The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6 : Valarie Reveals All
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6 : Valarie Reveals All - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
At ten to five Valerie came into the shop. Seeing her, Mike and Lewis both pointed to the back room, so she carried on through. Closing up the shop ten minutes later they went through to find three cups of coffee sitting on the table waiting.
They all sat round the table drinking it. Lewis asked Valerie, ‘How do you feel about your earlier session now you’ve had chance to think about it?’ She smiled at him, ‘Amazed at how relaxed I became. Surprised that being naked didn’t bother me. Relieved that a solution looks likely and confused at some of the questions you’ve raised in my mind.’
‘That all sounds good,’ Lewis said. ‘The first thing to do now is get you back to being as relaxed as you were. When we start, I want you to strip off as much as you feel able, then I’ll massage you whilst we remove anything that’s left. After that, massage and more questions. I may also need to do some more physical examinations too.’
‘I feel so good already,’ Valerie told him, ‘I’m in your hands.’ They finished their coffees then Lewis told her to make herself comfortable on the settee and lie on her front. Lewis went for a wee then when he came back, he found Valarie completely naked and lying face down on the settee.
Sitting alongside her, Lewis said, ‘That’s a good start.’ He rested his hands on the back of her head and started down. As he went, he asked, ‘What and when was the first thing you noticed out of the ordinary?’ ‘It was about four weeks ago,’ Valerie said, ‘Michael had been home for two nights. The first night we went to bed and made love as usual. The next day I went to work, I don’t know what he did.’
‘When I came home, we had a meal then we had a coffee. The next thing I remember was getting up for work the next morning. Michael woke up as I got up. We had breakfast together then he said goodbye as he was leaving midday. When I got up my bum felt sore, my vagina felt sore, and I had a couple of sore spots which would tally with the bites you found. But I don’t remember doing anything.’
‘How did you feel when you came home from work?’ Lewis asked, by now he was massaging her bare cheeks. ‘Most of the soreness had worn off,’ she said, ‘I had a long soak in the bath and the next morning felt right as rain.’
‘When was the next time you had a similar experience?’ Lewis asked as he went down her legs to her feet. ‘It was ten days before Michael returned,’ she told him. ‘Again, we had sex the first night fine. The following day was Saturday. I was off so we went out for the day. We had an enjoyable day out, finishing off with a meal at a local restaurant.’
‘We returned home about half past eight and had a glass of wine. We sat in the lounge drinking it and I remember putting my empty glass down on the side table.’
Lewis was back up massaging her cheeks again as she continued, ‘I woke up Sunday morning with no memory of the night before. I was sore again just like last time. I asked Michael about the previous night. He said we’d gone to bed and made love twice. He said I was wild and passionate.’
‘We had breakfast together, then he had to go. I had another bath and by evening I felt ok physically but I was scared that I was losing my mind.’ Lewis moved up her back onto her head and massaged the back for a while. Then telling her to turn over, he called Mike over to sit on the settee.
With her head on Mikes lap, Lewis told her, ‘Now you are completely at ease I’ll stay on your front. Mike, will you massage Valerie’s head. ‘When was the next occasion you felt strange,’ he asked as he massaged her breasts making her make happy noises. ‘Eight days later Michael came back but could only stay one night. I cooked us a nice meal and we sat on the settee watching tv.’
‘I said I’ll go and make us a coffee, but Michael said, no, you cooked the meal you relax I’ll go. He returned with a coffee soon after. We sat and drank them saying that we’d go to bed as soon as we had finished because he had to leave early next morning. I was looking forward to making love but the next thing I remembered was waking up in time for work.’
‘Michael had already left.’ She said as Lewis massaged her abdomen. ‘My bum was so much more painful than it was previously, and my vagina was aching is the best way I can describe it. I also had some new bites, one between my legs and one on my breast. I went to work but felt uncomfortable all day. Then after my soak in the bath that evening, it all started to ease. By morning everything was fine. Except of course, I still had the bite marks from bites I couldn’t remember getting.’
Lewis moved down and massaged her hairs. Valerie drew her knees up and apart slightly, so he massaged deep between her legs getting some more happy noises. As he started massaging up and down the inside of her thighs, he asked, ‘How soon before he arrives do you know when Michael is coming to stay?’ ‘He usually rings two days before,’ she told him.
‘What happened next,’ Lewis asked massaging her hairs again then going up her front. ‘Everything was fine,’ she said, ‘Then three days ago Michael came home. ‘We had our usual night of sex and after work the next day we went out for a meal.’
‘Returning home,’ she said as Lewis moved onto her breasts, ‘We had a glass of wine. Then yesterday morning I woke up remembering nothing, feeling sore back and front as well as having a new bite. I suffered at work all day, came home, soaked in the bath and then I rang Mike. He told me to come and see you so here we are.’
‘I’m going to examine your bum and your vagina in more detail,’ Lewis told her. ‘I want you to lie like you are now but with your knees up more. I’m going to put a disposable glove on, so my finger doesn’t scratch your insides. I’ll also put some more olive oil on you, so I slide in easily. All you need to do is relax.’
He put a glove on, oiled it and squirted a small amount of oil into her vagina. Putting his fingertip on the opening, he ran it round which made her cry out happily. Sliding his finger around just inside the opening, there was one spot Valerie said felt slightly sore. Locating it and pulling the skin aside to see it, Lewis found a bruise.
Explaining what it was he asked if she had felt the pain when it happened. Valerie was adamant that she had not felt anything. Putting his finger back in fully, Lewis felt all the edges as he moved out. There were a couple of other tender spots, but Valerie assured him that they were hardly noticeable.
Taking his finger out, Lewis said, ‘Given that you had no sex last night, it would seem the previous night you had some very rough sex.’ ‘Thursday night I don’t remember anything about,’ she told him, ‘But Wednesday with Michael was the same as usual.’
Changing his glove and squirting some oil into her bum, Lewis told her what he was about to do then slid his finger in very gently. ‘It felt tender just as you went inside,’ she said, ‘But it’s bearable, carry on.’ By the time Lewis had his finger fully in, they had located two other tender spots. All three were too far inside to be able to see them.
Lewis looked at Valarie and said, ‘Some people find the idea of anal sex too embarrassing to mention,’ he said, ‘Are you absolutely sure you’ve never experimented and tried it?’ ‘No, never,’ she assured him, ‘Mind you, you, put your finger in so gently it did feel rather nice. But no, definitely never.’
He slid his finger out slowly, this time just getting an, ‘mmm’ and no mention of pain. ‘Ok, put your legs down,’ he said. ‘I am coming to a conclusion.’ Lewis told her. ‘I have to ask you to trust me a little longer, because first I might be wrong and second if I’m right you knowing what it is just yet could prevent you putting it right.’
‘First of all, I want to try two tests. The first one you’ve done before, I’d like you and Mike to make love.’ They looked at each other, then Mike said, ‘If Lewis thinks it’s necessary it’s fine with me.’ Valerie had happy memories of sex with Mike so she readily agreed.
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