The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1 : The Secret of Barbados

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1 : The Secret of Barbados - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Where?’ asked Danny startled. ‘Barbados,’ Darren repeated. ‘I told you my dad’s job takes him all over the world, usually on his own. I don’t know what happened this time but instead of staying in a hotel he was given a week’s use of a holiday home belonging to one of the directors. They suggested he took his family too.’

‘So, all excited I went off with my mum and dad to Barbados. It was lovely. Warm, sunny, miles of golden beaches, clear blue water. The third day I was there mum was going shopping, so I said I’d just go exploring. We were living practically on the beach anyway, so I decided to follow the beach along.’

‘The further I walked, the more deserted it became so I was on the point of turning back when I saw two figures in the water way up ahead. I decided I’d wander that far then turn back. As I got nearer, I could see it was two locals who seemed to be playing a ball game.’

‘As I got much closer, I could see it was a man and a woman, both jet black. They were out far enough to be waist deep and were throwing a beach ball to each other. They saw me coming and both gave a cheery wave, so I waved back. As I got almost level with them, I could see that the woman was topless. Quite a lot of the local women were, so that in itself wasn’t unusual, although naturally I found it so. They spoke English perfectly, ‘Come and join us,’ they called out. I kicked off my shoes, took off my T shirt and waded out in just my shorts. They told me they were brother and sister. He was called Winston and she was Clementine.’

‘We started playing, they seemed to enjoy it much more being three of us. They were good company and I enjoyed it. I managed not to stare at Clementine’s very big bare breasts too much, especially when she jumped for the ball, and they bounced about. Then a little while later I misjudged a throw to Winston, so it went way above his head. He sure had some power in his legs because he seemed to dip down in the water then shoot up in the air until even his knees were out of the water. He caught it and crashed back into the sea. It was then that I realised two things. One he was completely naked and two he had the biggest cock I’d ever seen.’

‘As we played on, I started to wonder whether Clementine was naked too. I found myself deliberately throwing high whenever I threw to her. She didn’t have the same power as Winston, but on one jump enough of her came out of the water to give me a very brief glimpse of her pubic hairs. My next problem was not to jump out of the water enough to let them see the rampant hard I had on.’

‘Sounds all fun so far,’ Danny said with a grin. ‘Half an hour later Winston stopped and said, ‘I think we all need a drink. Will you join us?’ he asked and pointed to the beach. I hadn’t noticed it before, but just on the edge of the trees at the back of the beach was a timber cabin which Winston told me was their home. By now I had gone soft again so I concentrated on trying not to look at them as we came out of the water.’

‘As I headed over to pick my shirt up, Winston said, ‘It’ll be quite safe there, in fact if you leave your shorts there too, they’ll be dry to go home in.’ Seeing my hesitation, he smiled and said, ‘As you can see, we don’t go much on clothes when we’re at home. But don’t worry if you want to leave them on,’ he said, ‘You won’t offend us.’

‘It’s not that,’ I told him, ‘I’m not used to having naked people around, I might react impolitely.’ He laughed at that, ‘You mean you might get a hard on?’ he said. When I nodded, he said, ‘You don’t need to worry about that, I get one all the time, Clementine is used to it, so it won’t bother either of us. In fact, it would be interesting because we’ve never seen a white one before. I don’t suppose you’ve seen a black one before today either,’ he said. So, realising that he knew I’d seen him, I thought what the hell. I spread my shorts out in the sand to dry and followed them both into the house naked.’

‘It was a lovely little house, there was a tiny kitchen, an equally small bathroom, a large lounge completely open to the beach and the view out to sea. At the back there was a medium sized bedroom with one large double bed. Even that had a screen wall between bedroom and lounge so if you wanted to you could lie in bed looking out to sea. Winston was very perceptive he saw me look at the bed then he told me, ‘Our culture is very different to yours.’

‘When our parents died, we were both in our early teens. So, we naturally clung to each other. As we became sexually active, it was natural to do it with each other. We are happy together and so far, neither of us has ever had sex with anyone else. Perhaps one day we may go our separate ways but until then we are very happy and contented together.’

‘A childhood operation means that Clementine can’t have any children he told me, so there’s no danger of any babies or inbreeding problems. You are the first person we have invited into our home in the six years since our parents died. Now to us that makes you part of our family whilst you are here. You are welcome to share our home, our food, our bed and our sex.’

‘Seeing my surprise he said, ‘Now that’s how we feel. That doesn’t mean you have to do anything you don’t want to. We appreciate you look at things differently, so again, do what you’re happy with, we won’t be offended.’

‘At the thought of the sex I couldn’t stop myself getting a hard on. Clementine was clearly fascinated by this white erection and couldn’t take her eyes off it. Winston had brought us an ice-cold drink in at first which I later discovered was from a waterfall behind the house with squashed fruits added. He got up and said, ‘I’m just going to get some more water.’

‘I was sitting in a sort of armchair made from bamboo with cushions on. As soon as Winston left Clementine came over to me and knelt down in front.’ ‘Can I have a look?’ she asked pointing to my still hard cock. ‘I nodded thinking about what Winston had said.’

‘She put her hands on my knees and moved her head around looking at it from all angles. It throbbed as she looked which made her laugh. Then she took hold of it and stroked it. Well, her grip felt exquisite. So gentle and so erotic. I throbbed about in her hand. Then she took hold of my balls and played with them too. I was in heaven.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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