The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Cousin Leo Asks for Help
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Cousin Leo Asks for Help - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Saturday afternoon was busy as it always was. Both Mike and Lewis had occasional memories about lunchtime pop up in their minds. Seeing Tayo’s ecstatic face had imprinted a lovely picture in their brain.
As usual the afternoon flew by and closing time approached. About five minutes before closing a man around twenty-five came in, looked round then although Mike was serving and Lewis was free, he waited. When Lewis looked at him enquiringly, he smiled at him and pointed to Mike.
When Mike was free, he went over to him. It was clear Mike knew him well, he came round the counter and gave him a hug. He called Lewis over. ‘This is my cousin Leo,’ he said, introducing them. ‘Go through to the back room,’ he told him.
‘Lewis, will you man the shop for the last few minutes then lock up. Come on through when you’re done.’ Mike asked. Then he followed Leo.
In the back room, Leo had sat at the dining table. He had his head in his hands. Mike sat opposite him and asked, ‘What’s up?’ After a moment of silence, Leo looked up at him saying, ‘I’ve got myself in a terrible state over a personal problem,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what to do.’
‘What’s the problem?’ Mike enquired. ‘I can’t tell you,’ Leo said, ‘I can’t tell anyone it’s too embarrassing.’ He burst into tears. Mike got up and went round to him. He stood with his hand on Leo’s shoulder just as the door opened and Lewis walked in.
Leo put his hands over his face and cried even more. Mike looked over at Lewis, ‘He has a problem but says he can’t talk about it.’ Mike said. ‘Looks like something requiring your expertise. Leo!’ Mike said sharply, He looked up at him through wet eyes. ‘Lewis’s nickname is The Problem Solver,’ Mike told him. ‘If no one else on earth can help you, Lewis can. Forget his age, just listen to him and do what he tells you.’
Mike looked at Lewis, ‘If you’ll take it on, I’ll go home. My instinct is that Leo will open up better without me being here. When you’re finished lock up and keep the key until next week, I’ve got a spare. Leo, if you want to call in to mine on your way home, you’re welcome but don’t worry if you want to get straight home.’
As Mike got up, Lewis reminded him that he wouldn’t be in next week. ‘I’ll drop the key in one evening.’ he said. Kissing the top of Lewis’s head, Mike left.
Lewis went round and sat at the table opposite Leo. ‘You’ve heard what Mike said,’ Lewis reminded him. ‘I am sure that I can help you, but I can’t do it without your help. Are you willing to try?’
Leo raised his tear-stained face, gave Lewis a watery smile, then said, ‘Yes please.’
‘Go through to the bathroom,’ Lewis pointed to the door, ‘Rinse your face then come back.’ Whilst Leo was out of the room, Lewis took the end cushion off the settee, sat in its place then put the cushion back on his lap.
A few minutes later, Leo returned. Lewis said, ‘Take your shoes off, then come and lie down with your head here, he patted the cushion on his lap.’ Leo nodded. He kicked his shoes off and lay down.
Once he was settled, Lewis smiled down at him then told him, ‘I’m going to explain a few things to you before we start, then you can decide if you want to carry on, ok?’ Leo nodded, ‘Ok,’ he said.
‘I’m a good listener,’ Lewis told him. ‘What I listen to stays in my head. Anything you tell me doesn’t leave this room. Not even Mike will know anything you tell me unless you give me permission to do so. In addition, I am not here to judge you, it doesn’t matter what you have done or what has happened to you, all I want to do is to help you cope with it.’
‘Now obviously I can’t help you with your problem until I know what it is. But don’t worry,’ he added seeing Leos look of concern. ‘I don’t expect you to tell me what it is just yet. First of all, I have to get you feeling completely at ease and relaxed with me. I’ll tell you how we do that in a moment.’
‘As you relax, I will ask you to tell me all about yourself, everything about you and your life apart from your present problem. We’ll come to that much later. If I inadvertently ask you a question that is connected to your problem, just say pass and I’ll move on. But remember the more questions you feel able to answer the sooner we succeed.’
‘At each stage I’ll tell you what we are going to do and what we are aiming to achieve. Then you decide if you want to carry on. If at any time you decide you want to stop, just say so and we’ll pack up. If you do, you will still be welcome to return in the future if you want to.’
‘Have you any questions?’ ‘Mike said you were known as the problem solver,’ Leo said, ‘Have you solved many problems?’ ‘Lot’s,’ Lewis said. ‘Many varieties and for all ages. They all had one thing in common though. Just like you they were too embarrassed to say what the problem was at the beginning.’
Before Leo could speak, Lewis added, ‘Which leads us on to our first stage. I need to get to know more about you and you need to feel relaxed with me. In a moment I’m going to get up and sit on the edge of the settee. I want you to lie where you are but on your front with your head where I am sitting now.’
‘I will put my hands on the back of your head and relax you right down to your feet and back. Whilst I do that, you will be telling me some basic things about you. The aim is to get you to feel happy about moving forward to the next stage. More about that when we reach it.’
‘Sit up please,’ Lewis said. ‘Once Leo was sitting up, Lewis stood up, put the cushion back and remained standing. If you want to stop, just get up and put your shoes back on.’ He instructed. ‘To carry on, just lie down and turn over.’
Leo lay down, then getting a smile from Lewis as he sat on the edge of the settee, he turned over. Lewis put his hands on the back of Leos shoulders and started massaging downwards. As he went, he told Leo to tell him some basic things about himself. ‘Remember all I know about you so far,’ he said, ‘Is that you are Mikes cousin, and you have a problem.’
Lewis massaged all over his back, down over his cheeks and down his legs to his feet. As he went Leo told him he was twenty-six, with a fiancé whom he had lived with for three years. They were saving up to get married and buy their own house.’
As Lewis started back up, he massaged the backs and sides of Leos legs, did all of his cheeks, then went up his back to his shoulders. As he did, Leo told him that he worked in the storeroom of a factory which he had done for five years. ‘There used to be three of us,’ he said, ‘But the other two left and now I have one new assistant.’ Lewis noticed that he went very red as he mentioned the new assistant.
Reaching his head, Lewis massaged the back and top of his head, then told him to turn over. ‘You’re doing fine,’ Lewis told him, ‘You’re letting me get to know all about you. Are you getting to feel more relaxed with me at the same time?’ he asked.
‘Yes, I am,’ Leo said sounding a little surprised. ‘I’m going to do the same on your front now,’ Lewis said, ‘As I do, I’ll ask you more about yourself.’ Lewis massaged his temples, then moved over his face and onto his shoulders. ‘Tell me how you met your fiancé and a bit about her,’ he said.
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