The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Gregory Reveals Some Experiences

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Gregory Reveals Some Experiences - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Moving up onto Gregory’s shorts, Danny asked, ‘Where were you the first time it happened.’ Now Danny had told him that he had had a similar experience, Gregory felt at ease telling him all about it.

‘It was the Easter holidays,’ he began. ‘James had a tent which could take four. We had gone off on our bikes into the countryside and were going to camp out overnight. We’d pitched our tent on the edge of some sandhills near the shore. As it happened, it was surrounded by sandhills so it couldn’t be seen.’

‘At the end of the evening when we were about to turn in, the moon had come out and the tide had come in. I don’t remember who suggested it, but we decided to go skinny dipping.’

‘We all stripped off and ran into the sea. Once we were in, the water felt reasonably warm, so we swam around and larked about for quite a while. Then we decided to go ashore.’

‘As we waded towards the beach, James and I both noticed that Adrian had a whopping great hard on. We also realised he was much bigger than either of us. Adrian saw we had noticed. He was clearly embarrassed but told us, this always happens when I go swimming.’

‘It was an almost full moon so we could see each other very clearly. ‘It’s such a whopper,’ James said, ‘You are lucky.’ Then he added, ‘I’ve never seen an erection before, apart from my own.’ ‘I joined in saying, ‘Me neither.’

As Gregory had been speaking Danny had massaged all over the front of his shorts including his bulge which had moved about under his touch. An ‘mmm’ had escaped from Gregory, but he was so engrossed in his story and happy memories that Danny wasn’t sure he even realised he had done so.

Gregory continued, ‘Then Adrian said, ‘You two are stiffening up now.’ He was right neither of us had noticed, but we had stiffened just enough for him to notice but we hadn’t felt it. ‘It must be looking at mine,’ he said, ‘They’re feeling left out.’ We all laughed at that. ‘Actually,’ Adrian said, ‘I’ve never seen anyone else erect either.’

‘Then James amazed us both. He was probably the quietest and shyest of the three of us. He said, ‘I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to hold someone else when they were erect. Why don’t we get dry and go in the tent as we are then we can all try it?’

‘I don’t think such a thing had ever occurred to Adrian or myself before. ‘But seeing the size of Adrian’s I thought it would be rather nice. Clearly Adrian liked the idea too because he and I both looked at each other and said, ‘Ok,’ at the same time.’

‘We brought our towels outside for some room and dried ourselves off. I asked Adrian when he had first noticed it happening to him. ‘I was about twelve,’ he told us, ‘I went swimming on holiday. I was with my parents on the beach so before I came out of the water, I tucked it as flat as I could and ran up the beach to our towels.’

‘I sat for ages trying to think of anything but girls and sex. It was ages before it went down but I was chuffed that I had managed to avoid anyone noticing, or so I thought.’

‘How do you mean?’ we asked. ‘Well later that afternoon when my dad and I were alone, he told me he had noticed my discomfort. ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he told me, ‘It used to happen to me. Apparently, it’s quite a common phenomenon in teenagers. The good news,’ he said, ‘Is that you’ll grow out of it. The bad news is it might not be until the end of your teens.’ One tip he told me was to get rid of my swimming trunks and wear shorts, it’s not so noticeable then.’

‘Once we were all dry, we went into the tent. As James had suggested it, we left him to take charge. He told Adrian to lie in the middle, then James and I lay each side. Adrian had gone half soft by now whilst we two were totally soft.’

‘Here’s my suggestion,’ James said, ‘Gregory and I will have a feel of Adrian, he’s bound to go hard again with two different hands on him. Then we can change around and take turns in the middle. That was agreed so James and I turned on our sides towards Adrian.’

‘James reached out and took hold of his cock, so I took hold of his balls. Well, Adrian evidently liked the feeling for he went to rock hard in seconds. It was amazing to watch, What the feeling was like for James who had it in his hand at the time I could only imagine.’

‘James didn’t look like he had any intention of letting go, so as Adrian was so big that a third of his cock was sticking up out of James’s hand, I reached over and held his top. Feeling two different hands on his cock really made Adrian’s cock throb.’

By now Danny had reached Gregory’s feet, slipping his trousers off altogether on the way down. Then he started back up as Gregory continued his tale.

‘James took the hint. He took his hand off and played with Adrian’s balls instead. Not thinking, I slid my hand slowly down until the side of my hand touched Adrian’s hairs to get a better grip. He let out a long ecstatic scream. ‘Oh yes,’ he cried out, ‘That’s lovely, fire me, fire me.’

‘James and I looked at each other mouths agape. That had never occurred to us. Then James gave me another shock. ‘I’m game if you are,’ he said. Looking at my hand still on Adrian’s cock, James said, ‘You’ve got hold of him already, you fire him, I’ll work on his balls.’

‘I froze, then Adrian called out, ‘I don’t care who does what, just do it, you’re driving me wild.’ So, I started sliding my hand up and down it. Being longer than mine meant my hand moved further up and down than usual which in itself felt exciting. But having hold of someone else’s cock gave me such an erotic sensation my own cock was rock hard and throbbing.’

‘With James playing with his balls, Adrian didn’t last long, As I increased speed the first time, I felt his cock swell in my grip, then as I went back down, He cried out, ‘Bloody hell, that’s fantastic.’ as a great jet of cum shot out of his tip, soared up in the air and landed in the middle of the load of hairs on his chest.’

‘It seemed to keep shooting out for ages, then as it petered out, the last few drops landed making a line of cum across his stomach. I had kept hold of it, feeling it throbbing as it pumped him dry. As the flow of cum came to a stop I slowed down and stopped.’

‘I kept hold of it though, feeling it go soft in my hand which was another special feeling. Once it was soft, I laid it down gently in his hairs and looked at his face. Adrian had his eyes closed and a great big grin on his face. He must have sensed me looking at him. He opened his eyes and said, ‘That was by far the best one I’ve ever had.’

Danny had reached his shorts once more and massaged all over the front. His touch, plus the story Gregory was telling had resulted in his cock now being rock hard. Danny gave it a gentle squeeze as he moved over it, producing another ‘mmm’

Continuing, Gregory said, ‘Adrian told us, there’s only one thing we can do now,’ he said, ‘You two have got to have a turn.’ He picked up his T shirt and mopped up all the cum off his chest. ‘I’ll go for a swim to clean off properly afterwards,’ he said. ‘Gregory, you come and lie in the middle. James, you fire him, and I’ll play with his balls.’

‘He got up and I lay down in his place. I was half hard having gone down a bit after he fired. But as soon as James wrapped his hand round my cock and Adrian took hold of my balls it shot up in seconds. That in itself was an amazing feeling.’

‘James started moving his hand up and down on my cock whilst Adrian played with my balls. The feelings I was getting were strange but lovely, far nicer than any I had had when I fired myself.’

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