The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Dudleys First Check Up

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Dudleys First Check Up - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Monday night Lewis and Dudley arrived at the shop together at ten to five. Going in they waved to Mike who was serving. Lewis sent Dudley through to the back room with instructions to make two coffees, then went over to help Mike.

After the customers were dealt with, Mike put the closed sign up then they went through to the back room. Dudley was sitting at the table with two coffees. Mike said, ‘Hi Dudley,’ picked up his coat and left. Lewis saw him out, so they had their usual quick hug and kiss by the shop door.

After Mike had gone out, Lewis locked the door, left his keys in the lock then went back to Dudley. As they sat with their coffee Lewis asked him how he had got on with his swimming pass. ‘No problem,’ Dudley said, ‘When I told mum and dad what I needed to do, they said right away that they would buy a one years pass for me.’ ‘That’s great,’ Danny said, ‘Sounds like they’re going to support you.’

They finished their drink and went over to the settee. ‘Strip to your underpants,’ Lewis told him. As he stripped off, Lewis sat at the end of the settee. ‘Lie down here,’ he said patting his lap. Once Dudley was settled, Lewis put one hand on his head and the other on his stomach.

Massaging gently, he asked, ‘What did you find the hardest part of the week?’ ‘Not eating between meals,’ Dudley told him. ‘And did you succeed?’ Lewis asked. Dudley looked guilty, ‘Most of the time,’ he said, ‘I did succumb to temptation twice.’ ‘What did you eat then?’ ‘A small bar of chocolate the first time and a packet of crisps the second time.’ he admitted.

‘That’s not bad compared to what you’ve been used to,’ Lewis told him. ‘Now, how much money did you get this week?’ ‘I got my £10 pocket money as usual and yesterday we visited my aunt who gave me five pounds.’

‘What have you done with it?’ Lewis asked. ‘I put half my pocket money in the bank on Saturday as you said. When we got home on Sunday, I gave mum the five pounds from my aunt and asked her to keep it until Saturday. I decided that as I would normally have bought sweets with it, I will put it all in the bank with half of next week’s pocket money.’

‘That’s excellent,’ Lewis told him, ‘Well done. So, what have you done with the remaining five pounds from your pocket money?’ ‘One pound went on the bar of chocolate and eighty pence on the packet of crisps,’ he answered sheepishly. ‘So, do you still have the three pounds twenty?’ Lewis asked. Getting a yes, Lewis said, ‘Ok, we’ll look at that again next week.’

‘How did your swimming go?’ ‘I went on Monday and got my pass,’ he replied. ‘I didn’t have much time left after that for a long swim, but I did three lengths. The rest of the week I did seven lengths every day.’

‘Well done again,’ Lewis said, ‘Did you enjoy the swimming.’ ‘Yes, it was great.’ Dudley said. ‘You were right, there weren’t many people there and like me they were all doing lengths, so no one was paying any attention to me.’

‘Did you notice any difference at school last week?’ Lewis asked. ‘Funny you should ask that,’ Dudley said, ‘I noticed from midweek on that I was understanding things the teacher said much better. My form teacher complimented me as we left on Friday saying my work had improved.’

‘There were two reasons for that,’ Lewis told him, ‘One was getting out and swimming before school, instead of sitting playing on the computer. That improved your circulation, so you were more alert. Two, because you haven’t been stuffing yourself with unnecessary food, your body hasn’t been so lethargic and wanting to sleep.’

‘I’ve drawn a graph,’ Lewis told him. ‘It has a bottom line of 52 dates, for each week for a year starting last week. The vertical line goes from eleven stone seven pounds, which is your target weight, up to your weight last week. I’ve drawn a line diagonally from the top left corner down to the bottom right corner. That is the guideline which will tell us each week if you are on schedule. We will plot your weight with a separate line every week.’

‘Along the bottom, below the bottom line of the graph are three lines.

On the first one we will record how many press-ups you can do. On the second line how many sit-ups. On the third line how many lifting your feet you can do.’

‘That will show you how well you are doing each week. Now, if you equal the weight on the guideline, or weigh less, I’ll award you one point. Last week you managed four of each of the other exercises. If you manage to increase any of the exercises by two per week after that, I’ll give you a point for each exercise that you succeed at.’

‘If you keep your savings growing as we planned and don’t spend any of the residue on unnecessary food, you’ll get another point.’

