The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: Meeting the Cast

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Meeting the Cast - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  


Tuesday evening, Jayne got the bus from the village into the next town. It was her second visit to the Theatre group that Lewis had introduced her to whilst they were sailing Ron and Marys boat to Birmingham. A week she still dreamed of happily each night.

Last Tuesday, she had gone along for the first time, very nearly turning away when she reached the theatre. But the newfound confidence Lewis had installed into her took over. Going in, she found her way down to the basement and walked in.

There were about a dozen people in the room of all ages from nine to ninety. A hubbub of conversation ceased as they saw a stranger enter.

Before she could feel out of place a middle-aged man came trotting over to her, a welcoming smile on his face.

‘You must be Jayne,’ he had said, ‘Welcome to our group. This is Jayne everyone,’ he called out, ‘Our new member.’ Everyone had crowded round and introduced themselves, making her feel very welcome.

During the evening they had done some rehearsals for their next show which was going to be Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. She had been asked to read aloud a piece of the script. Then when they asked her if she could sing, she said, ‘I think so, but I’ve never done any in public.’

She was asked to sing anything she liked, so she had sung, ‘We’ll Meet Again.’ As she finished the room went silent. Before she had chance to wonder what she had done, everyone burst into applause. Everyone had milled around congratulating her on her voice.

She had been introduced to Andrew, one of their pianists. He had taken her over to the piano and asked if she liked any particular song from their next production, South Pacific.

‘I love Bali Hi,’ she told him. ‘And Some Enchanted Evening.’ ‘Have a go at Bali Hi with me accompanying you,’ he told her. ‘You sing at your own speed, and I’ll try and play to match. Do the first line a couple of times to begin with,’ he said, ‘So we can get our timing together.’

As she sang the line the first time, Andrew played with her. She was already losing herself in the song so didn’t notice that the room had gone quiet. After repeating it, Andrew said, ‘That’s fine, go right through now.’ He played the introduction and Jayne started singing.

She was word perfect. Andrew was able to match her speed. As she finished and Andrew stopped playing, there was a thunderous round of applause from everyone in the room, including some cries of, ‘Bravo!’

Suddenly aware of her audience, Jayne went bright red. Andrew had stood up and moved alongside her. ‘Don’t be embarrassed,’ he said, ‘You truly have a lovely voice. Can you come along an extra night each week to work on your timing and improve your breathing?’

‘Yes, of course.’ Jayne said, ‘What night would it be? Thursday or Friday would suit me Andrew told her. It would be at mine, just the two of us. If you come here, I’ll collect you, I’m not far away. How about seven on Thursday?’

By now they had finished the evening schedule for rehearsal, so the tea and cakes came out. Everyone stood around chatting. Jayne found herself at the centre of attention as everyone got to know her.

The chairman came over to her and asked how she felt about being on the stage. ‘I don’t know,’ she told him, ‘I’ve never done it.’ Then she remembered Lewis’s comment, ‘You’ve never made love before, but it didn’t stop you trying it’ when he had asked her to sing to him. ‘But I’ll give it a try.’ she said, amazed to hear herself say it.


Thursday evening Jane arrived at the theatre and waited outside as she and Andrew had arranged. A few minutes later he drew up in his old Micra. They drove off and soon arrived at Andrews home about half a mile away.

Once inside, Andrew made them a hot drink. Sitting at the kitchen table, he told her that he had been left the little bungalow by his dad who had died the previous year. His mum had died when he was ten. Jane told him a bit about herself and how she had discovered she could sing.

When they finished their drink, Andrew showed her through to what he called his studio. It had been a double garage, but he had converted it to an almost soundproof room. There was a grand piano in one corner and a small stage in another. Andrew explained that he felt anyone he was training should sing standing on a stage, so they felt at home when they performed.

He explained a few things she should do when she was singing. ‘I noticed how nervous you were to start with.’ he told her, ‘But you soon relaxed as the song took you over. I’ll teach you some breathing exercises, so you don’t have to take a breath halfway through a line. Also, unless you are singing something sad, try and smile as well as keeping your head up. That will improve your singing no end. Not that you need much improvement.’ he added.

