The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Jayne and Lewis’s First Night in One Sleeping Bag

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Jayne and Lewis’s First Night in One Sleeping Bag - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Lewis smiled at her. ‘There’s an answer to that question that you wouldn’t like,’ he said looking serious. ‘There is also one that you would love,’ he told her smiling. ‘My answer is both of them.’ As Jayne looked puzzled, Lewis explained. ‘I would love to sleep with you, and I would love to make love to you.’ he said. ‘But I won’t do them both tonight.’

‘I explained my feelings and concerns earlier, I think we both understand that we were talking about each other. I would be honoured to be your first so my answer is, yes, I will sleep with you tonight because I know you want to, and I feel that you can cope with it.’

‘But I will not make love to you tonight. That is a step too far too soon. If when we talk tomorrow, I am happy with how you feel, then tomorrow night I will.’

‘If I sleep with you tonight, we will go to bed dressed as we are. You will experience being kissed and caressed. We will take each other’s tops off and explore each other all over. But we will not take the final step. Tonight, we will go to sleep in each other’s arms, but you will remain a virgin.’

‘By the time we go to sleep it will be difficult for both of us to stop,’ he warned her, ‘But stop we must. Do you understand my reasons?’ ‘Yes,’ she told him. ‘Then will you accept that that is how it has to be?’ ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Although it makes me want you even more.’ Lewis stood up and held his arms out to her. She moved round the table and melted into his arms. He put his arms tight around her, his lips to hers and gave her the first passionate kiss she had ever had. ‘Let’s turn in.’ he said breaking away and picking up his sleeping bag.

Going through into Jayne’s bedroom, Lewis unzipped her sleeping bag, then zipped the two of them together. Then putting them in place, he unzipped both sides and turned the top down. Turning the main lights off, he left one small dim light on. ‘After you,’ he said indicating the bed.

Her heart pounding fit to burst, Jayne got up, moved to one side and lay down on her back. She watched Lewis get up and lie down beside her, then he turned on his side to face her, leaned up on one elbow and smiled down at her.

‘If at any time, for any reason at all you want me to stop what I’m doing, you say so immediately, and I’ll stop.’ he told her. She reached her hand up and stroked the side of his face. ‘It’s not going to happen,’ she said, ‘But I know you would, and I love you for it.’

Lewis leaned down and kissed her. Jayne kissed back just as passionately. She put her hands up and stroked each side of his head as they kissed. Lewis put one hand on her stomach. He felt her shiver with excitement as he slid it upwards. Reaching her breast with the tip of his fingers, he lifted his hand off an inch then slid it higher, cupping it over her breast.

Through his kiss he felt her cry of pleasure and excitement. He caressed it making her cry so much she had to break lip contact to let it out. ‘Oh Lewis,’ she said, ‘That is lovely. I’ve dreamt about this for so long, but this is better than any dream.’

Lewis lay down and told her to turn to face him. They put their lips together again and kissed as Lewis caressed both breasts one after the other. Then putting his arm around her back, he pulled her tight to him as they kept kissing. As her breasts pressed against him, he knew she would be feeling his hard cock pressing into her.

Keeping her tight to him, Lewis slid his hand down to her waist and slipped it under the back of her T shirt. He felt her shiver again as his fingers touched her bare skin. He slid his hand slowly up her back, moving around as he went.

Once he reached her shoulders, he came down a little then moved his hand round to the front. With one hand over her bare breast, Jayne was making so many happy noises he had to stop kissing for a while. Then taking his hand out, he lay on his back and told her to put her head on his shoulder.

Once settled he asked, ‘How do you feel.’ ‘Like I’ve died and gone to heaven.’ she said. ‘I’ve never felt anything so lovely. Can it really get any better?’

‘Sit up now,’ he told her. Lewis sat up and spun round so he was facing her, his feet up on the pillows. They hugged, then as he kissed her, Lewis took hold of the bottom of her T shirt. Lifting it up he took it right off as Jayne lifted her arms in the air. Even in the low light he could see her lovely small firm breasts.

Throwing it to one side, he held her close then said into her ear, take mine off too. She took hold of his T shirt after a bit of fumbling, then slid it up and off. As they held each other tight, the feeling of bare breast on bare chest sent shivers of pleasure through both of them.

Lewis ran his hands up and down her back, then after a moment or two, Jayne did the same to him. ‘That’s nice,’ he said, ‘Remember anything I do to you, you can do to me, you don’t need permission. What we are doing is meant to give pleasure to both of us.’

Lewis broke away. ‘Lie down again,’ he told her. He lay back beside her, up on one elbow again. He looked down at her breasts then slowly leaned down and kissed them everywhere except around her nipples. Jayne was letting out a string of happy noises as he did so. Then when he moved nearer to and finally kissed each nipple she was almost screaming.

Good job we’re miles from anywhere Lewis thought with a grin. Then he sucked both nipples which made her scream out even louder. Lying back, he told her, ‘My chest is yours.’ She kissed all over his chest, then his nipples making him cry out too. Then she tried a suck which made him cry out happily. He rolled over to face her and held her tight again.

‘Lie on your back again,’ he told her after a while. He kissed her eyes then her mouth then her neck. Next her shoulders and all over her breasts. As he kissed and sucked and she cried out, he placed his hand on her stomach and massaged it.

Still kissing her breast’s, he moved his hand down onto her shorts and slid his hand down the centre until his fingers slid in between her legs. She automatically drew her legs up and apart slightly. As he stroked between her legs she cried out with a long happy moan. ‘Oh, that feels so wonderful.’ she said.

Lewis moved on down and stroked her thighs just below her shorts, then slowly came back up over her shorts massaging all over but giving special attention to the area over her hairs. Giving a suck on each nipple as he brought his hand up her front, he lay on his back.

‘Your turn,’ he said. ‘Don’t be shy, remember what I have just done to you and copy it.’ Jayne leaned up on her elbow and kissed her way down like he had done. Then as she sucked his nipples, she slid her hand down his stomach. Reaching his shorts, she hesitated then putting her hand on top she started to slide her hand down.

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