The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Lewis and Jaynes Week of Sex

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Lewis and Jaynes Week of Sex - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Neither of them stirred until nine o’clock the following morning. Jayne woke first wondering why she felt different. Then as last night’s memories came flooding back, she turned over and gazed lovingly at Lewis who was still asleep.

She leaned up on one elbow and just gazed at him. If only you were older, she thought wistfully. Lewis opened his eyes, saw her looking at him and gave her a lovely smile. ‘How do you feel?’ He asked.

‘Different somehow, but wonderful.’ she told him, leaning down and kissing him. He moved close and took her in his arms. They kissed and enjoyed the close contact. Jayne felt something pressing into her. ‘Is that me causing that or is it just the toilet calling?’ she asked with a grin.

‘I’ll go and find out.’ he said, ‘Back in a sec.’ He jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. As he came back into the bedroom his cock was hanging limp between his legs. As he got back into bed, he told her, ‘Anything it does now is because of you.’

Jayne had only seen it hard before. She took hold of it and marvelled at the difference. She moved the skin back and said, ‘Oh!’ as his tip peeped out. ‘You can pull it back a little further,’ he said, smiling at her. ‘That’s my foreskin,’ he told her. ‘I’m uncircumcised. Some people have it cut off at birth, they’re called circumcised.’

‘Why?’ Jayne asked. ‘Some people do it just because their parents did it as part of their religion, others think it’s more hygienic.’ he told her. ‘I’ve never understood religion,’ she told him. ‘Me neither,’ Lewis said, ‘I can’t understand how any educated person with a modicum of common sense can believe in it all, but I suppose most of it is parental brainwashing.’

By now Jayne’s examination and soft hand on his cock had made it start to grow. Jayne watched it fascinated as it swelled in her hand. ‘Hello, my friend,’ she said leaning down and kissing it. It promptly shot up to full hardness and throbbed, hitting her lips. Jayne jumped back, ‘It’s attacking me,’ she cried out laughing.

‘There’s only one place to put it that will hold it still,’ Lewis said with a happy grin. ‘Oh, yes please.’ Jayne replied, ‘Anytime.’ ‘I think you should learn as much as you can this week,’ Lewis said, so he reached out and picked up a Durex. ‘There you go,’ he said, ‘See if you can put that on me.’

Jayne took it off him and tore it open like she remembered Lewis had done. Resting it on his tip she tried to roll it down, but it wouldn’t move. ‘If that happens,’ Lewis advised, ‘It usually means you have it upside down.’ Jayne turned it over and tried again. This time it rolled down easily, enjoyed by Jayne and by Lewis.

Lewis looked down at his hard cock sticking up in the air, the sheaths little bubble on top. ‘Full marks,’ he said, ‘You’re now an expert. Although,’ he added, ‘There is one thing you need to be careful about, but I need to be soft to show you that so there’s no chance at the moment.’

He rolled onto his side and kissed her, caressing her breasts as he did so. Then moving down to kiss her breasts, he slid his hand down onto her hairs and stroked them. As Jayne made lots of happy noises, he slid his finger inside and played with her lump, making her happy noises get even louder.

Then he rolled them both over, so he was lying on top of her. Kissing her he put his legs in between hers and lifted his hips. Lowering himself down he managed to direct his tip to her opening without using his hand. Sliding straight in, he was fully inside her in seconds making Jayne cry out loudly and ecstatically.

As she kissed him and held him tight, he started moving his hips. As he thrust in and out, he just kept going, increasing his speed a little at a time. Jayne was so worked up with excitement at doing it again so soon, plus knowing what to expect now, that Lewis had only just started his special feeling as she climaxed.’

He felt her body go tense then her vagina took a tight grip on his cock as she went rigid and literally screamed out with ecstasy as she came. As her orgasm faded slightly, her vagina loosened its grip on Lewis’s cock so he resumed thrusting, this time going as fast as he could.

