The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: When a Vagina Says Keep Out
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: When a Vagina Says Keep Out - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘As Joan screamed, I pulled out immediately.’ Bill said. ‘I could see the pain on her face, so I lay down beside her. I took her in my arms and asked what’s up?’
‘I told him that as he slid in, I suddenly had this terrible pain,’ Joan joined in. ‘For a second it felt as if he had come up against a wall then the pain started. As soon as he pulled out it stopped and disappeared quickly.’
‘Stop there for now,’ Lewis said. ‘It’s clear from what you have told me so far, the area where the problem lies. I assume you haven’t been to see your doctor?’ he asked looking at Joan. ‘I can’t,’ Joan told him, ‘My mum works at the surgery, I couldn’t risk her finding out we were having sex.’
‘Ok, well it’s a simple and not an uncommon problem,’ Lewis told them, ‘So it probably won’t be necessary. But I will need to examine you. Also, I might need Bill to try going in whilst I’m here. So, before we go any further, I want to get you completely relaxed with me,’ he said looking at Joan.
‘What I want you to do,’ he said to Bill is for you to sit on the end of the settee. ‘Joan if you could lie on your front with your head on Bills lap. I will then massage your back from your head to your feet whilst I ask you some medical and other questions.’
‘The ideal start,’ he told them, ‘Would be for Joan to strip to bra and panties. Joan if you don’t feel able to do that just yet just take off what you can. If Bill strips to his underpants at the same time, then you won’t feel on your own.’
‘I’ll just go to the toilet whilst you get settled.’ He took his time having a wee then when he returned, Bill was sitting on the end of the settee wearing just his underpants. He had taken the cushion away underneath him so Joan could lie flat.
Joan was lying face down. She was just wearing her bra and a pair of brief pink panties. Lewis sat on the edge of the settee and said, ‘Well done both of you. Now Joan I’m going to put my hands on your head and massage down your back to your feet then back up again. Just say ok when you’re ready for me to start.’
‘Ok,’ came an instant response. Lewis rested his hands on her head and started massaging. As he moved down onto her shoulders, he asked, ‘Why did you feel relaxed enough to strip off as you are?’
As he moved over her bra strap and down her bare back she answered. ‘I guessed because of where the problem was that if you could do anything you’d need to examine my vagina. Bill and I talked it over before we came. He assured me that you would relax me and make me feel at ease with you first. He also said that any examination would be very gentle.’
‘Thank you, Joan.’ Lewis said, ‘And thank you too Bill,’ he added giving Bill a grin. As he massaged over her cheeks through the fine material, he asked, ‘How old were you when you started your periods?’ As he moved down the back of her thighs, Joan answered, ‘Eleven.’
‘How old were you when you used your first Tampon?’ Lewis asked as he started back up her legs. Joan thought for a while then said, ‘When I started my periods mum told me to use a pad as she thought a Tampon might be too big for me. I was thirteen before I tried one, but I found it difficult to get it fully in, so I went back to a pad.’
Lewis had massaged over her cheeks again and was starting up her back as he asked, ‘Did you try a tampon again?’ As he went over her bra strap and up to her head Joan told him she had tried again at fourteen but with the same result.
Massaging her head briefly, Lewis said, ‘When you’re ready, turn over then I’ll do the same down your front.’ Joan turned over immediately. She was around the same height as Bill about five foot six inches. She had a little padding here and there but not too much. Her breasts were in good proportion to her body size and looked firm. There were a lot of hairs showing around the edge of her panties and her stomach was nice and flat.
Giving her a smile Lewis said, ‘You’re doing well, are you relaxing?’ She smiled back at him and told him, ‘Yes, the massage is very nice.’ Putting his hands on her head, Lewis massaged in silence, then as he moved his hands down onto her shoulders, he asked, ‘Are you still using pads now?’
He massaged all over her bra as well as the bare skin around the edges confirming her breasts were nice and firm. Joan had a happy look on her face and didn’t answer until he had moved on to her stomach.
‘No,’ she told him. ‘I tried again when I was fourteen and a half and managed to get one in. It was difficult to do and there was a little bit of pain when I pushed the last bit in. But I stayed with them then as they are much more convenient.’
As Lewis moved onto the front of her panties, he asked, ‘Were they easier to put in after the first one?’ He massaged every inch including both groins then the area directly over her hairs. She couldn’t resist a quiet ‘mmm’ at that. As he went down her legs she told him, ‘Not at first, the next couple were just as difficult to put the last bit in and also gave some pain.’
‘After that they were still difficult but there was no pain. The last time I used one it seemed to go in easier, but I suppose that could be just me getting more experienced.’ As she finished speaking Lewis had returned onto her panties. She gave another quiet ‘mmm’ as he went all over them.
Then as he moved up her bare stomach, he asked, ‘Other than the Tampons, do your periods give you any other problems.’ ‘Not really,’ she said, ‘By all accounts mine aren’t as heavy or as uncomfortable as many of my friends.’
As she finished speaking, Lewis massaged over her bra again along with the bare flesh around the edges. This time he got an ‘mmm’ here too. Moving onto her head he gave a short massage then took his hands away.
‘I’ll tell you the next step,’ Lewis told her with a smile. ‘Then if you feel able to do it, turn over. I’ll massage down your back like last time. When I reach your bra strap, I’ll undo it, move it out of the way and massage your back with nothing in the way.’
‘When I reach your waist, instead of massaging your cheeks over your panties, I’ll reach inside and massage directly on the skin. When I come back up, I’ll pull the back of them down and massage direct on the skin with both hands. Then when I get back to your head, I’ll tell you about the front. Turn over when you feel ready.’ he finished off with.
Joan turned over right away. She was feeling completely at ease with Lewis now and anticipating he would sort out the problem. ‘Well done,’ Lewis told her. He massaged her head, then as he moved down onto her shoulders he asked, ‘Are you aware of any medical problems that might have any effect on you having sex or carrying children?’
Joan thought for a moment or two then answered, ‘No, I’ve never really been ill or had any treatment for anything.’ As she spoke Lewis undid her bra strap, moved them to the side and massaged down all of her back.
Reaching her waist, he lifted the back of her panties, slipped a hand inside and massaged each cheek in turn. As more ‘mmms’ were heard Lewis moved on down her legs and asked, ‘Have you ever used a vibrator?’ As he started back up there was a very definite sounding, ‘No.’ Reaching her cheeks once more, he gently pulled the back down to uncover her cheeks before massaging them both at the same time. Glancing up, Lewis saw Bill grinning at him because of the cacophony of ‘mmm’s coming from Joan.
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