The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: A Severe Pain in the Bum
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Severe Pain in the Bum - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I heard the front door close then noises in the bathroom. Then my stepdad came back in. ‘I should have done that years ago,’ he said, ‘I’m so sorry you had to suffer. Are you still stinging inside?’ When I told him I was he said, ‘Just relax and I’ll sort that out for you right now.’
‘He got up and pulled the covers off, then sitting back down he pulled one of my cheeks apart. Then I felt him squeeze something cold and soothing on my bum. He rubbed it around the opening very gently. It felt good, but I was still stinging inside.’
‘Then he put what felt like the nozzle of a tube to my bum and squeezed some of whatever it was he was using inside. As he did so a bit more of my pain eased. Then he said, ‘Relax as much as you can, this next bit might feel uncomfortable.’ Then I felt his finger sliding slowly and gently into my bum.’
‘He must have been pushing the cream deeper inside because as his finger went deeper and deeper the pain inside got less and less. When he was all the way in, he paused for a moment then he told me, ‘I’m going to move my finger out and back in a couple of times to make sure the cream gets to all the sore spots.’
‘I felt his finger sliding out almost completely, then it slid back in again. This time it moved around a bit as if he was spreading something. Then he took his finger out altogether, squirted some more cream in, then put his finger all the way in and back out again, all done slowly and gently.’
‘Once he came out, there was movement like he was wiping his finger, then he wiped my bum with a tissue. ‘I bet no one’s done that for you for a long time,’ he said. ‘Ok, turn over onto your back.’ I was still naked but by now I couldn’t care less. All the pain inside my bum had gone, only my kidney and my arm were aching now.’
‘He examined the area over my kidney very gently and my arm. ‘We’ll see better in the morning after they’ve had a chance to heal up a bit,’ he told me, ‘But they’re probably just bruised. ‘When you have a wee for the next couple of times, look at it carefully and let me know if there is any sign of blood in it.’
‘Sit up now,’ he said. When I did, he put his arms around me and hugged me. ‘I’m sorry again that you had to suffer that,’ he said. ‘I don’t deserve any favours from you, but your mum is still fast asleep, so in the morning I will just tell her he’s gone off on his own during the night.’
‘Whether you tell her anything else or not is entirely up to you, I’m not pressing you either way. Lie down now and get some sleep. I’ve put the snip on the front door,’ he told me as he covered me up. ‘No one can get in. I’ll have the lock changed tomorrow.’
‘As he reached the door he turned and said, ‘Goodnight,’ ‘Goodnight,’ I replied, ‘And thank you.’ He nodded to me, smiled, switched the light off and closed the door.’
‘So, what did you do the next day?’ Danny asked him. ‘I didn’t sleep too well that night,’ Gregory told him, ‘I kept waking up thinking Grant was back. But when I finally woke up, my insides were pain free, the area of my kidney was only slightly tender if I pressed hard and my arm was fine. I went to the loo and my wee was clear of blood too, so all was well.’
‘It was Saturday, so we had a late breakfast, just the three of us. My stepdad had evidently told mum about Grant going off and he said, ‘I doubt we’ll see him again.’ He looked over at me and I smiled at him and nodded. I was seeing him in a new light. After all, how many people do you know who have had their finger up your bum.’
‘He looked relieved and told mum he was going to get a new lock for the front door today as he had no idea what Grant might do with the key he had been given. Mum didn’t question it and by teatime the new lock was on, and we all had a new key.’
Danny had been massaging very slowly and gently on his head and abdomen all through the story. He moved his hand lower from his abdomen onto his hairs then included Gregory’s cock. It had stayed soft throughout, but now it started to stiffen slightly. ‘So, was everything ok after that?’ Danny asked.
‘Yes and no,’ Gregory said. ‘I knew Grant had gone and couldn’t get back in, but I just couldn’t relax enough to get a full night’s sleep, I kept waking in a panic thinking he was coming into the room. Then sometimes I’d wake up remembering him penetrating me and reliving the pain.’
‘About three weeks later, I decided I wanted a place of my own, so I went looking. There was an advert on the notice board at work, so I went to see it. It was ideal for size and location but being a two bedroomed flat, I couldn’t afford it. The agent also said because of my age I would need an older guarantor.’
‘I went home thinking that was that. I must have looked unhappy because my stepdad asked what was up. Mum was out so I explained about not sleeping and where I’d been. To my surprise he said, ‘Why don’t you see if you can find someone to share with you?’ I told him I had wondered about asking Zach, but he was the same age as me. ‘No problem,’ he told me, ‘I owe you. If Zach is agreeable, I’ll stand as guarantor for you.’ ‘I was amazed but delighted. I went over and hugged him. ‘Thank you so much,’ I said.
‘He clearly wasn’t used to being hugged but he seemed pleased that I was thanking him. When mum came home, I broke the news to her. He backed me up saying it was only natural at my age. He didn’t mention being guarantor, so I didn’t either. ‘After all,’ he said, ‘He’s only local so its not as if we won’t see him.’
‘So, the next day I asked Zach. He was delighted at the idea, so I took him to see it. We drew up an agreement between us regarding payments of the rent and all the bills, then my stepdad went to the agents and signed up as guarantor until my twenty first birthday.’
‘Zach and I moved in the following week.’ By now Danny’s massage had brought him up to fully erect. He was clearly enjoying the sensation as his speech was interrupted occasionally by several ‘mmms’
‘So, when you moved in, how did you sleep?’ Danny asked. ‘I woke a couple of times during the first week,’ Gregory told him, ‘I think when I heard Zach going to the bathroom in the night, but it was because of it being a strange noise that woke me, not fear. By the end of the week when my brain could recognise noises for what they were, nothing has disturbed me since.’
‘Very well done for getting all that off your chest,’ Danny told him. ‘How much of what you have told me does Zach know?’ ‘Only that something happened to me two years ago that has made me frightened of sexual contact. Nothing else.’
‘Ok, so that tells me that something must have happened between you and Zach that made you tell him that. Also, whatever it was, plus what you then told him made him think you needed to come and see me.’
‘To solve all your problems, we need to sort that out too, but before we do that, I think we need to return to your experiences with Adrian and James. Those experiences were good ones, ones that you all enjoyed, did no one any harm, united you in a special bond and were part of a learning curve.’
‘So now I want you to tell me all about your next experiences with them. While you do, I will relax you as I have just been doing. If you get so excited that you feel close to firing, don’t fight it, just let it go and enjoy it. We can mop it up afterwards, ok.’
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