The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Derek Goes Night Fishing and Gets a Surprise

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Derek Goes Night Fishing and Gets a Surprise - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Friday evening, Lewis and his dad cycled round to Tayo’s then the three of them cycled down to the farm. They arrived about quarter to six, so they got the tents out ready. Just then Lewis got a text from Derek to say he was delayed but would be there for quarter past.

Lewis’s dad took his little tent round the far side of the lake to set up whilst Lewis and Tayo put the slightly larger tent up. They had just finished setting it all up when Lewis spotted Derek in the distance. ‘Here’s my pal coming,’ he told Tayo, ‘Pop in the tent until you hear me whistle,’ he said, ‘I want to surprise him.’

Derek arrived with his bike. ‘Sorry I’m late.’ he said, ‘Mum held me up.’ ‘No problem,’ Lewis told him. ‘This is our tent,’ he said, ‘We’ll set up our fishing gear just over there. That’s my dad over the other side of the lake,’ he pointed. ‘He stays over that side, so he’s there if we need him, but we can feel were alone.’

‘Now before we set our rods up let me introduce my other pal.’ He gave a low whistle. Derek’s face as Tayo stepped out of the tent was a picture.

Tayo came over and said, ‘Hi Derek, I had no idea you where the pal Lewis was bringing.’ Turning to Lewis he said, ‘We’re in the same form at school.’

‘I’m glad you already know each other,’ Lewis said, ‘Anything you don’t need for fishing put in the tent,’ he told Derek, ‘Then we’ll set up.’ They walked over to the lakeside. The next half hour was spent casting their lines into the lake then setting up the tripods to hold the rods. They each put a net into the edge of the lake ready to put any fish in that they caught.

Then they set up their folding chairs back a bit from the edge so they could be near their rods but far enough away, so their talking didn’t spook the fish. They sat and chatted for a while, in between getting up to reel a catch in or re cast their line. Tayo and Derek chatted away happily. Tayo told Lewis later that the two of them had always been friendly at school but had never really got to know each other. That situation certainly changed that evening.

Around eight o’clock they all got their snacks out and shared it all between them. They had quite a few interruptions as the fish seemed to be biting well tonight.

Derek having seen the size of the tent asked, ‘Is there enough room in there for three of us?’ ‘Yes, it’s fine,’ Tayo said, ‘Besides I’m only a little one, I don’t take up much room.’ he said with a grin.

There were several other fishermen around the lake but tonight there was no one that any of them knew. Derek told them that when he had been here before it had been a weekend daytime with an uncle. ‘It was much more crowded then,’ he told them.

They sat and chatted in between reeling a fish in or deciding to re cast their line. As eleven o’clock struck on a distant church clock, they reeled their lines in, then counted the fish in their nets before releasing them back into the lake.

Derek had won with eleven fish, Tayo came next with nine and poor Lewis had only got seven. Lewis and Tayo congratulated Derek, then they packed all their gear up ready to turn in.

Walking around the lake to Lewis’s dad, Lewis introduced Derek to him, then he gave him a hug and a kiss. ‘Night, night, dad,’ he said. Then Tayo went up, put his arms around him, and said, ‘Night, night.’ Lewis’s dad said.’ Night, night, Tayo,’ gave him a hug and kissed his head. He put his arm out to Derek who went up, was given a hug a kiss and told, ‘Night, night.’

As they walked back to their tent, Derek told Lewis, ‘I like your dad, he’s nice.’ ‘I think so too,’ Lewis said with a smile, ‘But then I’m prejudiced.’

Back at the tent, Lewis explained the rules to Derek then they went over to the bushes for a wee. Derek was obviously a little shy about weeing together but managed it after a short delay getting started.

At the entrance to the tent, they took their shoes off and went inside, Lewis went in first, followed by Derek then Tayo who zipped the flap up.

‘As I’m the biggest and need the most room,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ll get undressed first, so will you two keep over to the sides please.’ Lewis stripped down to his shorts, packing all his clothes except his T shirt in a heap by the door.

As he put his T shirt under his pillow, Lewis explained that he put it there so he could find it easily if he had to go out in the night. ‘Ok, Tayo you change places with me now,’ Lewis said. Tayo moved into the middle then Lewis squeezed to the side. Tayo stripped off to his shorts, put his T shirt under the side pillow then changed back with Lewis. ‘You come into the middle now Derek,’ Lewis told him as he changed places with him.