Within moments, he felt his cock swell and he cried out as he shot his load. Feeling his extra hard thrust in and his cock swell told Jayne he was firing. That was enough to set her off once more. Lewis had no sooner emptied out when his cock was seized in a vice like grip as Jayne enjoyed a second orgasm.

By the time the vice released him, Lewis was going soft. He reached down and found the end of his sheath before pulling out nice and slowly, making Jayne cry out once more. Taking it off and wiping his cock, they lay side by side in each other’s arms. They were both happy and contented.

‘I came twice that time,’ Jayne said, ‘Will that always happen?’ ‘No,’ Lewis told her, ‘It will no doubt on occasions, but at the moment this is all new and exciting, so you are extra worked up. A man can fire twice on occasions too.’

They lay there tired but awake for half an hour, occasionally kissing and often caressing. ‘It’s time we got moving,’ Lewis said. He sat up so Jayne did too. They held each other and kissed then Jayne said, ‘As you’ve already had a wee, I better go to the bathroom first before I burst.’ She got off the bed. At the door she turned and blew him a kiss then she was gone.

Lewis got up and went through to the galley to start preparing breakfast. All the curtains were still drawn so he stayed naked. Jayne finished in the bathroom, then hearing him in the galley she went through to see what he was doing. She stood watching him for a second or two until he realised that she was there and turned to face her.

‘That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a naked chef,’ she said with a grin, ‘I bet it’ll taste twice as good.’ As she went into the bedroom to get dressed, Lewis went and had a shower.

They had a lovely and filling cooked breakfast to set them up for the day, then after washing up, Jayne went round opening all the curtains and Lewis started the engine. Then he went ashore to cast off. Jayne opened the front door in the bow to let air through. ‘I know we’re not expecting visitors,’ she said, ‘But I thought perhaps we should blow out any smell of sex.’

Lewis grinned at her, ‘Good idea,’ he said, ‘It’ll leave room for the next lot. Someone once told me,’ He said, ‘That if you’re still living at home with your mum, you should always have a shower afterwards as a mum can smell sex a mile off.’ She came and stood by him at the tiller. Giving him a quick kiss, she told him, ‘I hope I don’t wear you out by the end of the trip.’ ‘If you do,’ Lewis told her, ‘Believe me, I won’t mind in the least.’

That day they sailed mainly through countryside. Passing through five locks in total, they now worked them expertly as a team. Mid-afternoon they came to a small village not unlike Jayne’s home. They had a look around and picked up more milk and provisions.

That evening when they tied up with nothing but fields in sight, Jayne announced that she would cook the evening meal. ‘What can I do to help?’ Lewis asked. ‘You can see to the drinks and talk to me whilst I cook,’ she told him.

‘We’ll have some wine tonight,’ Lewis said, ‘Now it can’t be said I’d be taking advantage of you after a few drinks.’ Jayne gave him a kiss, ‘You can take advantage of me any time you want,’ she told him. Lewis poured them each a glass of wine. He sat on the top step in front of the tiller and watched as she prepared the meal.

As she worked, she was humming one of the songs they had heard sung at the theatre on the first night. He sat and listened. ‘Do you know all the words?’ he asked her. ‘Yes, I know the words to loads of songs,’ she told him. ‘Do you ever sing them out loud?’ Lewis asked.

‘Only if I’m home alone, or out walking somewhere and I’m sure there’s no one around,’ Jayne told him. ‘Why?’ Lewis asked, ‘Do you sing out of tune like me?’ ‘I don’t know,’ Jayne said, ‘No one’s ever heard me, so no one’s ever said.’

‘Didn’t you sing at school?’ Lewis asked. ‘Only at assembly or on speech day and that was with the whole school singing with me.’ she told him.

‘What’s your favourite song?’ Lewis asked. ‘I’ve got so many,’ Jayne answered. She thought for a few moments then said, probably, ‘We’ll Meet Again, it’s a favourite of my dad’s.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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