The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Andrew Bares All
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Andrew Bares All - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
There was no noticeable reaction from Andrew to that suggestion, but inside, instead of panic, he was thinking how nice it would feel. He was amazed at himself.
As Lewis massaged over his chest, he asked, ‘On average, how many nights a week do you get erect in bed?’ ‘About four,’ Andrew said, completely unphased now.
‘Do you fire every time?’ Lewis asked as he moved down over his stomach. ‘Yes, most times.’ Andrew replied. ‘On the occasions you don’t fire, why does that happen?’ Lewis asked. ‘Usually because I’ve fallen asleep too soon.’ He admitted.
Moving onto his abdomen, Lewis asked, ‘In the past six weeks, who has been the subject of your nigh time dreams?’ As he finished speaking, he took hold of the waistband of his underpants, paused for a couple of seconds, then slid his hand inside.
Because they were so small, immediately his hand went in, the side of his hand slid along Andrew’s cock making him cry out. As Lewis moved his hand over, he took hold of it, feeling it throb in his grip as Andrew called out, ‘Oh, that is so lovely.’ Lewis reached down underneath and stroked his tiny little balls. Andrew made more happy noises, clearly answering the question had been pushed way out of his mind.
Sliding his hand out by drawing his finger over his balls, Lewis moved slowly up the underside of his cock. Andrew’s ecstatic cries made him sound like he was choking. Lewis massaged over the top of his underpants and on down to his feet. Just before he reached his feet, Andrew suddenly remembered he hadn’t answered Lewis’s last question. ‘Jayne.’ he called out.
Lewis smiled at him. ‘As I come back up,’ he told him, ‘When I reach your waist, I’ll take hold of the top of your underpants to put my hand inside. If you think you’ve reached your maximum state of relaxing, tell me by lifting your hips up, so I can slip them off.’
‘Then I’ll return to your feet and massage up to your head. At that point, we will deal with your problem. Ok?’ ‘Ok.’ came the prompt reply, from a very happy looking face.
Moving up his legs Lewis smiled to himself as he watched Andrew’s cock thrashing about in his underpants. Small it might be, but it didn’t seem to lack power.
As he moved up his thighs, the movement increased. Moving up over his underpants, Lewis let his hand slide gently over the bulge feeling it banging against his hand even through the cloth.
Reaching Andrews waist, he took hold of the top of his underpants, intending to wait. But the moment his hands touched; Andrew lifted his hips up. Sliding them down, Lewis was able to lift the front enough to clear his cock, then he slid them down to his ankles. ‘Relax.’ he said.
As Andrew lay down, Lewis slipped them off over his feet and threw them over to the rest of his clothes. Andrew’s cock had thrashed about sensing its freedom, but soon calmed down. It now stood firm but still as
Lewis studied it. Even hard it was only just over three inches long and about the same thickness as Lewis’s thumb.
As he moved his eyes up to his face, he found Andrew watching him. ‘There’s not much there, is there?’ Andrew said sounding glum. ‘It’s hard, so it works Lewis,’ said. ‘It will do its job fine. I’ll explain that side of things to you later and how to use it to its best advantage.’
‘Now, as I sit here looking at you totally naked and with a big hard on, would you agree that you are now completely and totally at ease with me?’ Andrew grinned at him. ‘Amazing it may be, but yes,’ he said.
‘Sit up,’ Lewis told him. They hugged then keeping hold of him, Lewis told him. ‘I think that not long after your fourteenth birthday you went to the cinema alone. I believe that somehow during that visit you met an older man who took you back to his house. I believe that the sexual experiences you had with him, mistakenly convinced you that you were gay. I still don’t believe that you are, but now you are fully relaxed, you are going to be able to tell me every little detail about what happened to you seven years ago. Then I will be able to confirm my opinion and tell you how to deal with it.’
‘Stay sitting up for a moment.’ Lewis got up, lifted the end cushion and sat in its place. Putting the cushion on his lap, he told Andrew to lie down with his head on it. Once he was settled, Lewis rested one hand on his head and the other on his stomach.
He smiled down at him, ‘You’re not going to tell me anything I haven’t heard before,’ he told him. ‘Nothing will embarrass me, and nothing will make me think bad of you. So, when you’re ready, start at the beginning and tell me every little detail of what happened and what you thought at the time.’
Lewis started massaging his head, leaving his other hand still for now. Andrew had closed his eyes and was clearly collecting his thoughts. Soon he opened his eyes, looked up at Lewis, gave him a grin, then began his story.
‘It was a week after my fourteenth birthday,’ he said. ‘I had some birthday money, so I decided to go to the cinema. There was a queue as it wasn’t quite opening time, so I stood at the end. An older man I later discovered was twenty-eight, came and stood by me. We got chatting and I told him I was using my birthday money to go in. He wished me a late happy birthday and told me his name was Chris. I told him mine and we shook hands.’
‘He asked me about my interests, so I told him about playing the piano. He told me he would love to be able to do that, but he was tone deaf.
When we reached the pay desk, he insisted on paying for me, A late birthday present for my new friend,’ he said.
‘He bought me a bag of popcorn to take in with us. We went in and sat about halfway down near the side. He said he always thought you got a better view from there. There weren’t many people in, so we were the only two in our row of seats.’
‘As we watched the adverts and trailers, he told me that if anything in the film worried me, just to grab hold of him. As he said that he squeezed my hand. Then he said I’m glad I met you, it’s much better when you have some company isn’t it. As he said that he patted my thigh gently.’
‘His touch seemed exciting somehow, but I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Then once the main film started, we sat in silence watching it. As I ate my popcorn, I kept offering him some too. When he took some, he always either held my hand still whilst he put his other hand in the bag, or he just rested his hand on my leg.’
‘I started to look forward to the sensation his touch was giving me. At the interval he asked me if I needed to go to the toilet. I thought I should, so I got up and went. He said he had a strong bladder, so he didn’t go.’
‘When I got back, he patted my leg and asked if I was ok and looking forward to the rest of the film. I told him I was and offered him some more popcorn. He rested one hand on my thigh again as he took some but this time, he moved his fingers a little as if he was stroking it. It sent a shiver through me. He must have felt it because he asked me,’ ‘Was that a happy shiver or an unhappy shiver?’ ‘I told him a happy one because it was, I had enjoyed the feeling.’
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