Conscious of two pairs of eyes on him in the torchlight, Derek stripped off and put his T shirt under the middle pillow as instructed by Lewis.

‘Ok, now lie down on your front,’ Lewis told him.

Once he was in place, Lewis said, ‘As you can see, the space in here is very limited. That’s why we have one big sleeping bag to hold all three of us. Now that means you could be a nervous wreck instead of going to sleep because you’ll be worrying about where you bump into us. So, here’s what we’re going to do, I’ll switch the light out, then Tayo and I are going to give your back a nice massage. If you complete it, you won’t need to worry about any accidental contact in the night.’

‘We’re ready to start, all you have to do is lie there, relax and say ok if you’re ready to start.’ ‘Ok,’ Derek said after the slightest of pauses. Lewis switched the light out and put his hands on Derek’s head. Tayo followed a moment later. As they worked their way down his back, it felt lovely to Derek, Lewis’s hands made him remember his time in the back room whilst having Tayo’s hands on him was sending shivers through him. How amazing that Tayo should be here he thought to himself.

When they reached his waist, he wondered what they would do, but they both went over the top and massaged a cheek each through his shorts. Each one felt lovely and different, but it was Tayo’s tiny hand that thrilled him the most. Lewis and Tayo went down a leg each then back up over his cheeks and bare back to his head. Ok Lewis said, turn over now and we’ll do your front.

Derek froze, he had been aware as soon as their hands started down his back that he was stiffening up, feeling Tayo massaging his cheek had stiffened him even more. He knew that if he turned over, as soon as his weight was of it, his cock would stick up so hard that they wouldn’t be able to miss it when they went down. Then thinking of his session with Lewis he realised Lewis must know that and be expecting it, so he turned over.

Lewis massaged his head whilst Tayo put his hands on Derek’s chest. He ran his fingers through Derek’s small patch of chest hairs sending a shiver right through him. As Tayo moved down towards his waist, Lewis came down off his head onto his chest.

As Lewis ran his hands through Derek’s hairs, Tayo reached his waist. He ran his hand across the bare flesh immediately above the top of his shorts, then went on top of them. He ran each hand slowly down the top of each thigh. He couldn’t avoid his hands brushing against the tent pole or feeling it leap about. He carried on down his legs as if it hadn’t happened, despite the low cry Derek had been unable to hold in.

As Tayo reached his feet, Lewis came down over his shorts, he also brushed against the pole, but he gave it a little squeeze in passing which made Derek cry out happily. As Lewis went on down his legs, Tayo passed him coming up. He went back up his thighs, this time making sure he brushed against the pole much more. By the time Derek’s cry of ecstasy had faded away, Tayo was back on his head. Lewis followed him up, giving the pole another squeeze as he passed.

Telling Derek to turn over again, Lewis told him, ‘We’re going back down again, but this time we’ll go inside your shorts onto your bare cheeks. Just say ok if and when you’re ready.’ ‘Ok,’ Derek said instantly. Lewis went first. Going down his back produced a low murmur, then as he slipped his hands inside his shorts and massaged his cheeks it became a long, ‘ahhh,’ which he was clearly doing his best to stifle. As Lewis went down his legs, Tayo started down. By the time he reached his waist, Lewis had come back up and lifted the back of his shorts so that Tayo could slip his hands in easily. As Tayo massaged his cheeks it was clear that Derek was in absolute heaven from the noises he was struggling to keep in. Then as Tayo kept massaging, Lewis slowly pulled the back of the shorts down to below the cheeks. Now exposed, although they couldn’t see them in the dark, they were both able to get their hands on them and massage them together. After a while, they moved back up to Derek’s head together.

As instructed, Derek turned over. As far as they could tell he had made no attempt to pull the back of his shorts up. Lewis massaged his chest, running his fingers through his hairs, then as he started down, Tayo put his hands on Derek’s chest and stroked his nipples. Then as Derek tried to supress his cries, Tayo put his mouth down and sucked both nipples. Derek sounded as if he was choking. Giving them both a lick, Tayo massaged his stomach.

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