The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2 : Marital Bliss at Last

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2 : Marital Bliss at Last - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Danny kept increasing his speed and before long, Ian was so worked up, he called out, ‘I think I’m coming.’ Danny simply went faster.

Ian cried out, ‘Oh the feeling is wonderful,’ he said, ‘Both of them,’ Then giving another cry he shot a great load of cum. It sailed up in the air and came to land amongst the hairs on his chest. Feeling his muscles contract as he shot, put extra pressure on Danny’s cock which made him come. He gave an extra strong thrust in as he cried out and shot his load into Ian. Ian felt Danny’s extra hard thrust, then the cock inside him swelled and he felt his insides fill up with Danny’s lovely warm juices.

Danny laid his cock down on his hairs and as his own cock shrank, he pulled out. Ian didn’t move, he just lay there grinning. Danny got up and fetched some towels. First, he wiped his cock and got dressed. Then he cleaned up Ian’s chest. Ian stood up and held him close, his cock having now gone limp again. ‘I’ve waited so long to feel like that,’ he said.

Ian got dressed then they sat on the settee side by side. ‘You are now ready for the third and final stage,’ Danny told him. ‘What I want you to do now, is to go home and take Jenny out for the day. Whatever you do, have a meal and be back at home for eight o’clock.’

‘I will call at your flat at eight, do a short final interview with both of you together, then I will guide you to consummate your marriage.’ Ian stood up, gave Danny another hug and kissed him. ‘Thank you for everything,’ he said, ‘We owe our future happiness to you.’ Danny saw him off then went to Lorraine’s where he was due to have an evening meal.

Later that evening on his way home from Lorraine’s, he arrived at Jenny and Ian’s flat at five to eight. They had evidentially been waiting for him, they both opened the door to his knock, invited him in and hugged him, both at once. ‘We’re in your hands,’ Ian told him.

‘Let’s go and sit on the settee,’ Danny said, ‘Then I’ll tell you what my conclusion is and what we are going to do next.’ Once they were all seated, Danny on an armchair looking across at them both, he told them. ‘Due to circumstances in both of your pasts, circumstances in which you did nothing wrong and had no control of, when you came together you were unable to get close enough to have sex.’

‘If only one of you had had a problem,’ he continued, ‘The other one would have probably been able to deal with it with a bit of patience. But because you were both in the same situation, that wasn’t possible. Fortunately, you both found yourself able to relax and open up to me, a compliment I’m very proud of. Because you did that, you no longer have any problems. From here forward you have nothing but your life together to look forward to. A life which I suspect will be a very happy one.’

‘There is nothing else I need to counsel you on, except your inexperience in making love. So now is the hour you have been waiting for. We will move to your bedroom. There I will guide you to your union.’ He stood up and indicated they should lead the way.

Once in the bedroom, Danny said, ‘Both of you hug each other and as you do press yourselves very close together.’ When that went without problem, Danny said, ‘Ian, whilst you kiss Jenny next, cup your hand over her breast.’ Allowing a few minutes for them to enjoy it, Danny said, ‘Ian move your hand slowly down Jenny’s front and rest it gently between her legs. Once his hand was in place, Danny looked at Jenny’s face. No panic now, just pure pleasure.

‘Ok, now Jenny, kiss Ian and put your hand between his legs.’ Jenny kissed then slid her hand down his front. As she cupped it over his far from soft bulge, Ian made a very happy noise. Jenny broke off her kiss to say, ‘Wow!’

‘Good you’re both doing fine,’ Danny said. ‘Now Ian, kiss Jenny again, then as you do so, get hold of her top and lift it off over her head.’ Once it was off, Danny told Ian to kiss the exposed areas of Jenny’s breasts. ‘Now Jenny, you do the same with Ian’s top.’ Jenny kissed him and lifted his top.

Once it was off, Danny said, ‘Have a hug now.’ As they hugged and kissed, Danny said, ‘Ian undo Jenny’s bra and stroke her back.’ As Jenny made some happy noises, Danny told him to take a step back then remove Jenny’s bra. ‘Now, enjoy the view of her breasts, then lean forward and kiss her nipples.’ When Jenny’s happy noises subsided, Danny told them both to reach between them and undo the other’s trousers and let them drop. Once they both had them around their ankles, they were instructed to hold each other close once more. Jenny’s bare breasts pressing into Ian’s hairy chest as well as his now very hard bulge pressing against Jenny gave neither of them any problem.

‘Now, staying close,’ Danny instructed, ‘Slide your hands down the others back, then when you reach their waist, go inside their clothes and massage their cheeks.’ As he watched their hands moving inside their clothes, Lewis told them, ‘Now slip those clothes down as far as you can and hold each other very close.’

Both pairs of shorts and panties slid down at the same time, then they held each other close. Ian’s hard cock was squashed between them and pressing against Jenny causing nothing but pleasure.

‘You’re doing great,’ Danny told them, ‘Now step back, kick your trousers and shorts off then go and lie on the bed facing each other.’ Once they were settled, Danny instructed. ‘Jenny, will you lift your top leg up in the air six inches please. Ian, put your cock in between Jenny’s thighs. Jenny, lower your leg back down. Now Jenny, look at me.’ He smiled at her, and she smiled back. ‘Good no problem there,’ he said. ‘Now, come apart the two of you. Jenny, lie flat on your back, Ian prop yourself up on your elbow looking at Jenny.’

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