The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: Mr Williams Learns About His Nephews Misdeeds
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Mr Williams Learns About His Nephews Misdeeds - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
The following day, Mike set off to see Mr Williams. It was only one hour’s drive away, so he arrived at ten o’clock. His knock at the door was answered by an elderly gentleman who greeted him with a cheerful Good Morning. Mike asked, ‘Are you Mr Williams.’ Receiving an affirmative, he introduced himself and asked, ‘Is Gordon at home?’
Mr Williams told him he had left a few months ago. ‘Mike said, ‘Good, I have something you need to know, may I come in?’ ‘Of course,’ he said, stepping back from the door, ‘I was just about to have a coffee, will you join me?’ Mike followed him into the kitchen and sat at the table whilst Mr Williams served their coffees. When he was seated, Mike said, ‘I should tell you first that I am Danny’s uncle.’ ‘How is he,’ Mr Williams asked, ‘I was so sorry when he stopped coming, he was a lovely lad and a really good worker?’
Mike said, ‘That’s why I’m here, there’s no easy way to tell you this, but the last time he was here, he was raped at knife point by your nephew Gordon.’ Mr Williams went white and couldn’t speak for a moment, ‘I had to go out that day,’ he said, ‘That was the same day Gordon left, it never occurred to me for one moment that there was any connection. That is awful, I’m so, so, sorry, how is Danny?’
Mike told him, ‘He’s ok now, thanks to a mutual friend, but he was in pain for a month and bottled it up, he didn’t tell a soul. He’s physically and mentally ok now, all he wants to do is move on and forget it. ‘At least that’s good news,’ Mr Williams said, ‘is there anything I can do to help.’
‘Yes,’ Mike told him. ‘Danny doesn’t want to go to the Police, and he was reluctant to agree to me telling you. Apart from him and Gordon, you are one of only three people who know it’s happened. I hope you’ll respect his wishes and keep it that way.’ Mr Williams nodded, ‘It’s the least I can do, I feel responsible, if I hadn’t employed Danny or let Gordon stay, or even gone out that day, it wouldn’t have happened.’
‘You can’t blame yourself,’ Mike told him, ‘You weren’t to know.’ ‘Is there anything else I can do?’ Mr Williams asked.’ ‘There’s a few things,’ Mike told him, ‘The reason Danny finally agreed to me coming to see you was when I pointed out to him that Gordon had probably done it previously and would no doubt do it again unless he was stopped.’ Mr Williams looked horrified, then said, ‘I wouldn’t have thought of that, but you are quite right, he must be stopped, what do you want me to do?’
Mike smiled at him, ‘Thank you,’ he said, ‘First I suggest that you contact all the relatives and people you know who might give him shelter, or who might have had him staying with them previously. Tell them the police have been round looking for him because he raped a young teenager at knife point. No need to say it happened here, there’s no need for you to be dragged into it.’ Mr Williams nodded, ‘I don’t feel that I deserve your consideration,’ he said, ‘But thank you. I’ll get on the phone today.’ ‘Did Gordon take all his things with him when he left?’ Mike asked.
‘No,’ Mr Williams replied, ‘I don’t know what he took, but there’s lots of his stuff left. When he didn’t return after a few days, I made the bed and tidied up a bit, but I left everything as I expected to see him back, then I just didn’t get round to doing anything as I don’t need the room.’
‘Can we go and take a look?’ Mike asked. ‘By all means,’ Mr Williams replied. He got up and said, ‘Follow me.’ He led the way upstairs, opened a bedroom door, then waved Mike inside. The room was untidy, with a neatly made bed which was clearly Mr Williams’s work. Mike looked around the room, spotting the wardrobe Lewis had told him about. ‘Do you mind if I search the room?’ Mike asked. Mr Williams thought for a moment then said, ‘I don’t see why not, go ahead.’ Mike walked over to the wardrobe, then reached up and felt along the top shelf. His fingers touched something metal, so he carefully took hold and pulled it out. From Lewis’s description, he had no doubt it was the knife Danny was threatened with. He showed it to Mr Williams who was horrified. ‘The poor lad,’ he exclaimed, ‘He must have been absolutely terrified. What shall we do with it,’ he asked, ‘I don’t want to keep that thing in the house!’
Mike said, ‘My suggestion is that you bring some bin bags up. We’ll go through everything and bag it as we go. The knife and anything else relevant I’ll take away with me. Then if he comes back here, you can tell him that the police came looking for him a few days ago, searched his room and took some things away, leaving everything else in bags. He’ll know right away what’s missing, so he’ll probably clear off again quick’.
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