The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Measurements and Photographs

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Measurements and Photographs - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Once they were settled in the back room on Sunday morning, Lewis told Dudley to strip down to his underpants and lie down. Sitting on the edge of the settee, Lewis smiled at him. ‘First.’ he asked, ‘How do you feel after yesterday.’

‘Really good,’ Dudley said, ‘For the first time in my life I have hope. That is your doing, thank you.’ ‘I’ve only done the easy bit.’ Lewis told him, ‘I’ve got you started. The hard part is in your hands and has yet to come. The determination to succeed.’

‘How did you get on with talking to your mum,’ Lewis asked him. ‘I struggled to get started,’ he answered, ‘But once I’d told her how miserable I was at school because of my weight and how it would shorten my life considerably, she said she hadn’t realised how big I’d got with seeing me every day. She promised to help as much as she can.’

‘That’s excellent,’ Lewis said, ‘That will make a big difference. Now shortly I’ll have a look through your diaries. Then I’ll suggest some changes to your eating and give you an exercise schedule. Yesterday I told you about recording your weight and your measurements in figures and in pictures. Are you still ok with that?’

‘Yes,’ Dudley replied, ‘I dreamt last night that later in the year I was here much slimer and fitter whilst looking back at today’s photos.’ ‘Ok, we’ll do those first then,’ Lewis said. ‘Stand up.’

He brought the scales out and told him to take his underpants off. As Dudley balanced on the scales, Lewis made a note of his weight. Fifteen stone nine pounds. It was far worse even than Dudley had thought. Lewis wrote it down.

‘Ok, step off now,’ he said. ‘Do you realise that the unnecessary weight you are walking round with every day is equal to forty-four one-pint cartons of milk on your back. No wonder you’re tired and out of breath all the time.’ Dudley was amazed.

‘Now stand facing me with your feet six inches apart and your hands at your side but six inches away from your body.’ Lewis took a full-length photo, then knelt in front of him and took a close up of his soft cock.

Then he took a full-length photo from the back and both sides. Changing his phone for a tape measure, he measured the length of Dudley’s cock at two-and three-quarter inches. Then he measured its circumference, surprised to find that was the same as its length.

Next, he measured his height, round his neck, his chest, his stoSmach his waist his hips, mid-thigh and mid lower leg, mid upper arm and mid lower arm. Then he measured his inside leg and the length of his arm.

‘Ok lie down again,’ Lewis told him. ‘Later on, if you go erect, I’ll take another photo and measurement of your cock when it’s hard.’ he told him.

‘Now, apart from what you just told me, what else did you dream last night?’ Dudley avoided his eyes and remained silent. ‘I know it was one of two things Lewis told him, but I would really like you to be able to tell me yourself. You won’t offend me I promise.’

Dudley looked up at him, swallowed nervously then said in a quiet voice, ‘First I dreamt you were firing me like yesterday, then I,’ he paused, ‘Go on,’ Lewis encouraged him. ‘Then I fired you he said in a rush.’

‘That sounds nice,’ Lewis told him, ‘Did you fire both times?’ ‘Yes,’ Dudley replied dropping his eyes again. ‘That’s good,’ Lewis said, ‘That’s good exercise as well as good fun.’ Dudley managed a weak smile at that.

‘Now, do four press ups,’ Lewis said. Dudley got down, did the first one easily, the second one with a struggle, the third one with great difficulty and the fourth only after some supreme effort. ‘Very well done,’ Lewis said, ‘That’s already an improvement on yesterday.’

‘Now lie on your back.’ Lewis knelt down on the floor across his ankles. ‘Put your hands behind your head and do four sit ups.’ Dudley again did one easily, two with a struggle, managed a third with difficulty and only just managed the fourth with a colossal struggle.

‘Another improvement,’ Lewis said, ‘Well done.’

Getting off Dudley’s ankles, Lewis held his hand above his feet, about eighteen inches off the floor. ‘Now lift your feet up four times,’ Lewis said. ‘As soon as your toes touch my hand, put them down, relax, then do your next one.’

Dudley managed all four with a lot of extra effort needed for the last one. ‘That’s excellent,’ Lewis told him, ‘When did you do them at home?’ ‘Last night before I went to bed, and this morning just after I got up.’ Dudley told him. ‘Right, do the same every night and morning,’ Lewis told him. ‘Then every other day, try to add an extra one on.’

