The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Dudleys Third Visit
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Dudleys Third Visit - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis arrived at the shop first on Monday night. He went straight to the counter to help Mike. When Dudley arrived ten minutes later, Lewis pointed through to the back room.
After the last customer left, Mike went to lock the shop door. Lewis went through to Dudley who was sitting at the table with two coffees ready. Lewis gave him a hug in passing, then sat at the table opposite. After he had had a few sips, Mike came through to get his coat.
He said hi to Dudley and chatted to him for a moment before leaving. Lewis went out with him to lock the door behind him. After their usual hug and kiss, Lewis returned to Dudley and his coffee.
‘How’s your week been,’ Lewis asked him. ‘Good and bad,’ Dudley told him with a grin. ‘I’m really enjoying my early morning swims. I’m managing to do eight lengths a day now. I get to school feeling alert and my schoolwork continues to improve. Overall, I’m a lot happier but I still find it very hard not to snack between meals.’
By now they had finished their coffees, so they moved over to the settee. Dudley stripped down to his underpants and once Lewis was settled at the end of the settee, he lay down on his back with his head on Lewis’s lap.
Massaging his head gently with one hand and his stomach with the other hand, Lewis said, ‘Let’s look at money first. Last week you had three pounds twenty left in cash and your mum was minding five pounds from your aunt.’
‘What money have you received since?’ ‘I got my ten-pound pocket money on Saturday. That’s all this week.’ ‘So, what have you paid into your bank this week?’ Lewis asked. ‘I paid in half of my pocket money and the five pounds from my aunt.’ ‘How much cash have you got left?’ ‘Seven pounds twenty pence,’ Dudley said proudly. ‘I haven’t bought a single sweet all week, I just bought a comic for a pound.’
‘So, am I right in saying that you now have twenty-five pounds in your bank and seven pounds twenty in your pocket?’ Lewis asked. Receiving a ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘Well done, that’s excellent. That earns you your first point of the day.’
That brought a big smile to Dudley’s face at the anticipation of a reward to follow. ‘Let’s do the critical one next,’ Lewis told him. ‘Stand up and take your underpants off.’
As he did, Lewis got the scales out. Dudley stood carefully on the scales whilst Lewis read the numbers. Smiling at him, Lewis told him, ‘Fourteen stone and twelve pounds. That’s another four pounds gone, very well done. That’s another point.’
‘Right, show me how many press ups you can do.’ Dudley got down on the floor and started. Lewis counted silently. When Dudley got to ten without a problem Lewis felt quite excited. He got to twelve, then started to struggle. Even so he managed to get three more completed before he collapsed.
‘Dudley, that was exceptional,’ Lewis told him, ‘You just did fifteen press-ups.’ Dudley was delighted he had lost count along the way. ‘That’s another point, very well done.’
Lewis sat back on the settee and told him to lie down again. ‘Take a break and tell me how many times you fired last week.’ ‘Eleven,’ Dudley told him, completely at ease telling him such things now. ‘Tell me when,’ he asked. ‘One every night he answered, an extra one on Saturday and Sunday during the day and an extra one on Wednesday and Friday night.’
‘Tell me what the eleven dreams were,’ Lewis asked him, ‘Not necessarily in any order.’ Dudley thought for a few moments then said, ‘Four were of me sucking you. Three were of me firing you by hand. One was of us spending the night together, two were of me having sex with Wendy and one was you firing me by hand.’
‘So, although you are doing more physical exercise, you are less tired at the end of the day and have more energy during the day?’ ‘Yes, definitely.’ Dudley said. ‘That’s a good sign,’ Lewis told him.
‘Ok lie down on the floor again, time for another exercise.’ Dudley got down and lay flat. Lewis put a chair by his feet then knelt behind his head and held his shoulders down. Dudley started lifting both feet together until his toes were above the seat of the chair, then he lowered them down again.
He did nine easily, two with difficulty and two with great effort. ‘Well done.’ Lewis told him, ‘That’s thirteen, excellent. Get back up and relax again.’ He sat on the settee and waited for Dudley to settle back with his head on his lap.
‘Has there been any change in your meals at home,’ Lewis asked. ‘Well, there’s my breakfasts like you told me to do,’ Dudley began, ‘But mum has been reading up about foodstuff. When we have chips or roast potatoes now, she makes sure she gives me less. We also have smaller portions of other things plus we have fresh fruit for pudding quite often.’
‘You told me your teacher had noticed a difference in you,’ Lewis said. ‘Have you noticed any difference in other people’s attitude to you?’ ‘Garry told me during the week he had noticed something different about me,’ Dudley told him, ‘But he said he couldn’t decide what it was. Also, I wasn’t teased as much as usual last week.’
‘There are a number of possible reasons for that,’ Lewis told him, ‘But the most likely one is the vibes you give out without realising it. Because you are already feeling fitter and are more active, you don’t come across to people as a lazy lump. Because you have a goal and are happily working towards it, you don’t come over as someone wallowing in his own suffering. I’m sure you will still get some ribbing as we go along, but now you will laugh it off instead of showing you are upset. That reaction will in itself stop you being picked on because it just won’t be as much fun if it’s not seen to upset you.’
‘Right, next exercise,’ Lewis said. ‘Back on the floor.’ This time Lewis sat astride Dudley’s legs and rested his bum lightly on his ankles. Dudley put his hands behind his head and started doing sit ups. He did ten quickly, two slower, then the next one even slower before struggling hard with his last one. As he collapsed back on the floor, Lewis smiled at him. ‘You’ve done it again,’ he said. ‘Fourteen sit ups, that’s fantastic.’ Dudley’s face lit up, he felt good at achieving something and he loved it when Lewis praised him.
They got back onto the settee and settled down. Lewis looked down at Dudley. ‘You’ve done really well this week,’ he said. ‘You’ve earned a point for every result. So that gives you five points and earns you a reward.’ That brought a big beam to his face. ‘That makes your total so far nine points so you’re almost a third of the way to your special reward already.’
‘Sit up,’ Lewis told him. Getting up, Lewis told him to lie back down then he sat on the edge of the settee. ‘Whilst I tell you a story,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ll fire you with one hand and play with your balls with the other. So, draw your knee up against the back of the settee. Once he had done that, he told him to put his other leg right up in the air. Then moving back further onto the settee, Lewis lowered Dudley’s leg down and laid it across his lap.
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