The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Preparing for Castration

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Preparing for Castration - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Mike drove off from Mr Williams’s, heading back to the shop. As he came to the town centre, he spotted a row of shops, so he pulled into the quietest part of the car park. Opening the boot, Gordon was still dead to the world, so he locked the car and headed to the shops.

It didn’t take him long to collect the things he needed. Before returning to his car, he rang Lewis at the shop, it was now just after four so he knew he wouldn’t get back before five.

When Lewis answered, Mike told him everything was ok, he was just leaving and should be back just after five, would he wait for him as he might need a hand to unload the car. He didn’t mention what it was that needed unloading.

Lewis agreed right away, Mike could hear from the background noise that the shop was busy, so he said, ‘Thanks Lewis, see you soon,’ then hung up. He went back to the car and continued on his journey.

Five o’clock came and Lewis saw the last customer out of the shop. He put the closed sign on the door and turned the key. It had been an extra busy afternoon being on his own. He looked at the heap of returned tapes that he hadn’t had chance to check. With a sigh, he sat at the counter and picked up the first one, found it hadn’t been rewound so he put it in the machine, then pressed rewind.

He’d only done three tapes when there was a knock on the door. He looked up to see Mike’s face through the glass. Letting him in, he asked, ‘Is everything ok?’ Mike told him to come through to the back room and he’d tell him all about it.

Mike gave him a hug and thanked him for looking after the shop. In response to his question, Lewis assured him that there had been no problems, except for the big heap of unchecked tapes he hadn’t had time to see to.

‘They’re no problem,’ Mike said, ‘I can sort those tomorrow or even next week. They sat down on the settee and Mike told him everything that had happened. ‘Lewis immediately asked, ‘Is Danny ok and what have you done with Gordon?’ Mike assured him Danny was fine and told him about the discovery that others had been attacked by Gordon, too. Then he proudly told him about Danny’s suggestion that he met with and spoke to the victims.

‘Now, about Gordon.’ he continued, looking serious. ‘He is in the boot of my car parked around the back of the building. Before I tell you what I am planning on doing, if you want nothing to do with it, tell me now.’

Lewis didn’t hesitate, ‘After what he did to Danny, I’ll do anything I can to help, no matter what you’re planning,’ Mike grinned, ‘I’d hoped you say something like that,’ he looked relieved, ‘I don’t think I could get him out of the boot on my own. I’ve parked the car with the boot as near to the back door as I can. We’ll go through and open the back door, unload the car and dump Gordon in the back passageway. Then we’ll come back in here and I’ll tell you everything I’m planning to do. Just one word of warning, Gordon is blindfolded so he doesn’t know where he is or who has got him. So don’t speak when you’re within earshot, that’s even if he still seems unconscious, I don’t want him to be able to recognise a voice.’ Lewis nodded to show he understood.

Mike got up and Lewis followed him out back. Lewis had never been through the back door before, it was only ever opened when it was checked for a fire escape. Mike opened the door and checked outside. Seeing no one about, he opened the car door and the two of them unloaded his shopping, taking it through to the back room. Mike had bought a piece of plywood, four foot long and two feet wide which he took around to the back of the car.

Opening the boot, Lewis’s heart skipped a beat as he saw Gordon trussed up like a chicken and still unmoving. Mike put the plywood like a ramp, resting one end on the back bumper, the other on the ground. He pointed to Gordon’s feet to indicate Lewis should get hold of that end, then he got hold of Gordons shoulders. Between them they managed to roll the body half out of the boot. Then Mike pulled the head end round onto the board whilst Lewis kept its legs in the boot.

Mike then went to the foot of the ramp, put his feet at the bottom to stop it moving, then took hold of Gordons clothes over the front of his shoulders and slid him down the slope onto the floor. As he reached the floor, Gordon let out a slight groan, the first sound he had made since Danny knocked him out. Lewis had guided his feet so that they didn’t come sideways off the board, he dropped his hold when the groan startled him. With Mike still holding on, he dragged Gordon along the ground and through the back door. Lewis holding his feet in the air and pushing. The passage was about twenty feet long, so they dragged him halfway and left him there. Mike went out and passed the plywood ramp into Lewis, then locked up the car. Coming back in, he fastened up the back door, then the two of them went through into the back room, leaving Gordon on the floor of the passageway.

Once they were settled on the settee, Mike said, ‘Thanks for that, it would have been very difficult on my own, I’d have hated to have had to explain what I was doing if I had got him stuck halfway and someone had come along.’ They both laughed at the thought.

Mike explained that none of the parents concerned wanted to go to the police if it could be avoided, feeling that no matter how carefully it was handled some information was bound to leak out locally and cause embarrassment to the victims. ‘But as we now know,’ he continued, ‘Danny wasn’t the first and if nothing is done, he won’t be the last.’ He paused looking at Lewis and wondering if it was fair to tell Lewis all the details of his plan, thinking it was a lot for young shoulders to carry. Then thinking of what Lewis had achieved with Danny, and how he had coped with all the new sexual experiences, he decided Lewis was the sort who would cope with anything the world threw at him.

‘There are two options,’ Mike began, ‘One is to kill him and dispose of the body.’ I don’t want to go down that route because the risk of being found out is too great. However, we still don’t know if he’s going to survive Danny’s blow to the head. If he doesn’t, then we’ll have to think of the best way to dispose of the body.’ Lewis picked up on the ‘we’ right away, feeling quite proud that Mike felt able to trust him with something so serious.

‘I am hoping,’ Mike continued, ‘That he survives the night and comes round. Shortly we’ll bring him in here, then I’m going to sleep here tonight and keep an eye on him.

If he comes round, then I am going to castrate him.’ Lewis didn’t know for sure what that meant, but thought it was something to do with testicles. So, when Mike asked him if he knew what that meant, he replied, ‘I think so, but I’m not certain.’

Mike filled him in on the details. ‘I’m going to get him so drunk that he won’t feel anything,’ he said, ‘Then I will make a small cut in his scrotum, the sac that holds his balls. Each ball is attached only at one end, so I can tie the artery, vein and nerve off altogether, then cut it off a few millimetres past the tie. Then do the same with the other one. After that I will sew the scrotum up again. Gordon will never be able to get a full erection ever again, so he can never rape another person. It should also make him more docile, who knows, it might even turn him into a nice person.’

Lewis laughed, ‘That would be a miracle,’ he said. Then he looked thoughtful. Mike spotted his expression and asked, ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘I was just thinking,’ Lewis replied, ‘I know being castrated is a terrible punishment, but he won’t suffer any pain like Danny, and probably the others did.’ ‘Mike grinned at him and said, ‘Oh, did I forget to mention the other thing I have in store for him.’

‘I have bought a brush handle, ‘Mike told him. It’s probably not as thick as Gordon’s cock at full erection, so I also have some fine sandpaper and some super glue. I will be sticking a piece of sandpaper around the rounded end of the handle, then before I get him drunk, I will show it him and tell him what is going to happen. Then when he is partly drunk, I’m going to measure the length of his cock, add two inches for being erect and mark that length on the brush handle, then shove it that far up his bum.’

‘We know there are probably nine youngsters including Danny who were victims, so I will tell him I’m going to do it one hundred times, ten times for each victim. In actual fact, I will take it right out every ten times to check as the sandpaper will sooner or later scratch the walls of his bowel enough to make it bleed a little. Once I see some blood I’ll stop, because that will tell me that when he sobers up, he will experience at the very least, the same amount of pain and discomfort as his victims. Although I’m hopeful it will be for a much longer period.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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