The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Mr Williams gets a Special Relax after his Ordeal.

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Mr Williams gets a Special Relax after his Ordeal. - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Meanwhile, back at Mr Williams’s, Danny watched Mike’s car disappear into the distance, then went back into the house. Mr Williams was still sitting on the settee, looking better than he had, but still looking very frail. Danny went back behind the settee and resumed his massage on his shoulders.

‘That is so good,’ he told Danny, ‘It makes me feel so much better. I’ve never had anyone threaten to kill me before in all of my sixty-eight years I still feel wobbly at the memory.’

‘That’s quite understandable,’ Danny told him, it would frighten anyone. His thoughts flashed back to when Gordon had threatened him.

Danny’s hands kept massaging as he said, ‘I suggest you have something to eat and a hot drink, then have an early night.’

‘Mr Williams told him, ‘That sounds lovely, but I don’t think I will ever be able to sleep again!’ Danny told him, ‘I have the solution to that. You relax on the settee whilst I make you something to eat and drink. Then you can go and get into bed. I’ll come up and give you a relaxing massage, so you fall asleep. I’ll then lock up as I leave so you will probably sleep the clock round.’

It sounded so nice to Mr Williams, but he was concerned that Danny would be late home, making his mother worry. He told Danny what he was thinking, who replied, ‘No need to worry, whilst we were waiting for Uncle Mike, I rang her and told her I was working late.’

Mr Williams was relieved to hear that and said, ‘In that case I am in your hands, but I couldn’t eat much, perhaps a couple of rounds of toast.’

‘That’s good,’ Danny said, ‘I’m not much of a cook.’ He stopped massaging and went into the kitchen. Soon the smell of fresh toast wafted into the room. Noises of crockery and cutlery followed, then in no time at all Danny was back carrying a tray with two rounds of buttered toast and a cup of coffee. He placed it on Mr Williams’s lap, then returned to the kitchen. He reappeared immediately with another tray and sat beside him on the settee. As they ate, Danny got Mr Williams talking about his life, trying to take his mind off Gordon.

Once they had finished eating and had their coffee’s, Danny said, ‘You go and get ready for bed, I’ll wash up then I’ll come up to you, do you want a drink or anything bringing up?’ Mr Williams got to his feet saying, ‘No thank, and you don’t need to wash up.’ Danny grinned at him, saying, ‘It’s ok, I’m well trained.’ Mr Williams smiled at him and set off upstairs.

Danny washed and dried the few dishes at a leisurely pace, then poured a small whiskey into a glass which he took upstairs with him. As he reached the top of the stairs, Mr Williams was just coming out of the bathroom, He was wearing a pair of long johns, a sort of boiler suit made out of underclothes material, often favoured by older people. Danny had never seen them before so his look of surprise must have shown. ‘Haven’t you seen these before,’ he asked. ‘No,’ Danny told him, ‘I suppose they must be nice and warm.’ Mr Williams smiled at him, ‘Yes, you feel the cold much more as you get older, but you’ve got a long way to go before you get to that.’

By now they had moved into the bedroom. There was a big old fashioned double bed and the rest of the furniture reminded Danny of his Grand Parents house. Mr Williams had gone to the far side of the bed, so Danny put the glass on the bedside table. ‘I brought you a small whiskey, just in case you felt like one later,’ Danny told him.

Mr Williams hesitated at the side of the bed, turning to Danny and asking, ‘Where do you want me to lie?’ Danny lifted the sheet and blankets off the side of the bed nearest to them and folded them over to the other side of the bed. ‘If you lie on your front there,’ he said, ‘Then if I do manage to send you to sleep, or at least make you feel sleepy, I can just cover you up when I go.’

As he climbed onto the bed, Danny asked, ‘Do you have a portable heater anywhere, you might get cold not being covered up.’ Mr Williams told him there was one in the other bedroom, so Danny went to fetch it. Returning with the heater in one hand and a stool in the other, he said, ‘I’ve brought this stool in as well, then I can sit at the side of the bed.’ He plugged the blow heater in and pointed it away from the bed so it would warm the room without becoming too hot. Mr Williams was lying on his front with his hands down by his side and his head turned towards Danny.

Settling down on the stool, Danny rested his hands on the top and side of Mr Williams’s head and started his gentle massage. As he moved down over his neck and on to his back, he could feel the tension in his shoulders starting to ease. As Danny moved on down, covering all over his back, Mr Williams sighed and said, ‘That is really relaxing, you’ve definitely got the touch.’

Danny said nothing, thinking to himself that he wouldn’t mention that this was the first time he had done it and that he hadn’t been taught, but was just copying Lewis.

