sitting relaxing. There was no one near them and they would see anyone approaching, so Lewis felt safe to speak.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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