The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Chris Seals It With a Kiss

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Chris Seals It With a Kiss - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I mopped all the cum up with tissues, then washed his chest with the wet cloth. As I dried his chest with the towel, he gave me a lovely smile making my heart pound. I picked up his cock which I could now see was uncircumcised. I slid his foreskin back gently, washed his tip, then saw it swallowed up once more as I let go of his foreskin.’

‘I sat there looking at him for a while, I felt we had an even greater very special bond between us now, and with Graham too. They both told me afterwards that they felt the same.’

‘We stood up and had another hug, this time all our cocks were hanging loose so we squeezed up even closer. In our hug my face was directly opposite Amara’s. He smiled at me and suddenly we were kissing each other on the lips. Then after we had finished, I turned to Graham and kissed him, then he and Amara kissed.’

‘We separated and got dressed, then we all looked at each other and grinned. ‘That was a wonderful experience,’ Graham said, ‘Thank you Amara, without you that never would have happened.’

All through the tale, Danny had been gently massaging between Chris’s balls, his cock and his hairs. When he massaged his cock, he had done it exceptionally slowly. As Chris finished his story Danny smiled at him and said, ‘I bet you never expected to tell that to anyone,’ he said.

‘Did you ever repeat the experience?’ ‘Never as a threesome,’ Chris told him. ‘Not deliberately, it just never happened that all three of us were together at a suitable time. Amara and I had another session a few months later. Then I had a session with Graham about a month after that. If they did anything together, they never mentioned it.’

‘What did you do the second time?’ Danny asked him. ‘We fired each other like last time, but at the same time. It was different, but still a wonderful experience.’

As Chris finished his story, he closed his eyes and went quiet, remembering it all. As he did, Danny speeded up the movement of his hand on Chris’s cock. As it throbbed happily in his grip and Chris started letting out a series of ‘mmms’ he went faster.’

Then as the ‘mmms’ got louder and more frequent, he speeded up again. A few seconds later Danny felt it swell more in his hand, Chris’s body went tense and as his cock throbbed, he cried out happily with the feeling that surged through him as a jet of cum soared up into the air.

Danny watched it curve over and land on his chest. He kept going slowly as the cum kept flowing, then as it ended, he slowed down to a stop. He kept hold of his cock as it shrank in his hand. Lying it down limp into Chris’s hairs, he let go.

Chris had an enormous beam on his face. He opened his eyes and said, ‘Wow, that was lovely.’ ‘Lie still,’ Danny told him. He returned a few moments later and mopped the cum off his chest with tissue. Then he washed Chris’s chest with a wet flannel before drying him with a towel.

Picking up his soft cock, Danny pulled his foreskin slowly back. Gently wiping his tip accompanied by some more happy noises from Chris. Letting the foreskin swallow it up again, he laid it back down.

‘Sit up,’ he said. As Chris sat up, Danny put his arms out. Chris moved into them, putting his own arms around Danny. They hugged then Danny said, ‘What you did with Amara and Graham is a normal experience for many teenagers. As you know it created a special bond between you.’

‘By telling me about your experiences, then feeling relaxed enough to let me fire you, you have created a similar bond between me and you. That will be a major advantage in our efforts to get Lucy pregnant.’

‘There’s one more thing you did on that first occasion with your school pals that we haven’t done today.’ Danny said. Chris lifted his head up off Danny’s shoulder and looked at him puzzled. Danny just smiled at him and waited. Then suddenly the penny dropped. He leaned forward and as Danny did the same, he kissed him.

After a brief kiss and breaking off, they both put their lips back together, their arms around each other and kissed for a while. As they broke off, Danny said, ‘I think it’s safe to say that that cements it.’

‘Ok, stay sitting up,’ he said. Moving to the end of the settee, Danny told him to lie down with his head on his knee. Once he was settled, Danny rested one hand on his head and one on his stomach. ‘Now you are relaxed enough with me to play your part,’ he said, ‘I’ll tell you what that part will involve, both for you and for Lucy.’

‘Lucy will lie on this settee naked. I will wash from her waist to her knees with disinfectant. Then I’ll insert a small plastic tube through her vagina and about an inch into the start of her cervix. The other end will be taped to her thigh. She will then be covered up with a sheet.’

‘You will be lying on a camp bed parallel to the settee about three feet apart. There will be a screen between you for two reasons. One, so there are no distractions on either side. Two, so that Lucy gets used to it in case we have to resort to a donor.’

‘You too will be naked. I will wash you over the same area with the same disinfectant. Now the best likelihood of success is for you to both be completely relaxed with what I am doing to you, to your partner and anyone else who might be required.’

‘You will have earphones on. When all is ready, you will listen to an erotic recording I will make for you. You will be wearing a pair of surgical gloves and playing with yourself. Whilst you are doing that, I will be giving Lucy an orgasm with my finger. This will get all her juices flowing as they would if you were having sex.’

‘As soon as that happens, I will return to you and take over firing you. I will finish you off for two reasons. One, you will be more worked up having someone else do it, so you’ll produce a better quality and quantity of sperm. Two, it will be easier for me to catch what you ejaculate in the syringe.’

‘The minute you fill the syringe, I will leave you and return to Lucy. I’ll inject all of your sperm into the tube taped to her leg. I’ll then inject a very small quantity of warm sterile water behind it, to make sure as much as possible of your sperm reaches Lucy’s cervix. After that it’s up to nature.’

‘If you are being the donor, I will then remove the tube and you can sit with Lucy who should then lie flat for at least an hour. I will clear everything away.’

‘If we decide on a dual insemination. That is using both your sperm and a donor’s sperm at the same time, everything will be the same as I’ve just told you. Then after I’ve collected your sperm, you will leave the room and the donor will take your place. He will go through the same preparation and procedure. Then his sperm will follow yours down the tube. If Lucy gets pregnant after that, you may never know for certain who’s sperm did the trick.’

‘If we do a donor only session, you will not be here until everything is done.’

‘Have you a problem with any of that, or any questions?’ Danny asked. ‘Is Lucy ok with all that,’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ Danny told him, ‘She appreciates the need to do everything possible to make your bodies believe you are making love passionately. Thus, giving the best results all round.’

‘What can go wrong?’ Chris asked. ‘Very little other than Lucy doesn’t get pregnant.’ Danny told him. ‘Inserting the tube is simple and providing it’s done gently, will not harm or discomfort Lucy or anything inside. Probably the biggest danger is infection. When you put your cock into Lucy it plugs the opening completely, thus preventing any airborne germs reaching your sperm. Although as it’s not usual to disinfect your cock before having sex, you could carry germs deep inside on your cock anyway. I will be wearing numerous pairs of surgical gloves once we start. I’ll also have a mask on to keep my breath away from your sperm.’

‘The only other possible problem I can see is if we decide to use a donor. You may well end up with a baby that has differences of appearance and attitudes to either of you. Although of course that can happen anyway.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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