The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3 : Phillip and Leo Learn About Each Other
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3 : Phillip and Leo Learn About Each Other - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
At half past five Lewis knocked on Phillip’s door. After stepping inside, a pair of arms came round him in a bear hug. Phillip gave him a kiss and said, ‘Lovely to see you, come in.’
Lewis stayed put just inside the front door. He kept hold of Phillip and told him, ‘Tonight is a special occasion. This is when we finally put an end to your problem. But to do so I need the help of someone else. I have taken the liberty of inviting him to join us. I’m sure you’ll like him and will feel as much at ease with him as you do with me.’
Phillip was surprised. He was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t have Lewis to himself, but he knew that if Lewis thought it necessary, he would accept it. They hugged a little longer, then there was another knock on the door.
‘You open it,’ Lewis said, stepping to one side. Phillip gingerly opened the door not knowing what or who to expect. Seeing Leo standing there with a smile on his face made his heart skip a beat. ‘Come in, come in,’ he said beaming as he stepped back to give him room.
Once the door was closed, Leo came over to Lewis and gave him a hug. ‘Lovely to see you,’ he said. Lewis stepped back then and said to Phillip, ‘Your turn, welcome him like you really want to.’ Leo put his arms out, so Phillip went to him and hugged him. As they stood locked together with their heads on each other’s shoulders, Lewis looked at Phillip and saw such a happy expression on his face.
‘Ok, you two,’ Lewis said, ‘Let’s go and sit down.’ He told Leo to sit on the end of the settee. Then Phillip to lie down with his head on his lap. Lewis went and sat on the armchair looking at them. Leo had put one hand on Phillip’s head without thinking, whilst his other hand was resting on his stomach.
‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘I want you both to listen to me carefully. You both think you know why we all come to be here tonight, but in fact the reason is not what you think it is. Due to things in both your past lives of which you had no control, you each, without realising it, recognised in the other a kindred spirit.’
‘Now as you know, I promised that nothing either of you told me would ever be repeated. I will never break that promise without your permission because without it, you probably wouldn’t have opened up to me.’
‘But I now have a difficulty. To resolve he overall problem, I consider that it is necessary to discuss with both of you the similarities of your past. However, that would mean me mentioning some of the things you have each told me in confidence. When we do, you will see why I thought it necessary, so I’m asking you both to trust me and give me permission to discuss what you have told me with the three of us.’
Leo said right away, ‘Whatever you think is necessary I’m ok with.’ ‘Me too.’ Phillip agreed. ‘Excellent,’ Lewis said, ‘Thank you both.’
‘When you were both much younger,’ Lewis told them, ‘You each had a close friend the same age who suggested that you did the normal teenage thing of experimenting with each other.’
‘Leo, you were too embarrassed and refused although you really wanted to. You have regretted it ever since and had to make do with dreams instead.’
‘Phillip, you agreed and had a couple of sessions but only one actual experience. Unfortunately, your pal then moved away so they stopped. So, you too had to rely on dreams.’
‘Leo, you had a stroke of luck a few years later when a girl you knew asked you to be the first to have sex with her. That experience convinced you that sex with girls was the only way you wanted to go. Eventually you met, fell in love with and became engaged to Gwyneth. You moved in together and are now enjoying regular and happy sex.’
‘Phillip on the other hand was unlucky. First, he lost his mum. Then a violent father and brother caused him to run away from home. He lived rough for some time, then luckily moved into a hostel. The only love he had to cling to, was the memory of his mum and the experiences with his pal.’
‘The hostel used their connections and got him this flat and his present job. There the two of you met. Despite his hardships he has remained a nice person. Something you Leo picked up on right away. You liked him and gave him your friendship.’
‘Phillip felt your friendship and because of his deep longing, not for sex, but for love and companionship, he began to look on you as a brother or even a father figure. The sort of person he had longed to have had as family.’
