The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2 : Walter Learns to Live Life to the Full
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2 : Walter Learns to Live Life to the Full - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
David was asleep in seconds, being in his own home and in his own bed. Walter took longer, he was not only in a strange house and strange bed, but for the first time in his life there was someone else in the bed with him.
Not only that, but he’d also been given hope of a drastic improvement in his life. Someone had rested their hand on his cock, and he had felt someone else’s cock, even if it was through their shorts. Just thinking about it had made him go rock hard already. He so wanted to play with it, but he thought he had better refrain tonight.
Instead, he wriggled over slightly to be nearer to David who had his back to him. He stayed a few inches away but with great effort, he placed his hand on David’s waist. A few minutes later he was fast asleep.
In the middle of the night, David woke needing the bathroom. He felt strange at first then he remembered Walter. He could feel him tight up against his back and one hand was resting on David’s cock which had erected at Walters touch.
Slowly and carefully, David lifted Walters hand off his cock and wriggled forwards until he was clear of him. Going quietly to the bathroom, he had his wee and returned. There was enough moonlight to show him that Walter had turned over whilst he was away.
Getting back into bed, he wriggled up as close to his back as he could then rested his arm over Walter’s waist. After a few moments, when he was sure he was fast asleep, he moved his hand down between his legs. He made a surprise discovery, Walter’s cock, although still soft, felt as though there was an awful lot of it. Leaving his hand flat over it, he wriggled up closer, so his front was touching Walter’s back.
He was just about to drift back off to sleep when he felt a movement under his hand. Realising Walters body had sensed the close contact of another body, and was erecting him, David was suddenly wide awake.
As Walter grew, he was amazed. Even through Walters pyjamas, it felt enormous, far bigger than Walters slight figure would suggest.
He moved his hand around carefully and felt the opening down the front of Walters pyjama trousers. Sliding his finger gently inside, he located Walter’s tip. Guiding it out he was able to wrap his hand around it directly on the flesh. It felt lovely and even Walter deep asleep made a happy noise. Holding it as it throbbed in his hand, David also fell fast asleep.
A few hours later Walter disturbed. He had this curious sensation between his legs. He could also feel a body against his back. Memories of the previous evening came flooding back. He reached his hand down to find his cock was very hard. It was sticking out of his pyjamas and David’s hand was wrapped around it.
The feeling was so lovely. He moved slightly then sensed that David was hard too, he could feel it pressing against him. He carefully slid his hand behind him and touched it. He was amazed to find it was much smaller than his own. The multiple feelings were lovely so remembering last night’s instructions, he left everything where it was. Soon he was very happily fast asleep.
He drifted off to sleep and some erotic dreams. When they woke in the morning, they had both moved. Walter’s cock had shrunk and returned itself inside his pyjamas. He wondered if he had dreamt the whole thing.
Walter woke first and turned over to face David. Soon after David opened his eyes, saw Walter, and gave him a big beaming smile.
Moving closer, he put his arm around him, gave him a hug and said, ‘That was a lovely night.’ He gave him another kiss on the lips which Walter, a novice, did his best to respond to.
They both sat up in bed. David turned to Walter and told him, ‘You made a lot of progress towards the new you yesterday. Plus, what you dreamt last night probably actually happened, but you may never be sure.’ He grinned at him teasingly.
‘Now I told you I would give you an answer this morning. The answer is Yes, I will try.’ Walter’s face lit up as he said, ‘Wow that’s great thank you.’ ‘But let me remind you,’ David said, ‘It can’t work unless you relax and let yourself go with me.’
‘Now we’ll do what we can during the day, but one little test as we get up. As you do it, remember all your dreams and experiences from last night. What I want you to do is get up and put your clothes out ready on the bed.’
Walter got up and did as he was asked. David got out of bed and sat on the edge of his side, looking across the bed at him. ‘What I want you to do in a moment,’ David said, ‘Is to turn your back to me and take your pyjamas off. Once they are off just stand still for five seconds.’
‘I will then turn round and sit here with my back to you. You have my word I won’t peep. When I say go, you turn to face my back and stand for another five seconds. When I say go again, you put your underpants on, then you stand for another five seconds. Next time I say go you can finish getting dressed.’
‘Now, if you are feeling much more at ease with me than yesterday, when you have put your underpants on, I want you to say ‘Turn round.’ I will then turn, look at you for a moment or two, then come round and hug you.’
‘If on the other hand you feel exceptionally at ease with me and really want to move ahead, say turn round before you put your underpants on. I will then turn round and see you naked. I will then get up and strip off so that you can see me naked too. I will then come round to you so we can have a naked hug together.’
‘Will you give it a try?’ ‘Yes,’ Walter said. He didn’t think he would be able to do the naked one, but he felt stronger somehow, plus now he knew his cock was bigger than David’s, the idea of him seeing it didn’t seem quite so hard.
‘Go ahead when you’re ready,’ David told him. Walter turned to face the window, his back to David. He undid his pyjama top and dropped it off his shoulders. David could see his lovely square shoulders tapering down to a small waist. There wasn’t an ounce of fat in sight.
Then David could see his arms moving as he undid the top of his pyjama bottoms. They suddenly dropped to the floor revealing a pair of small firm cheeks. Walter stood still so David counted five slowly. Then after turning round so that his back was to Walter. He said, ‘Go.’
He knew Walter would now be standing facing him, naked. He counted another five, then hearing nothing called out, ‘Go.’ once more. After about four seconds Walter said. ‘Turn round.’ David turned round expecting to see Walter standing there in just his underpants.
To his surprise he was standing there naked, looking slightly nervous but looking him in the face even so. His cock hung loose between his legs. David looked at it, amazed at its size in comparison to Walters body. ‘Gee Whiz Walter,’ he said smiling at him, ‘You’ve got a real whopper there.’
David stood up, pulled his top off and dropped his shorts. Walking round the bed, he stood by the bottom of the bed and told Walter to turn to face him. They stood looking at each other, then as they studied each other’s cocks, their own started to swell.
Within moments they were both fully erect. Walter looked even bigger. ‘Walter,’ David said, ‘How can you lack confidence with a cock like that?’ ‘What’s special about it?’ he asked puzzled. ‘Well look at mine.’ David said, ‘Yours is twice the size at least.’ He walked up closer, took hold of it and held his alongside it.
Feeling their cocks touching made then throb and jump about which they both enjoyed. ‘I suppose it is bigger,’ Walter said. ‘You know the older boys in the last year at school?’ David said. ‘If they were all lined up against a wall with you amongst them, then you were all arranged in order of height you would be at the bottom end.’
‘I know,’ Walter said, sounding unhappy again. ‘But just imagine,’ David said, ‘if you and all of them were stripped off naked. Then you were re-arranged in order of size of cocks. If you weren’t at the very top, you’d be very close.’
‘Really?’ asked Walter sounding very surprised. ‘Yes, definitely.’ David said. ‘And if every boy in the school walked past to have a look at you all, there would be very few of them who would not be very jealous of you.’
‘Wow,’ Walter said, ‘That’s amazing.’ ‘Now,’ David said, ‘Think of everything you said and did before we went to sleep. Think of everything we did during the night. Think about the ones you think we did but thought you might have dreamt it. Also think of what we have just done, looking at each other naked, seeing each other erect and touching each other.’
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