The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Ella Experiences Her First Orgasm
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Ella Experiences Her First Orgasm - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘If you want to experience one, I can give you one with my finger later if you would like. But for the moment, please finish your story.’ Lewis told her.
‘I felt awful for several days, partly because of what I’d done, partly because of the way he was being with me and partly because I wondered if it was something I’d done wrong when we were in bed. That made me worry if I might turn off future boyfriends the same way.’
‘Then at the start of the next week I realised he seemed to be more attentive to another girl in class. Others probably wouldn’t have noticed especially but I recognised a few little things from how he had been with me at the beginning.’
‘That night as we left school, I hung around in the playground as if I was waiting for someone. I saw the girl come out, look around and see everyone had gone apart from me, then she went back into school.’
‘I waited five minutes, then went back in and peeped through the form door. He was sitting side by side with her at his table. There were books out opened on the tabletop, but they were clearly just talking. It was exactly as it was with me.’
‘What did you do?’ Lewi asked. ‘I went home and that night I cried myself to sleep,’ Ella told him. ‘The next day I told mum I wasn’t happy at the school and as your school had better English facilities, I wanted to move. Mum asked if there was anything the matter at school. I said no, you know how keen I am on English, so I want the best available teacher to make sure that I get good grades for university.’
‘Mum told me that as long as I was sure she would see what she could do. When I got home the next night, she had been to see the Education department, filled in a form and I was moved the following week.’
‘Did that make you feel better?’ Lewis asked, still massaging up and down. ‘Yes and no,’ Ella answered. ‘It was easier not seeing him all day. But it didn’t remove all the other worries. Plus, I keep thinking about the other girl or girls, should I have done something to stop him.’
‘Did you consider telling your headmaster?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes.’ she replied, ‘But it would be my word against his. Plus, if no one believed me, it would make things very difficult in form. I didn’t know at that stage I could move schools.’
‘I was also terrified that if it became public knowledge I’d slept with a teacher, no boy would ever want me as their girlfriend.’ She stopped, looking very downhearted. ‘That’s it,’ she said, ‘Now you know everything there is to know about me.’
‘You have told me lots of things,’ Lewis said, ‘Now I’m going to tell you what I think and what you should do. Are you ok if I keep massaging you whilst we carry on talking?’
Ella smiled at him, ‘Yes, it’s lovely,’ she said. ‘I never thought I’d ever feel so at ease again. I certainly never thought I’d be able to lie naked whilst a man massaged me all over. Or tell anyone what I had done either.’ she said.
‘Well first of all,’ Lewis said. ‘Yes, you did do it, you can’t get around that. But the reason you did it was that you were betrayed by someone you felt safe with, liked and trusted. So, the blame is not all yours. To try and set a percentage on it would be pointless. It’s happened. You can’t change it, so use the experience to learn. That’s how life works.’
‘Let’s analyse it all. You had a crush on a teacher. That is something most girls experience at some time or other. Teachers know that happens and are supposed to accept it but discourage it. Your teacher abused his position by encouraging you, flattering you and pretending you were special to him.’
‘You’ve probably realised by now that he had only one interest in you, and that was to get you into bed with him. Nothing you did in bed turned him off, he was never on in the first place. Once he had shot his load, that was it as far as he was concerned.’
Ella burst into tears, ‘I should have known,’ she said, ‘No one would fancy me, I’m ugly, overweight and too short.’ ‘That’s rubbish,’ Lewis said, ‘Sit up.’
He took her in his arms. Ella put her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. ‘Have you believed everything I have told you so far?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, of course,’ she answered. ‘Good,’ Lewis said, ‘Because everything I’ve told you is true. I’m not going to do otherwise for the rest of our session.’
‘So, here’s my honest opinion of what I would see if I met you as a stranger in the street. Look me in the face.’ Ella lifted her head up and Lewis looked straight at her as he said, ‘I would see a girl with a beautiful face, a smile that would melt any heart, a perfectly proportioned body and whose height would be perfect for me.’
‘Now, I have had the additional advantage of seeing that body as nature intended. That has not altered my opinion in the slightest. If I stopped and talked to that girl in the street,’ he continued, ‘It would soon become very clear that she was kind and caring, in fact a lovely person. So, what you need is not a new body but more confidence in yourself.’
‘With regards height, next time you see couples walking together, look at their heights. If you spot any that are both exactly the same height, count them. You won’t find many. What you will see is that all the odd height couples are just as happy.’
‘Now, when you have sex, it should be equally enjoyable to both of you. It should all be pleasure, but the final bit where you have a climax, and the man fires his sperm should happen as near together as possible. A youngster having sex for the first time may well get so excited he fires too quickly. With knowledge and experience, he will control himself until he is aware that his partner is close as well.’
‘Your teacher as an older man and I presume married too?’ Ella nodded, ‘Will be well aware of that. He simply didn’t care about you enjoying it, all he was interested in was his own pleasure.’
‘Now that makes him a miserable sod. It doesn’t put any criticism on you or your love making ability. Forget he was your teacher for a moment. What actually happened is that you had sex with an older man. Nothing wrong with that, lots of people do.’
‘Unfortunately, your first sex was experienced with someone who didn’t love you. But there are plenty of men of all ages who would love you dearly. When you find the one for you, you will enjoy a sexual experience that far exceeds the one you had.’
‘Few people marry their first love. When you find your life partner, they are unlikely to be a virgin. So, you will be no different to them. Also, many couples don’t completely enjoy their first sex for a number of reasons so that isn’t unusual either.’
‘In a nutshell, there is nothing wrong with you. You had a brief relationship that didn’t work out. Millions of people have experienced that. Learn from it and move on. Your whole life will consist of doing that. Accept that fact and be happy.’
‘There is one good point about it, he wore a condom. Even though it was only for his own benefit, after all a baby can be proved to be his. But at least you didn’t end up pregnant.’
‘Now let us look at another angle. A true love affair between teacher and pupil can happen. Even if it’s only a short-term affair, an experience with an older person can be a safe and a good introduction to future happy sex. But your teacher was simply abusing his position to collect trophies for his own gratification. He should be stopped from teaching.’
‘I understand your reluctance to make the events public. Also, nothing can be done for those who went before you and I’m certain there will have been some. By your own admission he is already grooming another victim. It may well be too late to save her from sharing your experience. But if he is not stopped, there will be many, many, more.’
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