‘When you Leo, took the tablet I recommended, he had no intention of touching you anywhere other than holding your hand and kissing your face. Because you Leo had interpreted Phillip’s desire to be close as sexual, an easy mistake by the way, your cock erected at Phillips touch. Even though he only intended to hold your hand and kiss your face, Phillip then saw your trousers bulging and couldn’t resist touching it. That revived all the feelings of past pleasure with his mate.’
‘The next day it was impossible for him to resist having a closer look.’
‘So, you can see that what happened was because of both of you. The cause goes back to both of your roots. The problem belongs to both of you and the solution requires the cooperation of you both.’
‘Leo looked down at Phillip with tears in his eyes, ‘Sit up,’ he said. ‘He pulled him close and held him. ‘I’d be proud to be your adopted family in any form you choose,’ he told him, ‘Although I think I’d prefer brother,’ he said with a grin thinking of the small age difference. Phillip sobbed on his shoulder. ‘I’ve never had a brother I could love before,’ he said in between his sobs, ‘Thank you.’
‘Don’t thank me,’ Leo told him, ‘It’s me who should be thanking you, I’ve always wanted a brother.’ Lewis let them sit holding each other for a while, happy with the outcome so far.
‘Now you two,’ Lewis interrupted. ‘We still have two problems to deal with. One is your missing sex experiences which is going to keep affecting you if they are not dealt with. The second is your working relationship in future.’
‘Leo, you refused your pals offer but always regretted it. That it is still with you explains why Phillip’s touch got you so worked up. Phillip, when you touched Leo, it was because your mind still misses your pal. So, it is my advice that you have some of those missing experiences together. I think that will solve that part of your problem. It will also make you even closer to each other.’
‘Do you agree with that diagnosis and are you willing to try the treatment I suggest. Leo?’ ‘Yes,’ he said without hesitation. ‘Yes,’ Phillip said without being asked.
‘Stand up them,’ Lewis told them. ‘Have another hug,’ Lewis said. ‘Now as you are hugging, take hold of each other’s top things and pull them off over their head. Leo, will you go first.’ Leo pulled Phillips top up. He put his arms in the air so Leo could pull it right off. ‘Now you Phillip,’ Lewis instructed. Phillip pulled Leos top off, then without any need to be told they hugged each other bare chest to bare chest.
‘Now I want you to kiss each other,’ Lewis said. ‘Whilst you’re kissing, move your bodies a few inches apart. Then reach in between and undo the others belt, then their top button, then slide their zip down.’
Lewis watched as they followed his instructions to the letter, then as their trousers slid down to their ankles, Lewis said, ‘Step out of them then hug close once more. Now who has a hard on?’ Lewis asked a few moments later. ‘I have,’ they both replied together. ‘Now, based on what you can feel pressing against you, who do you think has the biggest cock?’ ‘Phillip,’ said Leo right away. ‘Leo,’ said Phillip a few seconds later.
‘Ok, now slide a hand in between you and hold each other’s cocks over the shorts,’ Lewis said. Lewis watched their faces, seeing the pleasure as they took hold. ‘Now Phillip, same question.’ ‘Still Leo,’ he said. ‘I still think Phillip,’ Leo said. ‘Ok run your hands up and down each other’s backs,’ Lewis instructed. ‘Now slide your hands down inside the back of the others shorts and put your hands on their bare cheeks.’
‘I want you to stay in that position,’ Lewis said, ‘Whilst I take your shorts off.’ He went over and pulled the back of Leo’s shorts down as far as he could, then went round and did the same to Phillips. Feeling in between them, he pulled the fronts down after having to reach in to unhook each cock. Then kneeling at the side, he pulled both pairs of shorts down and helped them step out of them.’
Looking between the two naked bodies he confirmed what he had already suspected, both their cocks were identical in length and thickness. ‘Put your hands behind your head,’ he instructed. ‘Now take two paces back and study each other.’
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