The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Lewis Tries His Hand at Giving a Fitness Test
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Lewis Tries His Hand at Giving a Fitness Test - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
The following week, Lewis arrived ten minutes earlier than usual as they had agreed the previous week. They went straight into the back room and sat down. Mike said, ‘I’ll be quick as we haven’t much time, first are you ok after what we did last week.’ When Lewis said, ‘No problem at all,’ Mike smiled at him saying, ‘Good.’ Then he continued, ‘My nephew Danny will be here around half past eleven, do what you can, but don’t worry if you can’t get anywhere with him. Here’s some cash to help things along. You can try my suggestion last week or use an idea of your own, but don’t worry if nothing works, you can only try.’
Lewis nodded so he continued, ‘You might have forgotten,’ he said with a big grin, ‘But I mentioned my neighbour last week.’ Lewis caught his breath as Mike continued, ‘Well she is happy with the idea, and we’ll fix up a day soon.’ Lewis had a hard on before Mike had finished talking and his heart was pounding with excitement. Mike said, ‘Any questions about Danny,’ When Lewis shook his head, Mike stood up and said, ‘Thanks for trying, I’ll go and open up, you come through when that muscle of yours has subsided.’ Lewis tried hard to put the thought of Mikes neighbour out of his mind, he didn’t succeed fully, but softened enough to tuck himself in a little less noticeably. He went through to the already filling up shop and the morning was its usual hectic time.
Just before eleven thirty a lady a bit older than Mike came in, accompanied by a lad Lewis assumed was Danny. Although he was two years older, he was about the same height as Lewis and whilst not fat, he had more padding than Lewis. Mike spotted them and called them around the counter. He introduced them both to Lewis and told him to show them through to the back room.
Lewis did so and told Danny’s mum to help herself to coffee if she would like a drink. Then he asked Danny if he could show him the machines he would be using. Leaving his Mum to make herself a coffee, they returned to the shop. Hectic as usual, Mike was glad to see them. Lewis went over to his place and told Danny to take his seat. He took up a returned video and showed him what he needed to do. Danny was a quick learner so Lewis could tell he would cope ok. Leaving him to it, he went and helped Mike serve.
Just before twelve, Mike went and got his coat, returning with Danny’s Mum. He told Lewis, ‘I’m sure you’ll manage fine, but you’ve got my number if there’s any problem. Saying goodbye to Danny, they set off to see his aunt.
After they had gone, Lewis and Danny coped fine, even managing an occasional chat in between customers. At the usual time Lewis sent Danny to the chippy, so one o’clock saw the shop shut and the two of them eating their lunch in the back room. Danny seemed to come out of his shell a little now he was alone with Lewis, so they chatted away, Lewis guiding the conversations around to things he wanted to know.
Before they had finished eating, Lewis had discovered that Danny was still at school hoping to go on to university. He hadn’t had any jobs, so he relied on his Mum buying him things and for money he relied on his pocket money. He had been chuffed when Uncle Mike had offered him eight pounds for doing two hours in the shop as he was always hard up.
Seizing the opportunity, Lewis told him that his friend Peter was the same and that he was always delighted when Lewis offered him the chance to earn some cash by assisting him with his medical studies. He explained that he hoped to be a doctor when he left school, so he paid Peter to be his patient from time to time.
Danny took the bait right away, saying, ‘I wish I had someone like that, it would be great to earn some extra cash.’ Lewis smiled at him, ‘It’s a pity you don’t live local,’ He told him, it would be better for me to have a different person from time to time.’ ‘How long does it take and how much does it pay?’ Danny asked sounding wistful. Lewis beamed at him saying, ‘Why didn’t I think of that, we could do some before we open up again. The first part,’ he continued, ‘Is a fitness test, it would be like you went to the doctor saying you were about to take up some energetic sport and wanted to be sure you were fit enough. That would earn you a minimum of £5.’ Lewis could tell Danny was liking the idea and had also picked up on the word ‘minimum’.
