The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: Lewis’s Strange Night Fishing With His Dad
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Lewis’s Strange Night Fishing With His Dad - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Wednesday night Lewis and his dad decided to go night fishing. They left home at six and cycled down to the farm where the lake was. When his dad had asked if he was bringing any friends with him, he said, ‘No, we haven’t been by ourselves for ages.’
Arriving at the farm, they got the bigger tent out of the store, the one Lewis usually used when he brought friends. On those occasions his dad used a one-man tent and went over the far side of the lake. He did that so he was there if they needed him, but they could feel as if they were on their own.
Tonight, they would share the big tent. They set it up first, then just threw their sleeping bags and other bits in the tent.
Next, they set up their rods, laid everything out ready then once everything was done, they both cast their lines into the lake. Once they were satisfied that they were both in the lake correctly, they put their rods on tripods. Then they moved back away from the lake to have a cup of coffee from the flask they had brought with them.
They moved back from the lake because noises like people talking, or cups chinking could spook the fish. They sat in their folding chairs and chatted. Every so often they would get up, reel their lines in and cast them out once more.
When either of them had a bite, a bell on the tripod would alert them. Then there was always excitement as whoever’s line it was tried to reel the fish in without it escaping. Once caught, it was released from the hook and put in a net hanging in the side of the lake.
They each had their own net so at the end of the night they could see who had caught the most. Then the fish would be released back into the lake. Lewis had the first bite of the evening, so he felt good. ‘I obviously taught you too well.’ His dad said with a big grin.
In between catches and casting, they sat in silence content to be there together. Other times they would chat about all sorts of things. As the evening wore on, his dad said, ‘You know son, you’ve really grown in the last six months, not only in size but in confidence as well.’
‘I suppose it’ll be girlfriends next,’ he said. Then he added, ‘Or is there one already?’ ‘Not yet dad,’ Lewis said, ‘Although there are a few at school I fancy. But for the moment they are just part of my dreams.’
‘Can I ask you some questions about sex?’ he asked. ‘Of course,’ his dad said. ‘I thought they taught you all that at school nowadays.’ ‘Oh yes,’ Lewis said, ‘We did that in first year. I know all about what to do and where babies come from. I know how to take precautions and how not to hurt a girl if it’s her first time.’
‘Yet you still have questions?’ his dad asked grinning at him. ‘Well life can be a lot more complicated than the basic outline,’ Lewis said. ‘We all discussed it in class, but I bet that everyone had questions they were too embarrassed to ask.’
‘How old were you and mum the first time you had sex?’ Lewis asked. His dad looked startled, ‘I’m not sure your mum would approve of me telling you that,’ he said. ‘But this is a man to man talk,’ Lewis told him, ‘No one else need ever know what we say. I certainly won’t repeat anything you tell me.’
‘My, you have grown up suddenly,’ his dad said. ‘Ok, we were both just short of our sixteenth birthday.’ ‘So, you were having sex when you were the same age as I am now,’ Lewis said. His dad clearly hadn’t thought about that. ‘Er yes, I suppose we were.’ he said.
‘Was that the first time for both of you?’ he asked. ‘Deciding he’d let himself in for it and there was little chance of backing out now, his dad said, ‘Yes, we had been together since before our teens. There’s never been anyone else for either of us.’
‘That’s lovely,’ Lewis said, ‘But you must have dreamt of others from time to time.’ ‘No one knows your dreams except you,’ his dad told him, ‘So you can safely dream about anything you want without harming or hurting anyone. They only become a problem if you try to put them into practice. Or if they become so consuming, they take over your mind.’
‘Do you have sex in different positions?’ Lewis asked. Then before his dad could answer he added, ‘Don’t worry I’m not going to ask which ones.’ ‘Sometimes,’ his dad told him, wondering what might come next.
‘I think sex education is probably a lot different today than it was in your day,’ Lewis said. ‘Thanks son, remind me I’m getting old anytime.’ his dad said laughing. ‘Actually,’ he added, ‘I don’t remember having any sex education at school in my day as you put it. Most of what we learned was picked up in the playground.’