‘Let’s have a look at your diary and lists.’ Dudley got up and went over to his trousers. Taking some papers out of his pocket he handed them to Lewis who had sat down at the end of the settee.

Dudley stood uncertain what to do. Realising he was waiting for instructions, Lewis looked up at him standing relaxed, naked and his cock hanging down soft. He smiled at him. ‘You couldn’t have stood there like that yesterday, feeling so at ease,’ he said. ‘Come and lie down here.’

Once Dudley was settled with his head on Lewis’s lap, Lewis looked through his diary. ‘I see you get up quite early,’ he said, ‘Is half past six your normal time?’ When Dudley nodded, Lewis told him, ‘That’s great I see you play video games for an hour before going downstairs, then you have a cooked breakfast.’

‘Now looking through your list of spends, there are only forty-five pounds worth of items listed here, where did the other sixty-five pounds go? I don’t know Dudley said, I’ve tried for ages, but I can’t remember buying anything else.’

‘What day do you get your pocket money?’ Lewis asked him. ‘Saturday morning usually,’ Dudley told him. ‘How much of yesterdays have you got left?’ Dudley rooted through his pocket. ‘Four pounds seventy-five,’ he replied. ‘Where did the other five twenty-five go?’ Lewis asked. ‘I bought some crisps, a bar of chocolate and a couple of cans of pop he answered.’

‘That is a perfect example of why you are overweight and broke,’ Lewis told him. ‘Your mum feeds you good and over large meals so you don’t need the extra food, you’re just wasting money on comfort eating.’

‘Right, Dudley,’ Lewis said, ‘Here’s what I want you to do for the next week. The local swimming baths opens at seven thirty. I want you to get up at your usual time, do your exercises, then go downstairs and have some cereal only, plus a drink if you want. Then walk down to be at the baths for seven thirty every morning, ready for school. Swim as many lengths as you can, leaving just enough time to get dry and get to school.’

‘If you pay by direct debit from your savings account, you can get a swimming pass for £12 per month. The only people who will be there at that time of day are very keen swimmers who will not be the least interested in looking at you.’

‘I also want you to walk home from school every day. The only other changes for this first week are to ask your mum to give you smaller portions of everything at mealtimes. I’ll sort out more details for the following week. Cut out all eating in between meals unless its fresh fruit. Drink water or sugar free squash instead of cans of pop. Every Saturday, go into town and pay in £5 of your pocket money plus at least half of any other cash you are given. Most important, do not spend any of the money you keep on food other than fruit. Every Monday I want a list of what you have spent and what you spent it on.’

‘There is only one rule for weight with very rare medical exceptions. Your body burns up the food you eat to produce the fuel it needs to operate. If you put more fuel in than you burn up, fat is the result.’

‘There are only two options if your balance isn’t right. Either you exercise more, or you eat less. You are going to do both.’

‘Now, do you see any problem with anything I’ve outlined so far?’ ‘I don’t have enough money in my savings to pay the first Direct Debit for the swimming pass,’ Dudley told him, ‘There’s only ten pounds in the account.’ ‘I think you’ll find you have to make the first payment in cash when you sign up,’ Lewis told him, ‘So I suggest you explain to your mum and dad what you want to do. Ask them if they will let you have next week’s pocket money in advance. Then with what you have left from this week’s money, you’ll have almost fifteen pounds.’

‘If you have any problem, just pay for one day with the money you have and come and see me in the playground on Monday. Which you can also do if you have any other problems,’ he added.

‘So, after you leave here today, I’ll see you back here at five o’clock a week tomorrow. Then you can show me how many of the exercises you can do and how much weight you have lost. If I’m pleased with your progress, I’ll give you a special reward.’

‘Now, we need a picture and measurements of your erect cock, I wonder how we could manage that?’ he said looking at Dudley with a big grin, ‘Any suggestions?’ Dudley blushed. ‘Go on, tell me,’ Lewis said, ‘Your face just told me you had a suggestion.’

‘You could fire me,’ Dudley said hardly believing he was saying such a thing. ‘That sounds like it might work,’ Lewis replied. ‘Here’s a suggestion. As you dreamt about firing me last night, why don’t I tell you a story about you doing just that whilst I get you worked up and ready to fire?’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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