He sat at the piano and told Jayne to go and stand on the little stage. ‘Pretend there is a big audience in front of you,’ he said. ‘Sing as if you were trying to project your voice to the back of the room.’

She sang Some Enchanted Evening again, then Bali Hi, then I’m going to Wash that Man Right out of My Hair. After each song Andrew gave her a few pointers and made her sing a few lines again.

Then he taught her some breathing exercises and had her sing some scales. Finally, he announced they had done enough for the evening. They moved into his lounge and had another coffee. Then Andrew drove her home. As they pulled up at Jaynes, she thanked him for all his efforts, said, ‘See you next week,’ and leaned across to give him a kiss on his cheek.

Andrew was clearly startled at the kiss and was evidently embarrassed. Jayne spotted it and said, ‘Oop’s, sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.’ ‘No, no,’ Andrew told her, ‘It was lovely, it’s just,’ he paused until Jayne said, ‘Go on.’ ‘It’s just no one has ever done that before,’ he said in a rush. Jayne gave him a lovely smile as she got out. At the front door she turned and waved to him as she went in.


At the next rehearsal session, the Chairman came over to her and said, ‘I’ve been thinking about putting you in the next show. I did consider giving you a full part, but I think that would be a bit unfair on you due to your inexperience. So, what I’m thinking of doing is making you understudy to Jennifer who is doing Bloody Mary. Now normally that means you would only be on stage if Jennifer had a problem.’

‘However, Jennifer says Thursday, our first night was going to be very difficult for her, so she has suggested that you do Thursday regardless. It will give you some experience of performing in public. How do you feel about that?’

‘Terrified,’ she answered honestly, ‘But thrilled to bits.’


Over the next month or so, Jane attended rehearsals at the theatre every Tuesday and extra training at Andrews every Thursday. As well as her voice and singing ability improving, her confidence at performing in front of an audience grew too.

She and Andrew were getting along well, they had become firm friends. Since Jane had kissed him goodnight on his cheek the first Thursday, she had repeated it each Thursday when Andrew drove her home.

After his initial shyness, he clearly enjoyed it and looked forward to it. Yet he never attempted to respond or to kiss her when they were at his. After several weeks, Jayne found it strange seeing as how well they got along.

If he’s as shy as I used to be before I met Lewis, she thought to herself, he’ll never do anything ever. So, she decided on a plan. The next Thursday, as usual they had her lesson, then sat and had a chat and a cup of coffee before leaving. Sitting talking to him it was like she had known him for years.

When they got up to leave, as they got to Andrew’s front door, Jayne was following him. As he went to open the door, Jayne said, ‘Andrew!’ As he turned round. Jayne put her arms around him and gave him a smacker of a kiss on the lips.

Andrew froze, then relaxed briefly seeming to enjoy it, then pulled away, saying, ‘No, no, I’m sorry, we can’t.’ Jayne stepped back right away. ‘I’m sorry Andrew I didn’t mean to upset you.’

‘You didn’t,’ Andrew told her, ‘It was lovely, but I can’t.’ ‘Why not?’ asked Jayne disappointed, expecting him to tell her he already had a girlfriend she hadn’t heard about. ‘I can’t say,’ he told her looking miserable, ‘It’s too embarrassing.’

‘Answer me one question,’ Jayne said, ‘I have to accept that there is some reason why you feel you shouldn’t kiss me, that you can’t tell me about. But if that reason didn’t exist, would you want to?’

‘I’ve grown to like you very much,’ he said. ‘I loved it when you kissed me, so the answer to your question is yes. But there’s no future in carrying on and getting close to each other. I can’t tell you why. I’m sorry.’

‘So,’ Jane said, ‘If I accept what you say, can I still give you a kiss occasionally as a thank you for everything you are doing for me.’ Andrew smiled. ‘That would be nice.’ he said.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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