‘Then if you did that ok,’ Lewis continued, ‘You could earn another £5 by doing a psychological one. That would mean lying on the settee whilst I relax you and ask you questions.’ ‘Sounds easy,’ Danny told him, ‘Can we do them today?’
‘Yes,’ Lewis said, seeing Danny’s eyes light up, ‘But,’ As he said that he saw a disappointed look on his face. ‘Before we start, you must understand that I am going to examine you, which means I’ll be looking in your eyes and mouth, holding your joints, pressing on your stomach, sounding your chest checking your spine etc. In other words, I’ll be putting my hands on your body, so be sure you’re ok with that before we start. Then if we do the second one, whilst I relax you, I’ll be asking you questions no one has probably asked you before, discussing your dreams and feelings with you and learning things about you that probably no one else knows. Again, you need to be ok with that before we start. So, first answer yes or no. Do you understand what you need to do?’ Danny said, ‘Yes.’ So, Lewis asked, ‘In that case do you want to give it a try on the understanding that you can stop anytime you want?’ Danny looked at him and said, ‘Yes Please.’
Lewis said, ‘Great. Now for a fiver you can do the test fully dressed, and I can reach inside your clothes to get at things. However, if at the start you strip to the waist it will make it so much easier. If you do that, you will also be offered a second fiver later in the test.’ As he spoke Lewis pulled the dining chair out into the middle of the room. Then he said, ‘decide what you want to do, then come and sit in the chair.’
Danny stood up, pulled off his shirt and came over to sit on the chair. Lewis studied his bare torso. He had a fairly hairy chest with a bit of fat around his nipples and his stomach. His belly button showing above his waistband was deeper than Lewis’s because of the extra fatty layer.
‘Just relax,’ Lewis told him as he placed his hands on his head. He explored his scalp then lifted each eyelid in turn, then looked in his mouth. Next, he placed his hands around his neck and asked him to move his head to each side, then forward, then back.
Taking hold of his left wrist, he moved the arm forward and back whilst his other hand was on his shoulder, then under his arm, then around his elbow. Then he did the same with his right arm. Telling him to stand up, Lewis sounded all the front of Danny’s chest, whilst he was holding a deep breath. Then when he had got his breath back, did the same on his back. Then Lewis told him to take his shoes off and lie on the settee.
Danny lay on his back on the settee as Lewis sat on the edge besides him. ‘Just lie still for a minute,’ he told Danny, ‘When you relax your heartbeat slows down. After a minute had passed, he placed his fingertip on Danny’s chest just below his left nipple, counting his heart beats. ‘Sixty-five beats per minute,’ Lewis announced, ‘Now go down on the floor and do five press ups, then come back into the same position onto the settee immediately afterwards.’
Lewis stood up and watched as Danny did his five press ups, the last two with great difficulty. Collapsing back on the settee, Danny was gasping for breath as Lewis sat back besides him, placing his fingertip back on his chest. Counting the beats once more, Lewis announced eighty-six beats per minute. I guess you don’t do many press ups,’ he said as he grinned at Danny. ‘No,’ Danny gasped in reply. ‘Just relax and get your breath back,’ Lewis told him, ‘A healthy heart usually takes about a minute to return to normal, so whilst we’re waiting, I’m going to check over your ribs.’ Lewis put a hand on each of Danny’s collar bones, felt them, then worked his way down each of the twelve pairs of ribs. When he reached the bottom pair, he put his fingertip back on Danny’s chest and using the wall clock once more, counted the beats. Seventy beats per minute he announced, that’s good, your heart is ok.’
‘Now,’ Lewis said, looking down at Danny, ‘In a moment, I’m going to ask you to stand up whilst I check your ankles. After that I want you to lie face down on the settee so I can check your spine. Before you lie down, I want you to do one of two things. Either undo everything around your waist so I can reach in to get at your hips and lower spine, or because you showed you were relaxed enough to strip to your waist, you can now earn an additional fiver by stripping to your shorts. Obviously, that will make it much easier to get at your hip joints and legs, but it’s entirely your choice, Ok?’