‘So that means each week you can earn a maximum of five points. Any week that you earn a minimum of four points, one of which has to be your weight, I’ll fire you by hand as a reward.’

Dudley’s eyes lit up at the thought. ‘As soon as your grand total reaches thirty,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’ll let you fire me by hand. When it reaches fifty, we’ll see if we can come up with another special bonus.’ He smiled at the beam on Dudley’s face.

‘Ok, time for a bit of work now,’ Lewis said, ‘Stand up and take your underpants off.’ Lewis got up too and put the scales in place. Dudley didn’t look any different to last week as he stood there naked. But Lewis knew that seeing him each week he probably wasn’t going to notice anything anyway.

It would be the scales, the measurements and the pictures that would prove it. ‘Step onto the scales,’ he told him. As Dudley balanced on the scales, Lewis read the dial out. ‘Fifteen stone two pounds,’ he called out. ‘Ok, step off. Well done, Dudley,’ he told him. ‘That’s a brilliant start, that’s half a stone gone in one week.’

‘Wow,’ Dudley said looking pleased and thinking all the effort had been worth it. ‘It won’t be like that next week onwards,’ Lewis cautioned him, ‘You always lose a lot the first week. But it’s wonderful even so.’

‘Now show me how many press ups you can do.’ Dudley got down on the floor and managed five easily, two with a struggle and one with supreme effort before collapsing on the floor. ‘Wow,’ Dudley, ‘That was double last week, well done again,’ Lewis told him. Dudley looked really pleased at the praise, it wasn’t something he was used to experiencing.

Lewis sat at the end of the settee, ‘Come and lie down for a few minutes before you do the next one,’ he said. Once Dudley was settled, Lewis massaged his head with one hand and his abdomen with the other. He kept above his hairs, not wanting to get him too worked up just yet.

Even so, at the end of five minutes Dudley’s little cock had increased slightly in size. ‘Ok, back on the floor,’ Lewis said. Once he was lying down, Lewis knelt at his head and held his shoulders down. Lewis had put a dining chair just beyond Dudley’s feet.

‘Each time you lift your feet up,’ he told him, ‘Your toes must reach level with or higher than the seat. Off you go.’ Dudley’s feet lifted up, going past the seat, six times, then the next two only went past the seat a couple of inches. The next one just qualified and the final one was a failure. ‘That’s nine, an excellent score.’ Lewis told him.

They returned to the settee. ‘You can have ten minutes rest this time,’ Lewis said. As he massaged in the same place Lewis asked, ‘How many times did you fire yourself since you were here last week?’ ‘Eight,’ came the reply. ‘Did you fire every time you tried?’ Lewis asked. ‘Oh, yes.’ Dudley replied sounding happy.

‘Ok,’ Lewis said. ‘Describe all the dreams that helped you fire.’ ‘Sunday and Monday,’ Dudley began, ‘I dreamt of you firing me. On Tuesday I dreamt that I fired you. On Wednesday I dreamt you were firing me. Then on Thursday I dreamt you were in bed with me, and we just played with each other. On Friday I dreamt I was slim and having sex with Wendy. On Saturday I dreamt I was slim, and Michael was admiring my body and firing me. Last night I... ‘ His voice trailed away.

‘Last night?’ Lewis asked ‘I er... ‘ Dudley said evidently struggling. ‘Did you dream about someone who has actually fired you?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Dudley said without thinking. Then as he went red, Lewis said, ‘So you dreamt about me?’ ‘Yes,’ Dudley admitted in a quiet voice.

‘You have already told me you dreamt of me firing you and that you dreamt of you firing me. So, if you’re embarrassed to tell me, we must have done something different in your dream that we haven’t actually done yet, mustn’t we?’

‘Were you doing something to me or was I doing something to you?’ Lewis asked? ‘I was doing it to you,’ Dudley managed to get out, still very red. ‘Was the part of the body you were using, above or below your waist?’ Lewis asked. ‘Above,’ Dudley replied sounding surprised.

‘Ok, now I know what it was.’ Lewis told him, ‘But I’d rather you told me yourself. I’ll ask you again, but I’ll give you a clue before you answer. What were you dreaming you were doing to me?’ As Lewis finished speaking, he put his index finger in his mouth and slid it in and out.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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