‘That at least hasn’t changed,’ Lewis told him with a laugh. ‘One of the things we’re taught today,’ Lewis went on, ‘Is to try things out for ourselves, so there are also lots of same sex experiences to dream about.’ ‘You’re not about to tell me you’re gay are you?’ his dad asked.
‘Would it make a difference?’ Lewis asked looking at him. ‘No, it wouldn’t,’ his dad told him, ‘You’re my son, I love you unconditionally. All I want for your life is that you should be happy, just like your mum and I even if you should choose to do it in a different way.’
Lewis gave him a hug, ‘Thanks dad, I love you too. No, I’m not gay, but I have had some male dreams. Although,’ he added quickly, ‘The girl ones far outnumber them.’
At that point his dads bell rang so they got up and went to the lake. His dad reeled in a medium sized fish and put it in his net. ‘I’ll go and set out the sleeping bags,’ Lewis said.
Going to the tent, Lewis put all his dad’s bits one side and his the other. Then opening up both sleeping bags he zipped them together as a double. Then he unzipped both sides halfway down before returning to the lake.
‘Any more questions or startling revelations?’ his dad asked half joking. ‘Yes, but I’ll leave them until were in the tent.’ Lewis told him. They chatted generally, then reeled their lines in. Pulling the nets out and comparing them, Lewis had the greater number of fish, but his dad had the greater bulk, so they decided it was a draw.
After clearing all their stuff away, they went over to the bushes near the tent and had a wee, then went into the tent. Lewis’s dad saw the double sleeping bags but said nothing. Lewis had set them up so he must have wanted them that way.
With just the two of them in the tent there was enough room for them both to strip off at the same time. Lewis who was in first, stripped to his shorts. His dad who usually slept in T shirt and shorts decided to follow suit.
Once his dad was lying down, he put an arm out so Lewis snuggled up to him. Kissing his head his dad said, ‘So go on then, carry on with your questions.’
‘What I would like in life,’ Lewis told him, ‘Is to find a nice girlfriend and have sex with her. Eventually get married, although not necessarily to the first one, then live happily like you and mum.’
‘I can sense there’s a but coming,’ his dad said. ‘I dream most nights of having sex with a girl, usually someone I know from school,’ Lewis told him. ‘But I also have dreams occasionally about having some male experiences. The problem is I couldn’t bring myself to ask any of my mates if they have the same feelings in case they don’t. So, I don’t know if they would like to share any of the experiences.’
‘That sounds frustrating,’ his dad said giving him a squeeze. ‘Can you tell me what those experiences are?’ ‘Oh, er... ‘ Lewis said as if he was embarrassed, ‘I don’t know, there are ten of them.’ ‘I won’t be offended, embarrassed upset or think any less of you,’ his dad said, ‘Get it off your chest.’
‘Well,’ Lewis said, ‘The first two are to kiss someone properly on the lips and have someone do the same to me. The second two would be to hold someone else’s erect cock and have someone hold mine. The third one would be to fire someone else by hand and see him shoot. Then someone fire me the same. Then ... Lewis trailed off and stopped.’
‘They all seem easy enough,’ his dad said, ‘Carry on.’ ‘Well, the next one,’ Lewis said, ‘Would be to suck a hard cock until it fired, then someone do the same to me.’
‘And the last two?’ His dad asked. ‘They’re really embarrassing,’ Lewis said, ‘Perhaps we should leave them out.’ ‘You’ve really opened up to me tonight,’ his dad said, ‘It makes me feel really good that you felt able to. But if you can’t finish what you started to tell me, I’ll feel as if I’ve let you down somehow.’
Lewis put his arm around his dad’s shoulders and kissed his cheek. ‘I dream I put my cock up someone’s bum,’ he told him, ‘Then someone does the same to me.’ His dad hugged him. ‘You have a very active mind.’ he said. ‘Thank you for sharing with me.’
Holding him close, his dad asked, ‘Suppose you could only do one to someone else and only have one done to you, which ones would you choose?’ Lewis waited a little before answering. ‘I’d choose going up someone’s bum and sucking someone,’ he said.
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