The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Dudley’s Sad Admission

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Dudley’s Sad Admission - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I was thinking of jumping off the bridge,’ he said. ‘I’d been so unhappy for ages and yesterday I seemed to get poked fun at far more than ever before. I decided that jumping off the bridge would be a quick end to all my problems. I was so tied up in my own sorrow, I never gave a thought to its effect on my mum and dad until you came along and told me.’

‘Well done,’ Lewis told him, ‘What you have just told me is I know the hardest thing you have had to do or tell me today. I take it as a great compliment that you have felt able to tell me. It also shows how well you have relaxed with me, which in turn means we stand a better chance of succeeding.’

‘How do you get on with your mum?’ Lewis asked. ‘Fine,’ Dudley told him, ‘She tells me off at times for being untidy or lazy, but generally we get on well.’ ‘Have you ever sat down with her and told her about a problem?’ ‘No,’ Dudley said, ‘But I’ve never really had one apart from my weight getting to me recently.’ ‘Do you think she would listen to you if you asked her for help with a problem?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, I think so.’ he answered.

‘Do you know your height and weight?’ Lewis asked. ‘I’m about five-foot eight high,’ he said, ‘I’ve avoided the scales for a while but I’m well over fourteen stone.’

‘Right, let me tell you the long-term plan first.’ Lewis told him. ‘We’ll have another session here tomorrow morning if you can manage that. More about that in a moment. Then to start with I want you to come here for an hour once every week to check on your progress.’

‘It’s going to take us at least six months, but when we are through, I expect you to be eleven stone seven pounds. I expect to see you with wide shoulders and hips that are narrower than your shoulders. Your stomach might never manage to show a six pack, but I expect that it will be reasonably flat.’

‘You will be able to do at least twenty press ups or sit ups without a break and without getting out of breath. You will be able to go swimming without feeling embarrassed and no one will poke fun at you. How does that sound?’

‘Miraculous,’ Dudley said, ‘But really wonderful.’ ‘Well, it’s doable,’ Lewis told him, ‘But it is easy to say it. Achieving it will take a lot of hard work, mainly by you. You will have to change your eating habits and all of your routine to include lots of exercise.’

‘Now achieving all that you think would be wonderful but think of the other advantages too. You will be more attractive to Wendy and other girls. Even Michael will be more likely to change your dream to reality. Added to that, you have had a nice experience today. There are many more that you have dreamt of and many you haven’t even imagined yet. Those will be given to you at various points as a reward for your progress. As long of course that there is progress.’

‘When you return tomorrow, I will bring scales and a tape measure. I will weigh you and measure you all over. I will also take five pictures of you in the positions that you stood in before. Don’t worry, no one but you and me will ever see them.’

‘I will weigh you each time you come. Occasionally, as you progress, we will repeat the measurements and the pictures so you can see what a difference you are making to yourself.’

‘Tonight, I want you to have a serious chat with your mum. I’ll tell you what to say before you go. I also want you to write a diary of yesterday and today. Do it in two columns. I want to know in one column what you did and the times you did them. Show when you got up and went to bed. When you sat about and when you did anything that involved exercise.’

‘In the second column list everything you ate or drank from waking to going to sleep. List the approximate time you ate each item.’

‘Also make a list of what activities you would like to be able to do if you didn’t have a weight problem.’

‘How much pocket money do you get each week?’ Lewis asked him. ‘Ten pounds,’ Dudley replied. ‘Apart from Birthday and Christmas present money, do you get money from anywhere else?’ Dudley thought for a moment, ‘No not really,’ he said, ‘But when we visit relatives, they sometimes give me money.’

‘So how much money in total, not counting your pocket money, would you say you get each year?’ Lewis asked. Dudley lay there in silence working it all out. ‘About five hundred pounds,’ he said sounding surprised. ‘Wow, I’ve never added it up before.’

‘Do you have a savings account anywhere?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Dudley told him, ‘An aunt opened one for me for my tenth birthday with ten pounds in it.’ ‘How much is in it at the moment?’ ‘Ten pounds,’ came the reply.

‘Ok, your Christmas, birthday and incidental presents come to about five hundred pounds. With your weekly pocket money added, that’s one thousand and twenty pounds. So, if it isn’t in your savings account, where is it?’

‘I must have spent it,’ Dudley said looking horrified. ‘Is it really that much?’ ‘Right, when was the last time you got a gift of money?’ ‘Two months ago, we went to visit aunty May. As we were leaving, she gave me a twenty-pound note.’

‘So, in the last two months, you got a gift of twenty pounds and eighty pounds in pocket money. One more thing I want you to put on your list for tomorrow is what you spent all of those one hundred pounds on.’

‘I haven’t really bought anything,’ Dudley said, ‘Where can it have gone?’

‘Is there anything amongst that lot you might have a problem with?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, I don’t think so.’ Dudley replied. ‘Good, so here’s the gist of the conversation you should have with your mum.’

‘You should tell her that you are missing out on so much at school because you are overweight and very, very unfit. Tell her it’s a serious health hazard as well as ruining your life. Say it got you down so much you went to see a councillor who is going to help you. Tell her he says he can’t do anything unless your mum agrees and will give you her help too as she is such an important part of your life. If she asks about who I am, be vague and say it’s a very confidential service.’

‘Also tell her it’s free. Tell her that you’re seeing me again tomorrow to go through your routine, your diet and your exercises. Tell her it is over a six-month period minimum. Its results will be gradual so you will be able to stay healthy once you are fit.

Then tell her that I said you are probably overweight due to your body’s reaction to you having your appendix out. Then she won’t feel she is to blame for over feeding you.’ That is true to some extent as your body’s metabolism may well have changed because of the operation.

‘Oh, one more thing that I’m sure you would like to know.’ Lewis told him, ‘How do people get big strong muscles?’ Dudley looked puzzled as he thought. ‘By doing exercises?’ He said sounding uncertain. ‘Precisely,’ Lewis said. ‘Exercise by using the muscles in the gym, or at work, or at play. The constant use of any muscle makes it grow bigger.’

‘Now tell me which of your muscles did I exercise for you today.’ Another blank look then as realisation dawned, Dudley said, ‘My cock?’ ‘Exactly,’ Lewis told him, ‘I will give you so many things to dream about, you will exercise your cock at least once a night. As your body changes from flab to muscle, so the muscle that is your cock will also grow.’

‘You won’t get a whopper,’ he warned, ‘But it will be bigger than it is now. One last thing, when we reach a point on your progress which I will set tomorrow, as a reward if you want to, you can fire me.’

Lewis had been massaging Dudley’s head for a while, with his other hand just resting over his cock. At his last suggestion, he felt it starting to erect. He gave it a single stroke and said, ‘I’ll take it that is saying, yes it would like that.’ Dudley grinned up at him, amazed that he could have a conversation like this with anyone.

Seeing as how you are so relaxed, and you have evidently recovered from being fired, because your cock is trying to stiffen up again, I think we should give him a bit more growing exercise.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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