The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Lewis Becomes a Surgeon

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Lewis Becomes a Surgeon - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Ok,’ Lewis said. ‘I’ll need to sterilise a few bits first so while I sort that out, why don’t you sit up and have a cuddle with Bill.’

As they got up, Lewis went and put a pan of water on the stove, then went through to the shop. He found a pair of scissors in the counter drawer with long blades. He also took the blade out of a pencil sharpener and superglued it to a pencil with just ten millimetres of the blade protruding beyond the pencil as a makeshift scalpel.

Returning to the back room he found Bill and Joan locked in an embrace and saw Bills hand stroking her bare back as they kissed. He went across to the stove and dropped the two items into the boiling water. Then checking the time on his watch, he sat in the armchair.

When bill came up for air a while later, Lewis grinned at him as he indicated with his fingers that they still had ten minutes left to play. Bill grinned back and returned to kissing Joan. Lewis sat and watched, feeling happy that Bill had found someone.

Once the pan had boiled for twenty minutes, he got up, switched the heat off, emptied the water out and left everything in the pan for five minutes to cool down.

When they were ready, he got up and tipped them out into some paper towel in his hand. Covering them with another sheet of towel he took them over and put them on the table.

Tapping Bill on the shoulder to bring them back to reality, he asked Joan to lie back on the settee. Bill following instructions sat astride Joan with his back to her and his knees by her hips. Lewis gave him a pair of disposable gloves to put on, then put a fresh pair on himself.

Joan was asked to draw her knees up again, then Bill was instructed to get hold of each side of the opening to Joan’s vagina and pull the sides apart as far as he could without being too forceful.

That meant Lewis could put his head down near the settee and with his pen torch could see inside directly at the membrane. Holding the scissors and with them closed he put them inside until the tip touched the ring around the hole in the centre. ‘Can you feel anything?’ he asked Joan.

‘No,’ came the reply. Opening the scissors and positioning the tips over the stronger ring that had grown around the central hole. Snipping through it, and hearing nothing from Joan, he asked, ‘What did you feel then?’ ‘Still nothing,’ Joan replied. Taking the scissors out, Lewis sat up and smiled at her. ‘Next time Bill goes inside, his cock will tear your membrane naturally,’ he told her. ‘But let me see if I can spare you that bit of pain.’

He picked up his home-made scalpel, then being very careful not to catch the protruding blade on anything, he slid it inside. Once it was touching the membrane, he positioned it between the central ring and the vagina walls.

Pressing gently in, he watched the blade push through the membrane. Hearing nothing from Joan, he carefully worked his way round in a circle about two and a half inches in diameter. He slid the scalpel in and out a few millimetres as he went. When he got threequarters of the way round, the cut part of the membrane dropped over and obscured his view of the scalpel.

He couldn’t risk cutting blind, so he drew the scalpel out carefully. Once out he pushed his index and second finger in. With Bill still holding it open he could reach in a little further than before and managed to get hold of the section of the membrane that was now hanging loose.

Pulling it an inch towards him, the uncut portion was now visible again. Calling out a cheery, ‘Nearly done Joan,’ he had just enough room to get the scalpel back in as well as his fingers. Because he could now hold the loose membrane taught, he was able to cut through the last bit quickly and easily.

Once he had cut the last bit, he first carefully drew the scalpel out, then brought his two fingers out holding the now completely severed membrane. Putting them down, he had a look inside with his torch. The membrane causing the problem now had a large fairly circular hole in it which would be big enough even for Mikes cock.

Telling Bill that he could let go of the opening and step down, he showed the amputated piece of membrane to Joan. Was that all that was stopping us she said in amazement. Lewis turned to Bill, ‘Over to you now,’ he said, ‘Only you can make sure it has worked.’

Bill took his underpants off immediately. He was already half hard, but the anticipation soon brought him up to fully erect. He climbed up on the settee between Joan’s legs. Sitting back on his heels he opened the durex he had brough with him. Watched by Joan who had a big beam on her face, and Lewis who grinned at him, he slid it down into place.