By now he had reached his waist, he went from side to side along where his waistband would be, then on down onto his cheeks. Massaging all over both cheeks, he went on down each leg to the ankle, then on to the bare skin of his feet. The massage on his bare flesh drew a low ‘mm’ of pleasure from Mr Williams. Then Danny started back up. When Danny had massaged his cheeks on the way down, it had sent a lovely little shiver through him. As he moved his hands back up his legs, he found himself waiting for the feeling of hands on his cheeks once more.

When Danny was massaging his cheeks, he sensed that Mr Williams enjoyed that bit the most, so he lingered on them a little longer before going on up his back, giving his spine an extra massage on the way. Reaching his neck, he did a slow extra gentle massage on the bare skin and on his head. After lingering on his head for a moment, Danny told him to turn over onto his back.

Mr Williams did so, smiled at Danny, then said, ‘I had no idea that this would be so nice,’ then closed his eyes. Danny put his hands on the top of his head, massaged the top, then down over his face, paying extra attention to his temples in passing, then down over his neck and onto his chest. Going down his chest, Danny could see that the fastenings for the long johns were small press studs which went from just below the neck, down to where he judged the base of his cock would be. Moving down his chest, Danny studied the area of the groin, noticing that there wasn’t much of a bulge and no sign of any movement. As he reached his stomach, Mr Williams gave another ‘mm’ but didn’t open his eyes.

Danny massaged the entire area from the bottom of his ribs, going from side to side as he moved downwards. When he reached his waist, he kept the same movement, going from side to side whilst moving a little bit downwards. As he went over his abdomen, another ‘mm’ escaped. Without breaking his flow, Danny carried on down, over his hips and feeling a small soft cock as he passed on down, continuing down to his feet.

After another slow massage on the bare skin of feet and ankles, he started back up. He kept moving at the same speed, side to side and upwards, again detecting a small soft cock in passing. After he had passed the first few ribs, Danny hooked a finger round each stud flicking them open as he passed, all the way to the top. If Mr Williams had noticed through the waves of pleasure that were engulfing him, he showed no sign of it. Danny went up over his face and head, then lingered on his temples once more before starting down again. This time, instead of going over the long johns, he slid his hand inside and massaged the bare skin of the top half of the chest, getting another ‘mm’ as he went over the nipples. Moving back onto the cloth, he flicked a few more studs open as he moved down to his feet.

Starting back up, he did the same side to side movement, passing over a still soft cock and flicking another few studs open. When he reached the bottom of his chest, he went inside onto the skin. Another ‘mmm’ a little longer this time as he did the whole of his chest on the skin. Going over his face and on to his head, he again did a longer pause on his temples before starting down on the bare chest once more. This time there were enough studs open to be able to stay on the skin over all of his stomach too, something that evidently felt nice as there was first an ‘ooh’ followed by an ‘mmm’ from Mr Williams.

Coming out onto the top of the material at the bottom of his stomach, he massaged his abdomen then as he moved down, flicked open the last of the studs, exposing a tiny little portion of his pubic hairs. Passing on down over a still soft cock, he went down each leg, did his usual longer bit on the feet, then started back up. As he passed over his cock, he couldn’t be sure, but it felt as if it might have grown a little, but if it had it was only a tiny bit.

The entire front of the long johns now being undone, he slid his hands inside onto the bare skin of Mr Williams’s abdomen. An ‘mmm’ came as his fingers touched bare skin. He then worked his way all the way up, staying on the skin. Once he had reached the top of his head and done the usual on his temples, a very sensitive area to relaxation, he said, ‘It’s time your back had a turn now, so turn over onto your front.’

Mr Williams turned over, lying as before with arms by his side and head turned to the side.

Danny came down over his face and neck, then instead of going onto the material, he took hold of the neck of the long johns with one hand, whist reaching inside with the other and massaging the shoulder on bare skin. At the same time, he eased the material off the shoulder. Next, he changed hands and did the same on the other shoulder. Putting both hands on the now exposed bare skin of Mr Williams’s back, he massaged just below the neck, then moved down, massaging and also sliding the material down a little. Once he got a little way down, he left the material in place, but reached inside and massaged on the skin down to the waist. Coming out again, he massaged his cheeks over the material and moved on down to his feet. Coming back up, he massaged the cheeks once more, then instead of moving up, he took hold of the shoulders of the long johns which were now a little way down his back, pulling them gently downwards, easing them down his arms at the same time. Getting the bulk of them down to his waist, he slid the arms off over his hands which were still by his side.

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