The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3 : Dudley Shows All

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3 : Dudley Shows All - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Moving down over his abdomen, the bulge in Dudley’s underpants had grown even more. Probably because he was thinking of him and Michael becoming a possibility rather than just a dream.

‘When you go for a wee in a public toilet,’ Lewis asked, ‘Do you go to the urinal or into a cubicle?’ ‘Into a cubicle,’ Dudley said right away. Lewis rested his hand over Dudley’s bulge and asked, ‘What is it about your cock that you’re worried about people seeing? Would it be just the fact of someone looking at it or them seeing its size?’

‘Both,’ Dudley said right away, ‘I’d be embarrassed at anyone looking at it and I’d be ashamed if anyone saw how small it is.’ ‘Going back to my earlier question,’ Lewis said, ‘How relaxed do you feel on the one to ten scale?’ ‘Ten,’ came the immediate reply. ‘That’s excellent.’ Lewis told him.

‘Let’s see if you can describe Michael to me. Remember I don’t know him so try and tell me enough so that I can picture him in my mind. Oh, and to make it easier, describe him as he appears in your dreams, naked.’

As he finished speaking, he felt Dudley’s cock throb under his hand. ‘Start off with how tall he is and the colour of his hair, then go down from there.’ he said. He started massaging down his legs as he waited for a response.

‘He’s about five foot ten,’ Dudley started, ‘He has black hair and a lovely happy face. He has broad shoulders and hair on his chest. His stomach is flat, and his hips are narrow. His arms and legs are muscular and... ‘ he paused, ‘Go on don’t leave the most important bit out,’ Lewis prompted. ‘He has a long thick cock and a big tuft of black hair.’ As he finished speaking, he had a smile on his face. His cock was now hard and making a small tent.

As Dudley finished, Lewis had come back up his legs and rested his hand gently on his erection. It throbbed at his touch. Dudley let out a small ‘mmm’ at the sensation. ‘In your dreams about Michael,’ Lewis asked, ‘I know you have undressed him many times, has he ever undressed you?’

‘No,’ Dudley said sounding surprised. ‘Why would he want to do that?’

‘Didn’t it occur to you that he will also be having erotic dreams?’ Lewis said smiling at him. ‘Even though his dreams might not be about you, in your dream you can have him dreaming about anyone you like.’ Dudley evidently had never thought of that option. Judging by the beam on his face, and the hard throb under his hand, that would very likely be rectified in bed tonight.

‘Ok,’ time for another physical test, Lewis said. ‘Put your legs apart and draw your knees up. Now put your hands behind each knee and pull your knees up towards your head as far as you can.’ Because his underpants were down below his cheeks at the back, his movement uncovered his balls and his cock so they could be seen from underneath.

Lewis had moved lower down the settee so he could see that Dudley’s cock was only about three inches long despite being hard. His balls hanging below were very small. I’m just going to press gently at the bottom of your groins Lewis said. He put one hand over Dudley’s cock and moved it to one side whilst he pressed in a couple of places on his groin.

Dudley suddenly realised that Lewis must be able to see his cock. He started to panic but then he decided there wasn’t much he could do about it now. Also, he was aware that it felt quite nice.

Lewis changed hands, moving his cock over to the other side and doing the other groin. Taking hold of Dudley’s balls, he told him to give a cough. Then he held the base of his cock and said, ‘Cough again.’

‘Ok, relax now.’ he said. Dudley lowered his legs down. He looked a bit red in the face. Lewis wasn’t sure whether that was embarrassment at him seeing his cock, or the strain of holding his legs up.

‘On that scale of one to ten, how relaxed do you feel?’ Lewis asked. ‘Ten.’ came an immediate reply. ‘That’s excellent,’ Lewis told him, ‘I bet you’re surprised, aren’t you?’ Dudley nodded. ‘Very,’ he said.

‘Now,’ Lewis told him, ‘You are lying there almost naked, I have seen and touched every bit of your body, including not only your cock, but your erect cock. Yet you still feel relaxed. I’m going to give you a nice reward for that achievement.’ He took hold of the waist band of Dudley’s underpants.

Dudley lay back with his eyes closed as Lewis pulled his underpants down his legs and off over his feet. Lewis studied his cock. There was a small tuft of dark hair at the bottom of his abdomen. His cock was still hard and was definitely only three inches long. It was only the thickness of Lewis’s thumb. Being erect he couldn’t tell if he was circumcised or not.

Lewis took hold of his cock between forefinger and thumb of one hand, resting his other hand on the hip nearest to him. ‘Dudley, just open your eyes for a moment please.’ he said. Dudley looked at him. ‘Just look at my hands and tell me how relaxed you feel.’

Dudley looked down, he knew from the feel what he was going to see, but actually seeing Lewis’s hand on his cock made him blush. Even so, after a second or two his answer was still, ‘Ten.’

‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Close your eyes again and imagine you were at Michaels house. He has a swimming pool in his back garden, and you have been swimming together. You had been admiring his body all morning and Michael had noticed.’

‘When you finished swimming, you both went into the changing cabin by the pool. As you both dried your top half, Michael said, ‘Turn round and I’ll dry your back for you.’ You stood there in ecstasy as he rubbed the towel all over your back. Sometimes he put his hand on your bare skin which made you shiver with excitement.’

‘He seemed to take ages to do it, but you didn’t care, you would have been happy to stand there all day. Then eventually he stopped. You were disappointed until he said, ‘Will you do mine now?’ He turned round and you started drying his back. Whenever possible you put your hand on his bare skin and felt lovely shivers go through your body.’

‘You made it last as long as you could, then as you came to a stop, Michael said, ‘That was so nice, will you dry all the rest of me too, your hands are so gentle.’ Your heart was beating so hard with excitement you felt sure he would hear it. ‘Yes, sure,’ you managed to say.’

‘He still had his back to you as he slipped his swimming trunks off. As you looked at his small firm cheeks your cock was throbbing like mad. You knelt down behind him and started drying him. You dried each cheek, then went down his legs. Then you came back up his legs and dried his cheeks again just to be sure. He said a couple of times, ‘That’s lovely Dudley, I’m really enjoying that.’

‘As you finished, he turned round to face you. ‘Will you do my front as well?’ he asked. ‘Right in front of your face was his cock. It was sticking out rock hard. You had expected him to be enormous because of his figure, but it was only a little bit bigger than yours. Even so, you took hold of it and started drying it, loving every minute.’

‘Michael moved his legs wide apart so you could dry in between and dry his balls. Then you went down both legs and back up again, giving his cock and his hairs an extra dry. Then standing up, you dried his chest although he had already done it earlier.’

‘As you finished, he said, ‘That was so nice I have to repay you for all that pleasure. Turn round and I’ll dry you now.’ You couldn’t believe your ears you were so excited. Turning round, you felt him put his hand on your shoulder as he dried your back again. Then when he reached your waist, he took hold of your trunks and started to slide them down.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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