Looking at Lewis, who nodded ok, he leaned down and lay on top of Joan who wrapped her arms around him. They kissed for a few moments with Bills cock now squashed between them. Then Bill lifted his hips. Lewis kneeling on the floor looked between them. He could see Bill guide his tip to Joan’s opening then let go.

As he lowered himself down, Lewis could not only see that his cock was sliding smoothly in, but he could tell from Joan’s happy noises too. Once Bill was in as far as he could go, and Joan had made no noise other than happy ones everyone knew for sure that the obstruction had gone.

‘Just lie still for a moment Bill,’ Lewis told him. Moving to look at Joan he asked, ‘No pain?’ She gave him a beautiful smile, ‘None,’ she said, ‘You’re wonderful.’ Lewis smiled at her. ‘Wrap your legs round him,’ he told her, ‘And pull him into you as hard as you possibly can.’

Joan’s legs went round Bill and she pulled him to her with all her energy. Lewis waited a couple of seconds then said, ‘Now relax. Ok you two,’ he told them, ‘Go ahead and make love.’ As he said that he placed his index finger on Bills back between his shoulder blades. Then he drew it slowly down his back and through the crack between his cheeks.

Bill cried out ecstatically and started moving. As he thrust in and out, Lewis went and sat in the armchair. As he sat watching and listening to the happy noises coming from both of them, he felt a warm glow inside as he thought, they are only enjoying that because of me.

He watched Bill as his movements speeded up several times, then he could tell from his face that he was getting close. Noticing him slow down, he felt pleased that Bill had remembered the lessons Lewis had taught him. He kept going slower, then Lewis saw Joan’s body go tense.

Then giving a long ecstatic cry she tried to arch her back as her orgasm shot through her. Bill had paused in his movement. Lewis knew that would be because Joan’s vagina had his cock in a vice like grip. Then he started moving again as her grip relaxed.

Speeding up he went faster and faster. A few seconds later he cried out as his feeling surged through him and he shot his load of cum to fill up his sheath. As his cry died away, he slowed down to a stop. They lay locked together then Bill lifted his weight off Joan as he pulled out.

Lewis noticed he had also remembered to get hold of the end of his sheath before pulling out. Bill lay down on his side as Joan turned to face him. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. Lewis left them for several minutes, then went over and sat on the edge of the settee.

Looking at Joan he asked, ‘Was everything ok?’ She gave him a radiant smile and said, ‘It was unbelievably wonderful and it’s all thanks to you.’ ‘I think Bill played a part too,’ Lewis said laughing. Joan took hold of his hand and pressed it on her breast. ‘Thank you from the bottom of my heart,’ she told him.

‘I’ll just check you again now you’ve had some exercise.’ Lewis told her. Bill got up and sat at the end of the settee again. Joan lay on her back with her head on Bills now naked lap. His cock still soft was down between his legs.

Settling into place, Joan drew her knees up and apart without being asked. Lewis didn’t bother with gloves now that surgery was completed. He put Joan’s leg up against the back of the settee and held his pencil torch between his teeth. Putting her other leg on his shoulder, he put his head down on the settee and used both hands to open her vagina.

He could see everywhere glistening with Joan’s juices. The membrane which had been unbroken apart from the big hole Lewis had cut in it now had a couple of small tears in it. Clearly Bills hard cock thrusting in and out had caught it. Nothing else looked out of place so he lowered Joan’s leg down.

‘In amongst all your pleasure,’ he asked smiling at Joan, ‘Did you feel the slightest twinge of pain?’ ‘No, nothing,’ Joan replied, ‘Although it would have to have been bad for me to notice,’ she added with a wicked grin at Lewis.

‘Everything is fine,’ Lewis told her, ‘You can forget all about it now and enjoy yourselves.’ He stood up and stepped back from the settee. Joan got up and came over to him. Throwing her arms around him she kissed him on the lips and thanked him again.

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