The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Victor Starts to Relax

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Victor Starts to Relax - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Danny slipped his zip right down, then folded the top of his trousers over to each side. Next, he massaged on up his stomach as he asked, ‘What did you do?’ ‘We put up with it at first,’ Victor said, ‘It didn’t happen too often to start with, at least to me, I don’t know for sure about mum.’

Moving back onto his chest, Danny massaged through his hairs, this time giving his nipples a little stroke in passing. This made Victor give a little shiver, but he didn’t pass any comment. ‘How old were you then,’ Danny asked as he massaged his neck and the side of his face. ‘Eleven,’ Victor told him.

Danny said, ‘If you feel comfortable about carrying on, leave your trousers as they are. If you don’t fasten them up, then turn over.’ Victor didn’t hesitate, he turned over right away leaving the front of his trousers open. Once he was settled, Danny put his hands on his shoulders, then as he massaged, he asked, ‘So how did it get worse?’

‘Over the next few years, it started to become a regular event,’ Victor told him. ‘Then about three years ago, I came home to find mum crying in the kitchen sporting a blackening eye. I comforted her as best I could. I managed to get her to admit for the first time that it was dad who had hit her, something she had always denied before.’

As Danny reached his waist and slid his hands inside his trousers to massage his cheeks over his shorts, he asked, ‘What happened next?’

‘She was so upset,’ he told him, ‘That she admitted that he had been knocking her about for years. As I said, I’m a quiet type but my blood was really boiling at that. I was standing there with my arm around her as my dad came in.’

He took one look at us and said, ‘You’re both bloody useless and you,’ he said looking at me, ‘It’s time you learned not to interfere.’ As he crossed the kitchen, he was undoing his belt. ‘I knew from past experience that I was in for a beating, but this time it wasn’t just me, I knew I needed to do what I should have done a long time ago and look after mum better.’

Danny had reached the bottom of Victors cheeks. He felt Danny’s hands against his trousers and lifted his hips up as he was speaking. As Danny slid his trousers down, he continued. ‘As he came charging towards me, I swung my fist up at his chin putting every bit of strength I could muster into it.’

As Danny massaged down the back of his now bare legs Victor said, ‘I’ve never felt pain like it, I thought I had broken every bone in my hand.’ ‘What happened to your dad?’ Danny asked as he started back up his legs. ‘His head jerked back,’ Victor told him, ‘And he crashed backwards onto the tiled kitchen floor. We heard the bang as his head hit the ground. To this day I don’t know whether I knocked him out or whether it was the floor.’

As Danny massaged his cheeks over his shorts, he asked, ‘How long was he out for?’ ‘Two days,’ Victor told him as he massaged up his back. ‘After ten minutes when he showed no sign of coming round, we rang for an ambulance. They took him to hospital and kept him in with concussion.’

Reaching his head Danny massaged over his hair as Victor continued, ‘The hospital said they couldn’t tell whether my punch or hitting his head on the floor gave him the concussion, but it was two days before he came round and another two before they would discharge him.’

‘Turn over,’ Danny said then once he was settled, he asked, ‘How was your hand.’ As he massaged down his chest Victor told him, ‘It had been hurting like hell, so I asked the nurse on the ward. She sent me down to casualty. The casualty doctor examined it then sent me for an Xray,’ he said as Danny reached his shorts.

Whilst Danny massaged the front of his shorts brushing lightly over his still soft bulge, Victor said, ‘None of the bones were broken so they gave me pain killers and strapped it up with instructions to rest it for a few days.’

Danny moved on down his legs, then when he reached his trousers, slipped them off over his feet before starting back up again. ‘Did it heal up ok?’ Danny asked as he came back up the front of his legs. ‘Yes,’ Victor said, ‘It was painful for a couple of days then it started to ease. On the fourth day I took the strapping off and within a week it was back to normal.’

As Danny moved over the front of his shorts, he massaged every inch, including the soft bulge. It was clearly completely soft, but also large.

‘What about your dad?’ Danny asked. ‘Mum had stayed with him whilst I went to casualty,’ Victor said. ‘When I got back to them, dad was still unconscious and there was a policeman with mum.’

As Danny moved up over his stomach and chest Victor continued. ‘When I was introduced to him, he said I’m investigating a report that you assaulted your father.’ ‘I hit him certainly,’ I told him, he was charging towards me to attack so I punched him under his chin.’

‘When I told him he had fallen over backwards and hit his head on the floor, he told me I might be charged with assault.’ By now Danny had reached his head. He massaged his temples, smiled at him and said, ‘You’re doing very well,’ turn over now.

Massaging the back of his head, Danny moved on down to his shoulders then asked, ‘So what happened?’ ‘At that point mum chipped in and told him, it was self-defence, he was about to be attacked so he defended himself. He knew he had attacked me earlier,’ she told him, ‘So there was no doubt what he meant to do.’

That changed the policeman’s attitude immediately, ‘How did he attack you?’ he asked, ‘He thumped me several times,’ mum told him. ‘Why,’ he asked. ‘Because he was angry over something, so he did what he often did and took it out on one or both of us.’ ‘Do you have any proof of that?’ he asked, ‘Mum just pulled up her top things to uncover her front between her waist and the bottom of her bra. The whole area was turning black.’

‘Did you know he was hitting your mum?’ he asked me. ‘Not until I came home that day and found her crying,’ I said, ‘But I had suspected it.’ At that point Danny reached his waist. Sliding his hands down inside his shorts he massaged his cheeks directly on the skin. He stayed there massaging as he asked, ‘How did he react to that?’

‘He explained to mum that if she would press charges, she could get a restraining order to stop him coming near her. Also, if she pressed charges for his assault on her, it would make it unlikely that I would be charged.’

‘To my surprise she agreed immediately. I only learnt later how much he had been knocking her about.’ The policeman got up and gave her his card. ‘When you are through here,’ he said, ‘Come down to the station and ask for me. I’ll take your statements, then the duty solicitor will sort out a restraining order for you.’

Whilst he was talking Danny had gone down the back of his legs to his feet and started back up again. As he came up the back of Victors thighs, Victor continued, ‘I asked her if she was sure she wanted to do that. It was then she said, ‘Yes, enough is enough, he’s been knocking me about for years. I should have done something sooner.’

‘What happened at the police station?’ Danny asked as he pulled the back of Victor shorts down below his cheeks. He massaged his firm cheeks as Victor said, ‘They were lovely with us. We were shown into an interview room and the young policeman who had been at the hospital came in with a WPC.’

‘They explained what would happen, then took our statements. Whilst we waited for them to be printed for us to sign, they brought us a cup of tea and some biscuits. We signed our statements then the duty solicitor arrived. He explained to mum what a restraining order entailed and also told her that dad would probably be charged with assault. I thought that might change her mind, but she said, ‘He needs help, perhaps this way is best.’ She gave the solicitor the ok to go ahead.

Danny had moved on up his back. He was massaging his shoulders as he asked, ‘So what does a restraining order entail?’ ‘The solicitor takes our statements to a magistrate,’ Victor explained, ‘He can then grant an interim order that bans dad from coming near us or the house. Then once dad was fit, there would be a hearing to determine if it should stay in place.’

Massaging his head, Danny finished then said, ‘Turn over.’ He turned over leaving the back of his shorts where they were. When Victor was settled on his back, Danny smiled at him saying, ‘You are doing really well. Now before you continue, think of all the things you have told me so far. Then think how relaxing you have found my massaging. Then think how relaxed you feel about me knowing all the things you’ve told me. Then think about how relaxing the last massage on your cheeks was. When you have thought about all of them, decide how I should massage your front.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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