The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Andrews Visit
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Andrews Visit - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
At ten minutes to five on Saturday afternoon after their usual busy afternoon, Andrew walked into the shop. Seeing Lewis, he came over to the counter. Before Lewis could speak, Mike looked up from the customer he was serving, recognised Andrew and called out, ‘Hi Andrew, brilliant show, excellent playing.’
Andrew smiled at him. Lewis took him through to the back room. ‘If you’d like to make two coffees, I’ll be through as soon as we close in five minutes,’ he told him. Then he returned to deal with the last-minute customers.
After the last customer left, Mike locked the front door as Lewis went through to the back. Andrew was sitting at the table with two cups of coffee ready. A few seconds later Mike came in. He shook hands with Andrew then lifting his hand up and looking at his long slim fingers he said, ‘Amazing what pleasure these can produce.’
‘Right,’ he said, ‘I’m off. Whatever is up Andrew,’ he said, ‘Lewis will sort it for you, I can almost guarantee it.’ As he left, he said, ‘See you next week Lewis, see you next concert Andrew.’ Lewis followed him out. They had a hug and a kiss then Lewis locked up behind him.
Returning to the back room he sat at the table with Andrew. As they sipped their coffees Lewis told him. ‘Whilst we have our coffees, I’ll tell you a few things you should know. First, whatever you tell me in this room will go no further. Second, I’ve dealt successfully with a lot of problems. Thirdly, so far, they have all involved sex in one form or another. Fourthly, every single person has come to this room feeling that their problem is so embarrassing they can’t tell me anything about it.’
‘Finally, it hasn’t happened yet, but if you walk away, which you’re free to do at any time. Your problem will stay with you, unsolved, possibly for the rest of your life.’
‘When we’ve finished our coffee’s, if you decide to stay, I’ll ask you to take your shoes off and lie on the settee. I will then relax you and ask you questions. Not about your problem but all about you and the people around you.’
‘Until I can get to know you and have you feeling completely relaxed with me, we can’t even think about dealing with your problem. You can get up and leave at any time you wish. If you do, you don’t have to explain why. You can always come back if you change your mind later.’
‘Do you have any questions?’ ‘You’re very young,’ Andrew said, ‘Where did you learn to do what you do.’ ‘I’m nearly sixteen,’ Lewis told him. ‘I learned in this room. It came as a surprise to me too. A relative of Mike’s had a serious problem and he asked me to see if I could do anything. I sorted it and people have just kept coming ever since.’
‘What is your success rate?’ Andrew asked. ‘A hundred percent so far,’ Lewis said. ‘Every time I tell people that, I can almost hear them thinking, oh dear, my problem is so bad, this will be his first failure.’ Andrew blushed, that was exactly what he had just thought. ‘But it hasn’t happened yet.’ Lewis said.
‘Do you know what the only cause of failure would be?’ Lewis asked. Andrew shook his head. ‘You.’ Lewis told him. ‘If you don’t persevere it won’t work, it’s as simple as that.’
‘You already know how little I know about you. But from seeing you and Jayne together after the show, I think you both care for each other a great deal. I can’t imagine any reason why, if your problem is something that is coming between you, you wouldn’t want it sorted.’
‘So, the most important question of the day is, do you want to try?’
‘Yes, please.’ Andrew said immediately. ‘Good,’ Lewis said. ‘Go over and take your shoes off, lie on the settee and I’ll come and tell you what happens next.’
After a moment’s pause, Andrew went over to the settee. Once he was lying down Lewis went over and sat on the edge looking down at him. ‘The hardest part is making a start,’ he said smiling at him. ‘Now you have done that it will get easier. In a moment I’ll ask you to turn over, then I will relax you by massaging your back from head to foot and back again.’
‘Whilst I do that, I will ask you questions about yourself and everything about your life. Now, as I don’t know what your problem is yet, I might inadvertently ask you something that you’re not relaxed enough to answer yet. If I do, just say pass and I’ll move on. But remember until I know everything about you, I won’t be able to help.’
‘When you’re ready turn over.’ Andrew turned right away. Lewis put his hands on the back of his head and started massaging. ‘Tell me about where you live and who lives there,’ Lewis said. As he moved on down his shoulders, Andrew told him, ‘I live in a bungalow on my own. My Mum died when I was ten and my dad died last year, leaving the house to me.’
‘That must have been hard on you,’ Lewis said, ‘How did you get on with your dad after your mum died?’
‘Fine,’ Andrew said, ‘We had always been very close as a family. Mum going seemed to make dad and I even closer.’ ‘Did you have your problem before or after your dad died?’ Lewis asked as he moved off his back and over his cheeks.
‘Long before,’ Andrew said, ‘It started I suppose just after my fourteenth birthday.’ ‘Did you ever discuss it with your dad?’ Lewis asked as he went down Andrews legs. ‘Oh no,’ Andrew said, ‘I would have been too embarrassed and anyway I don’t think dad would have coped with it very well.’
As Lewis started back up his legs he asked, ‘How did you get on with the other boys at secondary school?’ There was silence until he reached Andrew’s cheeks again then he said, ‘Not very well. I’m a bit of a wimp as far as sports are concerned so I was a bit of an outcast.’
Moving on up his back, Lewis said, ‘What about the girls?’ ‘I was so nervous and embarrassed around them,’ he admitted, ‘They tended to avoid me, and I was the same with them.’
As he massaged his head, Lewis said, ‘When did you discover you could play the piano?’ ‘We had one at home as long as I can remember,’ he replied. ‘I used to mess about on it, then when I was eight, mum sent me to a friend of hers who did lessons. I used to play at school a lot and people would often ask me to come and play at parties.’
Turn over Lewis told him. Once he was settled Lewis looked at him. He was just under six foot, very slim with square but not over large shoulders. He had slim hips, black hair and didn’t look as if he was shaving yet, even though he was twenty-one.
Massaging his head and temples, Lewis asked, ‘When did you join the theatre group?’ ‘In my last year at school,’ Andrew told him, ‘Their regular pianist took ill just before a show. In desperation, they asked the school for help, so they sent me. I’ve been there ever since. I like it.’ he added.
‘Shouldn’t you be there tonight for the last night of South Pacific?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, there’s an older pianist as well as me so we take turns.’ Andrew told him. ‘I swopped Friday with him so I could come here.’
Moving onto his shoulders Lewis asked, ‘What do you do for a living?’ ‘I’m a clerk in a solicitors office in town,’ he said. Moving down his chest and onto his stomach Lewis asked, ‘Do you like your work?’ ‘Yes, it’s ok.’ Andrew said, ‘But I’d really like to play in an orchestra or write music.’
‘That would take some talent,’ Lewis said as he moved down over his trousers, ‘I think you’re a brilliant player but I’m no expert, what are your chances?’ ‘I think you have to be in the right place at the right time.’ Andrew said wistfully. He showed no reaction as Lewis went over his trousers. Lewis wasn’t sure if that was because his mind was on his hopes or not.
Going down the front of his legs, Lewis asked. ‘What are the people you work with like?’ ‘They’re all nice,’ Andrew said, ‘We all seem to get on well, that’s one of the reasons I like the job?’
‘Have you worked there since school?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, it’s the only job I’ve ever had.’ Andrew told him as Lewis passed over the front of his trousers once more. This time Andrew seemed a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t say anything.
‘Will you stay a clerk, or can you progress?’ Lewis asked as he went over his stomach. ‘I could become a solicitor eventually if I take the exams.’ Andrew said, ‘But I’m not sure I want to do that all my life.’
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