The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7 : The Police Raid Valerie’s Flat

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7 : The Police Raid Valerie’s Flat - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Monday at seven o’clock, Lewis arrived at Valerie’s. She welcomed him with a hug and a kiss, still puzzled about his visit. He was carrying a haversack which he carried with him into the bedroom. Putting it down he looked around studied the bed, the radio clock and the other furniture. At his request she pointed out all the electric points in the room.

‘Sit down,’ he told her. She sat on the bed. Lewis sat alongside and pulled a clock out of his bag. ‘This clock,’ he said, ‘Has a hidden camera in it plus a recorder. It will take a picture every five minutes between the times I set it for. I’m going to install it in here and set it for Thursday. Then on Friday we can look at the pictures and find out exactly what happened to you if you have another memory loss.’

‘No one will see the pictures except you and me,’ he told her, ‘And Mike if you’re ok about it.’ ‘I want to know what’s happening to me,’ she said. ‘Go ahead.’ ‘You’ll have to be careful not to draw attention to it by looking at it all the time,’ Lewis told her and obviously you mustn’t say anything to Michael.’

‘If Michael notices the change of clock, tell him you took it in for repair and they lent you this one until you get it back. Do you have an internet password?’ he asked, ‘I need to go online to set it up.’ ‘I’ll go and find it.’ she told him, returning soon afterwards with it on a piece of paper. ‘Here’s the keys you asked for too,’ she said handing him a bunch of three.

‘What was the earliest time you stopped remembering things?’ Lewis asked. ‘About seven,’ Valerie said after thinking about it. ‘Ok I’ll set it to come on at six thirty on Thursday.’ Lewis told her. ‘Now, I need to concentrate to get the setting right so can you leave me for a while.’ ‘Sure,’ Valerie said, ‘Would you like a coffee?’ ‘Yes please,’ Lewis said.

Lewis unplugged the existing radio. He would take it away with him so Michael couldn’t accidentally discover it still in the flat. He placed the new one in the same spot and ran the power cable to the nearest plug. He had just started to set the time when Valerie returned with his coffee. She put it down by him and left the room without speaking.

After setting the time and entering the Wi-Fi pass code, he set a password then sent it to Mike by text. He was sitting in his car outside in the car park. Mike went online with his phone, entered the password Lewis had given him and found himself looking into Lewis’s smiling face.

‘ICU,’ he texted. Lewis lay on the bed and texted ‘All of me now?’ ‘Yes,’ came back right away. Lewis moved to the other side of the bed. ‘All of me now?’ he sent. ‘Rotate three degrees clockwise,’ Mike sent. Lewis turned the clock as instructed then sent ‘All of me now?’ Getting a, ‘Yes.’ he lay on the original side of the bed then sent, ‘All of me now?’ Getting a, ‘Yes,’ he sent, ‘All ok ta.’

Then he fitted four little double sided tape pieces under each foot of the clock so it couldn’t be moved. Clearing all his stuff up, he put it in his pack, added the original clock and having finished his coffee went into the other room to Valerie.

‘Do you use the clock for your morning alarm?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ Valerie said. ‘Ok, for the next few days can you use your phone instead?’ he asked. ‘No problem,’ Valerie replied. ‘Good that’s everything ready,’ he said, ‘Try not to touch the clock at all. If it switches off or you have any problems before Wednesday text me and I’ll pop in and sort it out.’

‘Now stop worrying,’ he said, ‘By Friday we’ll have it all sorted.’ She gave him a hug and a kiss. ‘Thank you so much,’ she said, ‘It will be such a relief to actually know what’s happening to me.’

Lewis doubted that if it turned out that he was right, but he hugged and kissed her back then left. Getting into the car with Mike, he looked at the bedroom on Mikes phone. He could see all of the bed clearly so whatever was happening they would soon know.

Lewis had realised that if Valerie knew she was on permanent film in the bedroom and it was being transmitted to Lewis and Mike, she couldn’t fail to give it away to Michael. That’s why he had told her a little white lie. They returned to the shop and tried from there. Sure enough, the picture was just as good. They could even put it up on the big screen if they wanted to.

As both of them had seen and handled Valerie naked, they felt sure that once it was sorted and they told her, she wouldn’t mind them spying on her. They were just about to switch off when Valerie came into the bedroom and started getting undressed. ‘We don’t need to watch that,’ Mike said and logged off.


Wednesday evening Lewis had told his parents that he and Mike were putting all the shop videos on a data base so he was taking his computer into the shop for a few hours Wednesday and Thursday evening.

They both arrived at the shop at seven. After a hug and a kiss, they logged in and connected to Lewis’s laptop. He set it to record.

They put it on the dining table so they could see the screen whilst they hugged and kissed. It wasn’t until half eight that Valerie and a man they assumed to be Michael entered the bedroom. They kissed and petted seeming quite happy together.

They watched them strip each other off and get on the bed. Michael entered her and they seemed to be making love normally and happily. Mike and Lewis signed off and Mike dropped him off at home. Mike checked in briefly half an hour later to find them both asleep in each other’s arms, so he decided all was well for the night.


At seven o’clock they signed in once more, linked to Lewis’s computer and set it to record. At eight o’clock Michael came in and pulled the covers off the bed. A few minutes later he returned carrying an evidently unconscious Valerie. He dumped her on the bed then stripped her off naked. Pulling her into the middle of the bed, he arranged her on her back, arms at her side and legs slightly apart, then he went out.

Even though they had both seen Valerie naked before, it made them both feel uncomfortable to be sitting there spying on her. Five minutes later Michael returned but this time he was accompanied by another man, much older and foreign looking. They both stood looking at Valerie then the stranger handed Michael a sealed envelope. Putting it in his pocket Michael left the room. The stranger stripped off revealing a short thick cock fully hard. He climbed up on top of Valerie, explored with his finger inside her, then had sex with her. As he climaxed, he could be seen to bite her breast.

Mike and Lewis debated what they should do. ‘Assuming that’s a friend of Michaels, Lewis said, ‘Then we tell her what’s happened and show her the film if she wants to see it. She can then decide what to do about Michael. They watched as the man lay beside Valerie, his cock now shrunk. He stoked her breasts and put his finger inside her. Then getting off the bed he got dressed and went out.

Fifteen minutes went by, then Michael re appeared, this time with another man. He was a little younger in age and taller. The same thing happened. He handed an envelope to Michael who then left the room. The man then stripped off, this time revealing a thin but longer cock also rampant. He went round to the side of the bed and rolled Valerie onto her side. Then getting on the bed behind her he put his cock up her bum without any lubrication.

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