The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4 : Valerie Brings Lewis Her Problem
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4 : Valerie Brings Lewis Her Problem - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
After his evening with Leo and Phillip, Lewis arrived at the shop for his usual Saturday. He arrived with just five minutes to spare so a very quick visit to the back room for a quick hug and a kiss with Mike, then they opened the shop.
In a brief gap Mike told Lewis he had another problem for him to solve. ‘It’s a girl I went out with some years ago,’ he told him. ‘She rang me the other night to ask my advice. She started to tell me the outline of her problem, but I stopped her and said I had an expert problem solver working with me in the shop. So, I asked her to come in and meet you at lunch time.’
‘She’s twenty-five years old, nice looking and a lovely person. I was her first sex when she was nineteen. Although I was much older than her, we got on really well and at one time I was even considering proposing to her. We went out together for almost a year, then we both decided we had too many differences, so we went our separate ways.’
‘But we parted as friends. We still keep in touch. I’m not going to tell you anything about her problem, I think it’s better you hear it from her.’
‘Did you have sex many times?’ Lewis asked. ‘Loads,’ Mike said with a happy grin as he remembered. ‘Does she know you thought about proposing?’ ‘No, I never told her that,’ Mike said. ‘Is there anything else I should avoid asking her,’ Lewis enquired. ‘No, I’d rather she didn’t know about the proposal,’ Mike said, ‘But no problem with anything else.’
The morning soon passed then fifteen minutes before closing a lady came in, saw Mike was serving and stood waiting. Lewis went round the counter to speak to her. ‘Are you the lady Mike is expecting for lunch?’ he asked. When she said, ‘Yes,’ Lewis introduced himself and asked her what she would like from the chippy. ‘If you’d like to come and sit in the back room,’ Lewis told her, ‘I’ll go and get our lunches.’
As he turned to leave Lewis said, ‘If you’d like to make a drink, please help yourself.’ ‘How many should I make?’ she asked. ‘Three please.’ Lewis said. Going through the shop he indicated he was off to the chippy. When he returned, Mike was just about to shut up. They went through to the back room.
Mike went over and gave her a hug and a kiss. ‘Lovely to see you,’ he said. ‘Lewis, this is Valerie. Valerie this is Lewis, the youngest but by far the best problem solver that I’ve ever met.’ ‘We’ve sort of met,’ Lewis said shaking her hand. He dished up the food after asking Valerie if she wanted to share like they usually did.
Valerie had boiled the kettle and put everything ready, so Mike made them each a coffee. As they ate Mike asked her general things as he clearly hadn’t seen her for some time. Then he told her, ‘Don’t be put off by Lewis’s age,’ he said. ‘He’s solved more people’s problems than anyone I know.’
Once they had finished eating, they cleared everything away then Mike said, ‘I’ve told Lewis you have a problem but nothing else. Try and forget that I’m here and speak to Lewis. He’ll tell you what to do. Do just as he tells you and answer his questions then I can guarantee he’ll solve it for you.’
Valerie had been worrying for weeks so with a recommendation like that plus knowing Mike wasn’t one to give praise easily, she decided it would do no harm to give him a try. ‘I’m in your hands,’ she said.
‘Ok,’ Lewis told her. ‘I don’t want to know anything about your problem just yet. First, I want to know all about you and the people connected with you. If I ask you anything that you find too embarrassing to answer just say pass. But let me tell you that you’re not likely to tell me anything I haven’t heard before. Also, until I know everything about you, I won’t be able to help you properly.’
‘The other thing you should know is that nothing you say in this room will ever be repeated. Mike, would you leave the room for a moment please.’ he asked. When Mike had gone back into the shop he asked. ‘I will be asking you for a lot of personal information. I know you and Mike where an item for a while. so is there anything in your life that you would prefer Mike not to know about?’
‘No,’ she said, ‘He knows most of it already.’ ‘Ok, that’s fine,’ he said. Calling Mike back in he told him to sit in the armchair. ‘Please take your shoes off and lie on the settee he told her.’
‘To start with,’ Lewis told her, ‘I’m going to ask you to turn over, then I will massage your back whilst I ask you questions. So far all I know is that you are twenty-five, were once Mikes girlfriend, you now have a new boyfriend, and you have a problem. So, when you answer my questions, try and tell me as much as you can Ok?’
‘Ok,’ Valerie replied, nodding. ‘Don’t feel embarrassed about anything you tell me, ‘He said, ‘I’m not here to judge you, just to help. Also, I doubt if you will tell me anything I haven’t heard before. One more thing. If at any time you don’t want to continue, just say stop. Now if you feel ready to start, turn over and relax.’
Valerie turned over and made herself comfortable. She was shorter than Mike but taller than Lewis. Medium build and with firm looking but small breasts. She came over to Lewis as a nice person.
Lewis rested his hands on the back of her head and started massaging. ‘Tell me your present domestic arrangements,’ he asked as he moved on down over her shoulders. ‘I live alone in a two bedroomed flat,’ she told him. ‘I have a boyfriend who stops over fairly regularly, and I work as a manager in the local supermarket. Still the same one Mike,’ she called out.
As Lewis massaged down over her cheeks he asked. ‘Tell me about your boyfriend, where you met how long ago everything you can think of.’ ‘I met him at a dinner connected with work,’ she told him, ‘It was about two years ago. He was working somewhere in the supply chain. We got chatting and soon after he rang me to invite me out for a meal. His name is Michael. He is a year older than me and was widowed three years ago.’
‘We got on well from the start, so we have seen a lot of each other ever since. His job takes him all around the country, so he is often absent for a week or more at a time. Our arrangement suits both of us, neither of us were looking for a permanent relationship.’
Lewis had reached her feet and was now back on her cheeks. As he massaged them, he asked, ‘How long after you went out for your first meal did you have sex?’ As he came back up her back she said, ‘It was a couple of weeks, we only met up twice as he was away working, he didn’t rush me into it.’
Reaching her head, Lewis told her to turn over. As he massaged her temples and then down onto her shoulders he asked, ‘Was the first time everything you expected?’ ‘Yes,’ she replied right away, ‘It was lovely. It was my first time since Mike,’ she added. ‘Well, I won’t ask you how it compared then,’ Lewis said grinning at her. ‘But after that, did you have sex each time he visited?’ As he spoke, he had moved down over her breasts and was moving down her stomach. She hadn’t tensed at all as he went over her breasts.
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