The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3 : Peter Carol and Fiona’s Threesome

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3 : Peter Carol and Fiona’s Threesome - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As he had been standing in for Lewis at the shop on Saturday, Peter had missed his day of gardening at Carols. He had arranged to go on Sunday instead. Arriving to find the house seemed empty, he let himself in as normal. Going through to the kitchen, he went out back, opened up the shed and took out the mower to start his usual schedule.

He had just finished mowing front and back lawns, then trimming the edges when Carol appeared. She popped her head out of the back door as he was clearing up the last of the edgings. ‘Come in in ten minutes she called, I’ve put the kettle on.’

He waved an acknowledgment and finished clearing up. Going back to the house, he took his boots off at the back door and stepped inside. He had just finished washing his hands when the inside kitchen door opened. Looking up expecting to see Carol, Peter was dumbstruck to see her young niece Fiona coming in.

She gave him a lovely smile then flew over to him. Flinging her arms around him, she kissed him fiercely. ‘Carol stayed at mine last night,’ she told him, ‘But as soon as I knew you were going to be here, I insisted we came back early.’

Carol came in at that point, said, ‘Hi Peter,’ and set about making the drinks. They sat at the kitchen table with their coffees as Carol told him, ‘Once Fiona knew you were here there was no holding her.’ Fiona reached out and took hold of his hand. ‘I’ve dreamt about you making love to me every night since,’ she told him, ‘I’m sure I’ll be dreaming of it for the rest of my life.’

Peter felt chuffed. He knew he only had an average sized cock, so Fiona’s comments plus her evident desire to repeat the experience really boosted his ego. Ok he thought to himself trying to be logical, so mine’s the only cock she’s experienced.

Carol looked on happily at her two protégés. ‘Fiona wants a repeat,’ she told him, ‘So we thought we’d make it her first experience of a threesome.’ Feeling himself go hard under the table, Peter smiled at her, ‘I’ll leave the organisation in your capable hands.’ he told her.

They sat and chatted about general things over their coffee, then once they had all finished, Carol said, ‘Ok, fun time, let’s go upstairs.’ As Peter got up carefully, Fiona came over and gave him a hug. Feeling his protrusion pressing into her she laughed. ‘I’m so glad to see you’re eager too,’ she said giving him a long kiss.

They followed Carol upstairs into the bedroom. She put a pack of cards on the dressing table. ‘Cut the cards,’ she told them, ‘Ace high.’ Taking the top few herself. Fiona took a block followed by Peter. Peter had drawn a ten, Fiona had a seven and Carol a two. ‘Right,’ Carol told them, ‘That means Peter takes the first item of clothing off Fiona, then Fiona takes something off me.’

Peter went over to Fiona, the front of his trousers preceding him. He took her in his arms and kissed her, then slid his hands down her back, took hold of the bottom of her T shirt and slid it upwards. As it lifted up, Fiona put her hands up in the air. Peter carried on lifting, uncovering her front. He leaned forward and kissed the top of one breast as he pulled it right off and placed it on the chair.

Fiona immediately turned to Carol, gave her a hug and a kiss, then did the same with her top. Once it was off, Carol said, ‘Take a fresh cut of the pack.’ This time Fiona got a Queen, Peter got a five and Carol got a three.

Fiona immediately went to Peter, gave him a hug, slid her hands down his back and lifted his T shirt up and off over his head, helped by Peter putting his arms up. Once off, Fiona threw her arms around him and kissed him whilst running her hands up and down his bare back.

After enjoying her attention for a while, Peter went over to Carol. He held her close, her bra against his bare chest. Then whilst Carol ran her hands over his bare back, he reached around behind her and undid her bra. After caressing her back, he stepped away, taking her bra with him.

Tossing it onto the chair, he returned and kissed both bare breasts, something Carol clearly enjoyed.

‘Another cut everyone,’ Carol called out. This time Carol got an ace, Peter got a Jack and Fiona got an eight. So, Carol went over to Peter and held him tight, her bare breasts pressing against his bare chest. As she held him close, she slid her hands in between them and undid his belt. Then his top button. Finally, she slid his zip down and stepped back. Peter’s trousers dropped to his ankles.

Carol knelt down in front of him and helped him step out of his trousers. Then having the big bulge in his shorts directly in front of her face, she couldn’t resist leaning forward and kissing it. Fiona who had been watching closely, laughed as it made Peters cock leap about and Carol jump back to stop it hitting her in the face.

Peter now went over to Fiona and held her tight, he kissed her as he ran his hands over her back, then undid her bra. Slipping it off her shoulders, he took it off as he stepped back. As he admired Fiona’s now naked breasts, he tossed her bra onto the growing heap of clothes on the chair then he returned to embrace her, to feel her nipples against his chest. They may well have stayed there all day if Carol hadn’t said, ‘Come along you two, take another cut from the pack.’

This time Peter got a King, Carol got a three and Fiona got a two. Going over to Carol, he held her close enjoying her firm breasts against his chest as he undid her jeans and slid the zip down. Keeping her breasts against his chest he wriggled her jeans down as far as he could before reluctantly having to break away and kneel down to pull them to her feet and off.

Standing up again, he held her close and ran his hands down her back and over her cheeks on top of her panties. Carol kissed him happily.

Then breaking away, Carol went over to Fiona. She held her tight and kissed her. Peter moved to their side so he could watch two pairs of breasts pressing together.

Carol undid Fiona’s Jeans and slid them down, then she knelt in front of her, pulled them down to her feet and took them off. Throwing them over to the chair, she leaned forward and kissed Fiona’s hairs through the front of her panties. Fiona’s face showed how much she enjoyed the sensation.

So now Fiona and Carol had only their panties left on, whilst Peter just had his shorts. So, after the next cut, two of them would be completely naked.

They each took a card but didn’t let on what they had got until they had all taken a cut. Revealing their cards at the same time showed that Peter had the highest, followed by Fiona then Carol. Peter walked over to Fiona and held her tight. She wriggled her hips against his bulge as he caressed her back, then slid his hands down and inside her panties.

Cupping his hands over her cheeks, he caressed them briefly, then slid his hands round each side until he could run his fingers through her hairs. Then moving up to her waist he slid them down. Kneeling as he slid them down her legs. As she stepped out of them, he leaned forward and kissed her hairs bringing a cry of excitement from her lips.

Fiona then went over to Carol. Another breast-to-breast hug and a kiss as she took hold of the top of Carols panties then slid them down. Fiona knelt down in front of her then pulled them down and off. After kissing the front of her hairs, Fiona put her hands round Carol’s back, cupped them over her cheeks and as she pulled forward, pressed her face against Carol’s hairs and played with her opening with her finger making Carol cry out loudly.

Peter had been fully hard for ages but watching this last bit was making his cock throb like mad. The two girls stood up and approached him. ‘And then there was one,’ Carol said with a wicked grin. They both knelt down, one at each side of him. They each took hold of the waist of his shorts above each hip and pulled them downwards.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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