The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Zach Joins in Too

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Zach Joins in Too - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Gregory continued, ‘I speeded up a bit, then I could sense him tensing up. He called out, ‘Gregory, I’m almost there,’ I just kept going, then I felt his cock swell in my mouth and his body go stiff all over. As he started to say, ‘I’m com... ‘ He changed to, ‘Gregory I’m so sorry,’ as he shot his load, then gave a long happy wail of pleasure. His cock throbbed as it pumped it all out, then as it came to an end, I slowed down and stopped. Then I licked his tip which made him cry out again.’

‘As he shrank, I kept hold of it enjoying the feeling. Then I let it slip out and drop down between his legs. I looked up and smiled at him. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said, ‘I couldn’t hold it.’ ‘It’s ok,’ I told him, ‘It’s my fault, I forgot to tell you just to let yourself go. Did you enjoy it?’ ‘I’ve never experienced anything so lovely,’ he said, ‘Thank you.’

‘Then as if he had only just realised, he said, ‘Where did all the cum go?’ I grinned at him and licked my lips. He cottoned on right away, ‘You didn’t?’ he said. I nodded and told him. ‘It’s lovely, you should try it.’

Danny had been massaging away gently on his cock until halfway through the story. Then he had speeded up a little until towards the end he had gone even faster. As Gregory said Adrian should try it, he felt him tense up, then as he cried out saying, ‘Oh my, that’s unbelievable,’ a jet of cum shot out of his cock and landed on his chest.

It seemed to keep going for ages, then as it petered out, his cock shrank in Danny’s hand. When it was completely soft, Danny lay it gently down on his hairs.

Gregory was lying there with his eyes closed and a lovely smile on his face. Danny sat quietly, massaging his stomach as he savoured the memory. Opening his eyes, he smiled at Danny. ‘Wow,’ he said, ‘I could never have imagined a feeling like that.’

‘I’m glad you enjoyed it,’ Danny told him, ‘It felt especially nice because your brain has got rid of the worry of your old problem, and you are realising that any problem with Zach is going to be sorted before you leave. So, your body let you enjoy it to the full.’

Danny mopped up his cum, then got up and fetched a wet cloth and towel. Cleaning him up and drying him off, he finished off with a wipe of his tip with the wet cloth getting a happy shiver from Gregory. Sitting back on the settee and lying him down again, Danny looked down at him and smiled.

‘Now,’ he said, ‘I have had hold of your erection and fired you. I’ve watched your cum leave your cock and sail through the air. I’ve felt and heard your ecstatic response. During none of which did you show the slightest sign of embarrassment. When you opened your eyes and smiled at me afterwards, you were still completely at ease with me.’

‘So clearly, we have reached the maximum relaxed state you can get to. At this point we can sort out any problems you are having with Zach. Tell me everything you felt and did and desired from the point when you started feeling you wanted to be more to Zach than just a flat mate.’

Gregory lay still for a moment, at ease, just thinking back. ‘I think it was about six months ago,’ he began, ‘I knew when Zach was in the shower as you could always hear it when it was running, even with the bathroom door shut. There was no lock on the door, we closed it if we were in the bathroom and left it open otherwise.’

‘As Zach was in the shower and I was bursting for a pee, I went in and had one. I felt comfortable with Zach by now and I suppose I assumed he was the same. As I turned to go out, I could see his silhouette through the steamy glass. I felt a bit strange, then as I went out, I realised my cock had gone hard.’

‘That night I couldn’t stop dreaming about him and being close to him. In the next few months, I found that I suddenly needed a pee whenever Zach was in the shower, I couldn’t seem to help myself. Zach never said anything so it never occurred to me that he might be bothered.’

‘Then one day he can’t have been using the shower as hot as usual because when I turned from the toilet, I could see him better through the glass. I couldn’t tear myself away, his body looked so good. He was taller and better built than me. I was rooted to the spot until he suddenly stepped out not having realised that I was still there.’

‘That was my first full view of him naked. It was so arousing I shot up fully hard immediately. I smiled at him and said, ‘You’re well hung aren’t you. He looked as if he didn’t know what I meant so I gave him another smile and left.’

