The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Ecstasy for Zach
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Ecstasy for Zach - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘A week ago, Gregory came in for a wee again whilst I was in the shower.’ Zach told him. ‘He stayed after he had finished, but this time he looked like he wasn’t going to go. I’d finished my shower, so I reached out and got my robe, putting it on in the shower cubicle.’
‘When I stepped out, he was still standing facing me with his cock sticking out hard in front of him. I stood looking at him, not sure what to do. He came over to me and gave me a hug. I went rigid in fright.’
‘He must have realised I was scared. He stepped back right away. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said, ‘I couldn’t help myself, you’re so lovely.’ Then he ran out crying. I didn’t see him for the rest of the evening then the next day he just said,’ ‘I’m sorry,’ and looked embarrassed.’
‘That evening when I got in, there was a bolt fitted on the inside of the bathroom door. Nothing was said about it, but I took it as a sign that he couldn’t control himself. That’s when I started looking for somewhere else to live.’
Zach’s cock was still throbbing happily in Danny’s hand. By the end of your first twenty-two months together,’ Danny asked, ‘Before anything had happened, how did you feel about Gregory?’ ‘I’d grown to like him a lot,’ Zach said, ‘We were getting along well, even with what’s happened I’ll be sorry to leave.’
‘Perhaps you won’t have to,’ Danny said. ‘I’m going to tell you why in the form of an erotic story. Your cock is already hard and apparently happy in my hand, so the likely hood is that my story will make you fire. If it does, don’t fight it, just let yourself go and enjoy it. Do you think you are relaxed enough with me now to be able to do that?’
Zach looked down at his cock in Danny’s hand, felt the lovely sensation of his hand on it and the feelings it was giving him. Thought how safe he felt lying there naked and how lovely Danny’s massage had been. ‘Yes,’ he said sounding and feeling very surprised at himself.
‘This story Danny started, is about two teenagers who share a flat. They are both full of sexual desires but so far have only experienced sex by their own hand and others forcing themselves on them. Neither have had any experiences with girls yet. They are both extraordinarily shy, one slightly more so than the other. The shyest one has had a bad experience, so he is very wary of any sexual contact with anyone.’
‘Let’s call them Gregory and Zach. So, close your eyes and listen to my story. Try and imagine it is not just a story, it is actually happening to you.’
‘Gregory had lived with his pal for nearly two years, he had grown to like him a lot and thought of him as his best friend. He had never had a really close friend, so he had never had anyone to share sex experiences or talk about sex with. He started to dream what it would be like to have experiences with his special pal.’
‘Sharing these things with his pal, even if it was only in his dream made him feel even closer to him. But it also made him have desires to get even closer. He found himself going for a wee deliberately when his pal was in the shower. Even going naked so that his pal could see how much at ease he felt with him. Then one night he got so carried away he couldn’t stop himself hugging his pal. He realised right away that he had scared him and was mortified. He went out the next day and bought a lock for the bathroom door.’
‘Zach was very similar, but because of a previous bad experience, although he had also grown to like his flat mate, without realising it he had put a wall up around himself to stop anyone getting close. As a result, when he found himself having sexual dreams about his flat mate, he decided the only answer was to leave and live somewhere else.’
‘Then one day he met Danny who explained to him that these feelings between two close pals were a normal part of growing up. He pointed out that nothing Gregory had done was a threat to him, he hadn’t tried to force him to do anything, he had just tried to show that he felt close to him. Once he realised that he was scaring him, he bought a lock for the bathroom door. Danny told him Gregory will now probably keep his distance, whilst suffering his desire to be close to his pal, in silence.’
‘When Zach went home that night, he knew then that he had nothing to worry about and that he and Gregory could be close friends, enjoying wonderful experiences together. When Gregory came in, Zach could see that he was trying to avoid him. ‘Gregory, please stand still,’ he told him. As Gregory did so, looking surprised, Zach went over to him, put his arms around him and gave him a hug. ‘Thank you for being so patient with me he said.’
‘Gregory hugged him back, they both loved the feeling of being close to each other. I had a bad experience years ago, Zach told him. It made me scared to get too close to anyone but I’m over it now. They stood holding each other for ages, then reluctantly broke away.’
‘I’m going for a shower,’ Zach said, ‘I won’t lock the door in case you want to come in for a wee.’ Zach went and had a shower, then as he was just finishing, Gregory came in for a wee. He was naked as usual. His cock was hanging limp between his legs.’
‘When he had finished, he turned to smile at Zach in the shower. Zach gave him a wave and stepped out of the shower to get dry. As he rubbed himself with the towel, Gregory looked at his naked body which made his cock go stiff.’
‘Zach saw it growing and feeling so at ease now, he watched it grow, sensing his own was also expanding at the sight. He offered Gregory the towel. ‘Would you dry my back please,’ he asked.
‘Gregory took the offered towel and as Zach turned his back to him, he put one hand on Zach’s shoulder and gently rubbed the towel all over his back. He took ages, both of them enjoying the feeling.’
‘When he put the towel down, Zach turned round to face him. They were both now fully hard. Zach opened his arms and Gregory came into them. They hugged, their naked bodies touching all over, their cocks now squashed between them and throbbing madly. They each started sliding their hands up and down each other’s backs, loving the sensations they were both having.’
‘They had their heads on each other’s shoulders. Gregory lifted his head up and kissed Zach’s cheek. Zach followed suit, then almost as one, they moved their heads and put their lips together. It was the first lip to lip kiss either of them had ever had. They kissed for ages, then as they stepped apart, Zach took Gregory’s hand and said, come with me.’
‘He led him into his bedroom. Reaching the bed Zach told him to lie down, then he lay down alongside. Putting an arm out, Gregory snuggled up to his side. Zach reached down and took hold of Gregory’s cock. ‘Ooh that’s lovely,’ Gregory called out. Zach played with it for a few moments, then he said, ‘Your turn, play with mine now.’
‘As Gregory took hold of it, he said, ‘It’s so big I wish mine was that size.’ ‘Yours is lovely,’ Zach told him. ‘I loved holding yours and I love feeling you holding mine.’
‘Can I fire you?’ Gregory asked as he ran his finger down the underneath of your cock and watched it leap about. ‘Yes, as long as you let me fire you as well you told him.’ When Gregory said, ‘That would be lovely,’ you asked him which one he would like to do first. He chose for you to fire him, so you turned on your side to face him, put your lips to his, then as you kissed, slid your hand down his front and reached between his legs.’
‘You held his balls and stroked them gently making him cry out happily. Then you took his throbbing cock in your fingers and started sliding your hand up and down. By now you had moved your head and rested it on his shoulder so you could watch what you were doing.’
‘You felt Gregory tense up and he called out, ‘Oh that’s lovely, I’m getting near.’ You speeded up on his cock, feeling it throbbing in your grip, then as Gregory called out with a long drawn out, ‘Yeeeees,’ he shot a great load of cum up in the air. You felt his cock pumping in your grip as it soared up, curved over then dropped onto his chest right in front of your face.’
‘You watched the pool of cum grow as it all cascaded down, then you felt his cock shrinking in your hand. You slowed down and stopped moving but kept hold of it. You laid it down in his hairs, gave him a kiss and told him to lie still.’
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