The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Victor Asks Danny for Help

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Victor Asks Danny for Help - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

When Danny was in the playground at school towards the end of the week, a youngster from the year below him came over to him. ‘Are you Danny?’ He asked. When Danny admitted that he was, the boy shook hands with him introducing himself as Victor.

‘I’m a friend of David’s,’ he told him, ‘He spotted that something has been bothering me for a few weeks. When he asked me about it, I wouldn’t say what it was, so he asked, is it something you would find too embarrassing to discuss with anyone? When I said definitely, he told me that I needed to come and see you. He told me that you were the best person ever at solving problems and that I’d find it easy to tell you all about it. He also told me that I could tell you anything and it would never be repeated.’

‘That was nice of him,’ Danny said. ‘So now you have met me, can you tell me anything about your problem?’ Victor looked around to make sure no one was in earshot, then whispered, ‘It involves sex’ ‘Did you tell David that?’ Danny asked.

‘No,’ Victor replied sounding surprised, ‘I’m amazed that I’ve just told you it just seemed a natural thing to do.’ ‘Now you know what David meant about me being easy to talk to,’ Danny said with a smile. ‘Even so, you probably need to get much more at ease with me before you can tell me enough of the details to be able to help you.’

‘A few things you should know. First nothing you tell me will ever be repeated, not even to David. Second, you’ll not be judged. It doesn’t matter what your problem is, I will help you solve it or cope with it. Third, if you decide to let me help, I’ll get you feeling completely at ease with me first before you give me any details. Finally, although David probably knows that you are coming to see me today, he won’t hear from me that you have actually been to a meeting with me.’

‘How does that sound?’ Victor gave a happy smile, ‘It sounds wonderful,’ he said, ‘David said I’d feel better the moment I spoke to you, and he was right.’

‘I have a friend who lets me use his house for private sessions,’ Danny told him, ‘I’ll just check with him. Can you make Saturday morning?’ When Victor said, ‘Yes,’ Danny rang John who as always readily agreed. Danny gave Victor the address. ‘Take my phone number too,’ Danny said, ‘And call me if you can’t come, otherwise I’ll see you on Saturday at ten o’clock. Whatever it is, stop worrying, I’m sure we’ll sort it for you.’ ‘Thank you,’ said a happier looking Victor as he walked away.

Saturday morning Danny got to Johns for nine thirty. They had a hug and a kiss, then John told him, I’m going shopping, then I’ll pop in and see my sister so no rush. Another hug and a kiss then John left.

Ten minutes later the doorbell rang. Letting Victor in, Danny took him through to the kitchen and made them both a coffee. They chatted generally as they drank. Victor volunteered the information that he lived with his mother. His father had left them a few years ago and his elder brother was working in Australia.

Danny asked if he had ever visited him. Victor told him yes, he lived in Sydney and he and his mum had visited him a couple of years ago. Danny had never been out of the Country, so there followed a discussion about Australia in general and Sydney in particular which really broke the ice between them.

Once they had finished their coffees and cleared away, they went through into the lounge. Victor sat on the settee. Danny sat alongside him. ‘Now,’ Danny said, looking at him, ‘I can tell you already feel a lot more at ease with me than you did when you arrived, so success looks pretty likely.’

‘However, if your problem wasn’t very personal and embarrassing, you could talk it over with anyone, So what we’re going to do first is to teach you to be so relaxed in my company that you can tell me all about your worries, all about your thoughts, all about your sex life, all about your dreams and all about everything you’ve ever done, even the things you’ve never ever told anyone else.’

‘Can you imagine feeling that relaxed?’ ‘No,’ Victor said, thinking about the mention of sex particularly. Danny smiled at him, ‘That’s a natural start,’ he said, ‘But imagine for one moment that you could do just that, how would that make you feel?’ ‘It would be wonderful,’ Victor said, meaning it but still not thinking it would be something he would ever be able to do.

‘In a moment I’ll tell you the first stage,’ Danny said, ‘Then you can decide if you want to try. But remember, you’re here because you want to be. You can leave at any time. I know that I can help you because I’ve done it lots of times before. But I can’t do it without your full participation. Ok?’ ‘Ok,’ Victor replied nodding, ‘I’ll try.’

‘Good,’ Danny told him, ‘That’s a good start. Now the first stage is to get you even more relaxed with me than you are. I’m going to start that by asking you questions about yourself whilst at the same time giving you

a relaxing massage. The massage will help you answer the questions as well as make you relax even more.’

‘Now, I don’t yet know what your problem is, so I might unknowingly ask you something connected with your problem. I might also ask you something you find too embarrassing to answer just yet, so if I ask you any question that you feel unable to answer for any reason, just say pass then I’ll move on to the next one. If I ask you something that connects to your problem, and you don’t feel ready to go there just yet just say double pass and I’ll move on too. Ok?’

‘Ok,’ Victor answered nodding again. ‘Of course,’ Danny added, ‘To succeed I need to know all about you, so remember the more questions you can answer, the sooner we can sort out your problem.’

‘Two questions,’ Danny said, ‘Do you want to start, and do you want to start right now?’ ‘Yes, and Yes,’ came the immediate reply.

‘Good,’ Danny said. ‘In a moment I want you to lie on the settee. I will then sit on the edge of the settee alongside you. I’ll ask you to turn over onto your front then I’ll massage you from head to foot as I ask you questions. Before you lie down, I want you to take your shoes off plus any of your other things if you feel comfortable enough.’

Victor took his shoes off, stood up, then about to lie down he asked, ‘Should I take my top things off too?’ ‘That would be good,’ Danny told him, ‘But only if you feel comfortable doing it.’ Victor had been given a glowing report by David, plus he already felt as if he had known Danny for years. He pulled his pullover and T shirt off over his head and lay down on his back.

Danny sat on the edge of the settee by his knees, facing him. He smiled at him, ‘You’ve made an excellent start,’ he said, ‘Your mind is like your body, you keep a lot of it hidden from view. That you have been able to uncover your top already is a sure sign that you will soon be able to uncover your mind to me too, then it follows you can do the same with your problem.’

‘Before we start let me repeat that nothing you say in this room will ever be repeated outside it. Also, I’m only a year older than you. That means I already know about all those naughty thoughts you have, the things you dream about and the things you do. But for this to succeed, I need you to feel able to tell me about them yourself.’

‘Turn over on your front,’ Danny said, ‘Then I’ll begin.’ Victor rolled over immediately. Danny put his hands on Victors shoulders, massaged them, then as he moved downwards, he asked, ‘When were you sixteen?’ ‘A month ago,’ Victor told him.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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