The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Gregory Opens Up

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Gregory Opens Up - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

I said, ‘I told you, you, should have had sex before you went for a swim.’ The sun was up so by the time we reached the tent we were all almost dry. We lay on a grassy area of a sandbank for ten minutes until we were all properly dry.

By the time we stood up, Adrian had gone soft. We went into the tent and got dressed. As we cycled home later, we all agreed it had been a wonderful trip.

As he finished speaking Danny was massaging his stomach. ‘Thank you for sharing that,’ he said, ‘That will really help you to feel relaxed with me.’

‘When I reach your shorts,’ Danny told him, ‘I will go inside your shorts and massage on your skin. If you don’t feel ready for that yet just say ‘Pass’ when I lift your waistband. If, however, you feel relaxed enough when I’m massaging you, lift your hips so I can slide them down out of the way. Then I’ll be able to massage you much easier.’

As he moved down to the bottom of his stomach Danny asked, ‘Did you have any more experiences with James and Adrian together or singly?’ As he finished speaking, he took hold of the waistband of Gregory’s shorts and paused.

‘Yes,’ Gregory said, ‘We had several, both together and separate.’ As soon as he started speaking, Danny slid his hand inside and started massaging down the skin on the top of his thighs. ‘I’m glad you enjoyed some more,’ Danny said, ‘And it’s also a good sign that you can tell me. I might need to come back to those later.’

Having massaged the tops of both thighs, Danny moved his hand over to the middle and started to draw it out by letting it run slowly up the underside of his cock. As it throbbed Gregory lifted his hips up. As he brought his hand out, Danny took hold of the waist of his shorts and slid them down. He had to reach inside to hold his cock down, which made Gregory call out ‘Yeees’ very happily.

Pulling them down and letting go of his cock, Danny watched as it sprang upright and waved about. It looked pretty much the same size as his own. Gregory’s pubic hairs were ginger, so he looked different.

Returning to his waist, Danny massaged down once more, this time directly on the skin. As he reached the top of Gregory’s hairs, he told him, ‘Close your eyes and imagine I am James or Adrian whilst I go down to your feet and back to your head. Then we’ll talk again.’

As Gregory closed his eyes and lay with a big smile on his face, Danny massaged through his hairs, then over every inch of his cock which leapt about as Gregory cried out happily. Then after exploring his balls, Danny moved down his legs to his shorts just below his knees.

Sliding them down and off over his feet, he came back up his legs. As he moved up Gregory’s thighs, his cock waved around in anticipation. Reaching the top, he went up each thigh in turn up to the hip. Then moving over to the middle, he moved down and onto Gregory’s hairs.

As his cock danced in a frenzy, Danny took hold of it, held it still, then massaged gently all over his balls. Amidst a lot of happy noises, he then stroked his cock up and down a couple of times very slowly. Finishing off with a very gentle circular stroke on his tip, which made Gregory’s happy noises turn into a low scream of pleasure.

Moving on up over his abdomen, stomach and chest, he finished off on his head. Taking his hands away, he let Gregory lie still and enjoy the memories for a while. Then when he said, ‘Gregory’ firmly, he opened his eyes. He still had a big beam on his face.

Danny smiled at him, ‘I don’t need to ask if you enjoyed that,’ he said. ‘Let’s recap. You are lying there naked. You have a hard on. I have massaged every inch of your body, including your erection. You have told me lots of things about yourself that you have never told a soul before. That includes sexual adventures with your two closest male friends. Despite all that you feel completely relaxed. Would you agree with that statement?’

‘Absolutely,’ came the immediate answer. ‘Good, then I think we are nearly ready to move on and look at your problem,’ Danny told him. ‘Sit up. When you told me about your experiences with Adrian and James, you told me how you all thanked each other afterwards. Can you demonstrate on me what you did?’

It took him a few moments to click, then Gregory leaned forward and gave Danny a quick kiss on his lips. ‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘I’m sure we can do better than that. Let’s try again.’ This time Danny put his arms around him. Gregory did likewise. They kissed for a while, then as they parted Gregory said, ‘Wow.’

‘Ok, stay sitting up.’ Danny told him. Moving off the edge of the settee, he took the end cushion up, sat in its place and put the cushion on his lap. ‘Lie down again,’ he said. Gregory lay back, his head now on the cushion on Danny’s knee.

‘This is the position for someone who feels enough at ease with me to be able to tell me everything that ever happened to them,’ he said. ‘You are in this position because I believe that you have told me everything embarrassing that you have ever done.’ He stressed the ‘you’. ‘All that is left now is for you to feel able to tell me what embarrassing things someone else did to you.’

‘Before I try and guide you through it, let me tell you what I think happened. I think two years ago your stepfather either raped you or did something to you which upset you so much that it made you move out. I’m puzzled why he then stood guarantor for you, but perhaps it was remorse or to buy your silence.’

‘Just answer yes or no first, am I correct?’ Gregory was silent, clearly thinking hard. ‘Yes and No,’ he finally answered. ‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘Before I start asking more questions, do you feel able to start at the beginning and tell me everything that happened?’

As he spoke Danny put one hand on his head and started massaging it. His other hand he rested in his hairs above his cock and started massaging there. Both hands moving very slowly.

After enjoying the sensation for a few moments, Gregory looked up at him, and answered, ‘Yes, I think so.’ although he sounded troubled about it.

‘Good, take your time,’ Danny said. ‘Think about the first moment you experienced anything that upset you, then go as far back beforehand to where you think was the beginning of it all. Then tell me about everyone who was around you, what led up to it and exactly what happened.’

‘Remember, it’s very unlikely that you were to blame in any way so what you are going to tell me is just the same as if you were telling me about someone beating you up.’

He smiled at him, ‘Start when you’re ready.’ As Danny kept massaging, Gregory closed his eyes as if to picture it, then began. ‘Just over two years ago, not long after I had started work, I came home one day to find an older boy in the lounge. Mum and my stepdad were there too. They introduced me to Grant who was two years older than me. He was the son of my stepdad.’

‘At the time, no one told me why, but he had just become homeless, so he was to stay with us for short while until his dad sorted out somewhere for him to live. I took an instant dislike to him which was unusual for me, but trying not to show it, I shook hands with him and said hello. He shook hands but didn’t speak.’

‘I had two single beds in my room, so he was going to share with me. I was told to take him upstairs and show him where he was going to sleep. I took him up to my room and showed him which bed would be his. He only had a black plastic bag with him with a few bits in, so I cleared a couple of drawers out for him.’

‘He was a few inches taller than me and much more powerful looking. He seemed to look miserable all of the time, but I put that down to his present circumstances. I sat on my bed and watched as he put the stuff out of his black bag into the drawers. Then to make conversation I asked him what he did. I meant for a job but whether he took it for something else I don’t know but he snapped back, ‘Mind your own bloody business.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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