‘A while later I went in and had a pee then stood looking at him. He saw me and reached out, got his robe and put it on in the shower. When he came out, I went over to him. I reached out and hugged him. I felt him freeze in my arms, it made me realise what I had done and that I had frightened him. I was horrified. I let go and ran out.’

‘Zach, bless him, didn’t say anything, but the next day I went out and bought a bolt which I fitted to the bathroom door. I thought everything was ok after that, nothing was ever said, although I did sense things were a bit strained between us.’

‘Then several weeks later, I got home one Saturday. As I crossed the lounge, Zach told me to stand still. He got up, gave me a hug and told me something had happened to him once that had affected him getting too close to anyone. He said he was sorry and thanked me for my patience. I felt wonderful.’

‘Everything was like it had been at the beginning. Then a short while later he said, ‘I’m going for a shower. I’ll leave the bolt off in case you need a wee.’ ‘It sounded almost as if he was inviting me to come in, but I didn’t want to do anything to upset him again.’

‘In the end I went in, but with my shorts on. I had a wee then turned to go out. Zach saw me and waved. Then he stepped out of the shower naked and asked me to dry his back. That was lovely, it took me ages, I could have happily done it for hours.’

‘Then he took my hand and led me into his bedroom. We hugged and kissed then lay on the bed together. I was in heaven, Zach’s naked body tight against mine, our two cocks hard and squashed together with just my shorts between us. Zach ran his hands down my back, it was pure ecstasy. Then he ran one hand down my bare back, on over my shorts and round to the front.’

‘Everything was great until he took hold of my cock through my shorts. I froze instantly as all the memories of Grant came back. Zach realised something was wrong right away. He took his hand away but kept hugging me. He was so good, he told me he wouldn’t touch me there again until I told him it was ok, but we could hug and kiss whenever I liked. He asked what had happened to me. When I said it was too embarrassing, he said I needed to see you. Anyway, as a result of that, here I am.’

Danny stroked his forehead, ‘Well done,’ he said, ‘At this point I would normally talk you through what you did wrong with Zach. Then I’d tell you why it happened, but before I do that, I’m going to make a suggestion. Now that you have been so relaxed that you let me fire you, I think you will have no problem having Zach hold your cock. So, I would like you to agree to Zach coming to join us.’

‘You will see why I think it is a good idea when I talk to you both, but I’m going to need you to trust me until then.’ Gregory was feeling so good, and after everything he had told and done with Danny he didn’t hesitate. ‘Go ahead.’ he said.

‘Thank you,’ Danny said, ‘Get dressed for now, then we’ll have a coffee whilst we wait.’ He texted Zach to join them as Gregory got dressed. Then they sat at the kitchen table over a coffee. ‘When Zach arrives,’ Danny told him, ‘I’m going to ask his permission to reveal to you, some of the things I talked about with him because I believe it will help both of you.’

‘If he agrees, I will ask you the same question. Unless you both agree it will lessen the result I hope to achieve, but only the two of you can choose.’ Just then there was a ring at the front door. Danny went to answer it, returning a few minutes later with Zach.

Gregory stood up and smiled at him. Zach went over and gave him a hug. ‘You look happy,’ he told him. They all sat back at the table. Danny began right away. ‘I promised both of you that I would never reveal anything you told me.’ he said. ‘That is unchanged. However, there are a lot of similarities between the events that have shaped both your lives. It is my opinion that if you were each to learn more of the events that have affected the other, you would understand their actions and your own actions better. It would also result in you having a closer bond.’

‘I think we should have a joint session now, but for it to work, I need your individual permission to discuss whatever parts of your life I think necessary. You can answer No, Yes or Yes but. Yes and No are obvious. If you answer Yes but, I’ll talk to you on your own before we begin to see which bits you don’t want me to mention.’

‘Zach, will you answer first.’ ‘Yes,’ Zach said, ‘You can tell Gregory anything.’ ‘Yes, for me too,’ Gregory said before being asked. ‘Excellent,’ Danny told them, ‘Well done. Let’s go through to the lounge.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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