The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8 : Jayne and Lewis Move the Boat
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8 : Jayne and Lewis Move the Boat - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Ron and Mary had been back from their honeymoon a week. They had stayed on the boat for the first few days, then moved all Ron’s stuff over to the flat. They were due at the registry office the following Tuesday for their official marriage and Ron’s first day on his catering course was two days after.
A couple of days later Ron got a message from the boat yard in Birmingham who he had told about wanting to sell his boat. They had two customers interested and they were coming to the boat yard in two weeks’ time. Could Ron get the boat to them by then they asked.
Ron and Mary couldn’t see any way they could do it. If they asked the boat yard to collect it, it, would cost a small fortune. They told Evelyn who agreed that with the registry office booked and his course starting it was impossible for Ron to go.
Then Evelyn had a brainwave. ‘Didn’t Lewis drive your boat when he stayed with you,’ she asked. ‘Yes,’ Ron told her, ‘He was also lent a much bigger boat for a week by a friend.’ ‘There’s a half term holiday next week,’ Evelyn told them, ‘Perhaps he would do it for you.’ ‘I’m sure he would,’ Ron said, ‘But to have a boat licence you have to be over eighteen. Also, the boat insurance specifies there must be an adult on the boat, although there is no minimum age to actually drive the boat.’
That stumped them. Mary didn’t want to leave Ron for a week. Also, she didn’t feel confident enough to take the boat on her own. She was on the verge of suggesting she accompanied Lewis when Evelyn said, ‘Why not ask Jayne to go with him. I’m sure she’d enjoy the trip and she’s nineteen.’
‘I’ll go and ask Jayne right away,’ she said. ‘Ron you text Lewis. ‘Then if for any reason Jayne can’t go, he might be able to bring an older person with him.’ ‘What makes you think Jayne will want to go aunt?’ Mary asked. ‘She’s like me.’ Evelyn said, ‘She’s lived by the canal all her life but never been on a canal boat until your wedding day. I’m sure she’d jump at the chance to have a sail on one.’
Mary walked round to Jaynes. She was invited in and had a coffee with Jayne and her parents. After all the questions about their honeymoon and being married, Mary told them why she had called. Jayne loved the idea right away and said, ‘I’d love to, It’s ok with you isn’t it.’ she asked her mum and dad.
‘Have you met this lad you’ll be travelling with?’ her parents asked. ‘Yes,’ Jayne told them. ‘He’s Ron’s best mate. I met him at the wedding. He’s much younger than me and a real gentleman. Tell you what,’ Mary said, ‘Why don’t you all come down and have a look at the boat?’
Jaynes parents could see she really wanted to go. They had no real problem apart from their daughter being on a boat overnight alone with a young man. Mary’s phone pinged. It was a message to say Lewis would come Friday after school so they could sail off Saturday morning.
Mary told them they could meet Lewis Friday night and if they had any problem, she would go instead.
The four of them walked through the village to the canal. Jaynes parents walked alongside to have a look at it whilst Mary opened up. Going on board, Jayne’s mum liked the galley. Mary explained that the table in the dining area could make that into one bedroom. They had a look at the toilet and shower then went through into the lounge. Mary showed them how that could be made into a bed too.
Then they went out into the front seating area. They could just squeeze the four of them in. ‘I don’t know what I imagined,’ Jayne’s mum said, ‘But it’s lovely.’ ‘Here’s an idea,’ Mary said. ‘A mile down the canal there’s the first lock. Then the canal curves around the far side of the village. If you set off with Jayne and Lewis, you could sail to, then through the lock. Then if you got off about a mile further on, it would be the same distance to walk back home as it was to walk here this morning.’
It was clear that both parents liked the idea. They too had lived their life by the canal without having set foot on a boat. Mary winked at Jayne she knew they had accepted it. She felt sure that once they met Lewis they would be completely at ease.
Jayne and her parents decided to have coffee at the café on the way back, so Evelyn came out and joined them. Mary explained what they had just done and what she had suggested. ‘You’ll love it,’ Evelyn said, ‘I had my first sail in it too. Going through a lock is quite an experience.’
When the subject came round to Lewis, Evelyn told them that she couldn’t think of a nicer person for Jayne to sail with. Mary went back to the kitchen to help Ron. Then when Jayne went to the toilet her mum asked Evelyn, ‘What about them being together overnight?’ Evelyn smiled. ‘I can’t guarantee they won’t get up to anything,’ she said.
‘But Jayne is a lot older than Lewis, so she will take charge, I’m sure. Anyway, Lewis is such a gentleman, he would never force himself on anyone. I’m sure when you meet him it’ll put your mind at ease.’
As Jayne and her parents walked back home, Jayne linked arms with her parents and chatted about her week afloat. ‘Just think,’ she said, ‘If Lewis teaches me how to steer and how to work the locks, we’ll always be able to rent a boat in future for a canal holiday.’
Seeing their daughter was determined to go, both parents silently conceded defeat and started talking about it as something that was going to happen rather than something under consideration.
Friday evening Lewis arrived at the Café just before seven o’clock. They all had a meal, Ron and Mary telling him all about their honeymoon sail. Then Evelyn said, ‘I’ll take you to meet Jaynes parents, then you can stay at mine tonight if you like.’
‘That would be lovely, thanks,’ Lewis said with a smile. Arranging to meet Ron at the boat in the morning, Lewis set off on foot with Evelyn. As they walked, Lewis asked ‘How have you been since I saw you last?’ Evelyn knew what he meant right away. ‘Wonderful,’ she said, ‘I’ve never been happier.’ ‘That’s good to hear,’ Lewis said smiling at her.
When they reached Jayne’s house, Lewis was introduced to her parents. They sat and chatted over a cup of tea. By the time they left for Evelyn’s, both parents were eating out of his hand. Lewis suggested they all met at the boat at eleven o’clock so he would have time to go through things with Ron.
Arriving back at Evelyn’s, Lewis admired her olde world cottage. Evelyn showed him round proudly. It was of course immaculate as befitted an elderly lady living alone. But it still had a homely air about it.
‘I’ll show you your room,’ she said leading the way upstairs. ‘This is the guest bedroom,’ she said opening the first of three doors. Lewis put his haversack just inside. Opening the other door revealed the tiny bathroom and shower. ‘And this is my room.’ Evelyn said opening the last door.
That room had a double bed and a view of the countryside beyond the village. Lewis had gone over to look out. ‘It’s lovely,’ he said coming back to the door. ‘Taking her in his arms he kissed her on her lips.’ Evelyn melted into his arms and kissed back.
‘I’ve been longing for that,’ she told him. Lewis smiled at her, ‘Which bed would you prefer me to sleep in tonight?’ he asked with an impish grin. ‘Whichever one I’m in,’ came the immediate reply. By now it was ten o’clock, so they decided to turn in.
‘I’ll just go down and lock up,’ Evelyn said, ‘You get into bed.’ Lewis went into Evelyn’s bedroom, stripped down to his shorts, then went to the bathroom. As he came out, Evelyn was coming up stairs. She followed him into the bedroom, then they hugged, Evelyn running her hands all over his back. Lewis pulled her top things off, then held her close whilst he undid her bra.
Stepping back as he took it off, he leaned forward and kissed her breasts making Evelyn cry out. Holding her close again so her breasts were against his chest, they both enjoyed the close contact. Evelyn could feel Lewis’s bulge pressing against her. Breaking away, she said. ‘I won’t be a moment.’
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