‘Ok,’ Danny said as he stood up. Normally a very shy sort of person, he felt really at ease with Lewis and the added bonus of another fiver removed any hesitation. Lewis knelt in front of him and got hold of both ankles. ‘Go up on tip toe,’ Lewis instructed. Danny did so, Lewis feeling the movement of the seven bones in each ankle as he did. Moving his hands around and gripping the ankles from a different angle, Lewis told him to go on tip toe once more.
Standing up, Lewis said, ‘They’re ok, now decide what you’re going to do, then get ready and lie on your tummy on the settee. Danny undid his belt, button and zip, dropped his trousers and stepped out of them. Lewis took them from him and hung them over the back of the chair whilst Danny stretched out on the settee. He wasn’t wearing shorts, he had Y front underpants on. As Lewis looked down at him, he could see that there was a slight roll of fat around the waistband.
He sat down on the edge of the settee by Danny’s waist, looking towards his head. ‘I’m going to examine each individual bone of your spine,’ Lewis told him, ‘So just relax and pretend you’re having a massage.’ He put the index fingertip of both hands on the top vertebrae, examined it and worked his way down the six in the neck, then the twelve in the torso. Moving on down to the Lumbar vertebrae, he reached the top of Danny’s underpants.
‘Are you ok with me carrying on to the bottom of your spine,’ Lewis asked. ‘Sure,’ Danny replied, ‘go ahead.’ Lewis lifted the waistband and slid his fingertips down each vertebra until he reached the last one. He could feel Danny tense up as he reached the last few, then relax as he drew his fingers out and lowered the waistband back into place.
‘Well done,’ Lewis said, ‘Now turn over onto your left side with your back to me.’ As Danny turned, Lewis asked, ‘How relaxed do you feel so far, doing this test, on a scale of one to ten?’ Danny thought for a few seconds, then said, ‘Eight.’
‘That’s very good,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’m glad you feel so at ease with me. Now, the next bit is your hips, in a moment I want you to lift your right leg up six inches, then draw your knee up as far as you can, then put it back straight but keep it in the air, then lift your foot straight up as far as you can, then lower it down and rest. Can you remember all that?’
On receiving an affirmative from Danny, Lewis added, ‘Whilst you’re doing that, I will have hold of your hip joint to examine it’s movement. Is it ok if I do it on your skin?’ Danny hesitated, then said, ‘Sure.’ ‘Thank you,’ Lewis said. He slid his hand inside the top of Danny’s pants and took hold of his hip joint.
He felt Danny tense up a little as he did so, Instructing Danny to lift his leg up in the air six inches, he felt the muscles in his hip move. Then when Danny drew his knee up towards his chin, the muscles around his hip really tightened up. As Danny straightened his leg again, Lewis moved his hand around, so it was more on the front of the hip joint. Again, he felt Danny tense up as he started to move, then a few seconds later he seemed to relax again. As instructed, Danny then kept his leg straight and lifted it up in the air as far as he could. Lewis kept his grip around the front of the hip as he did so, then as he lowered his leg, Lewis relaxed his grip and pressed his fingertip into the top of Danny’s groin. He was interested to notice that Danny didn’t tense up this time. Once Danny’s leg was resting on top of his other leg, Lewis told him to relax, then he moved his index finger down near the bottom of his groin, pressed in gently, then moved back up the groin, pressing at small intervals, then sliding his hand out.
‘Excellent,’ Lewis said, ‘did you have any problem doing that one?’ ‘No,’ Danny told him, ‘It was much easier than doing the press ups.’ Lewis laughed and told him to turn onto his other side so they could do the other hip.
Danny turned over right away without any apparent hesitation. Now he was facing Lewis. As he lifted Danny’s waistband and slid his hand onto the back of his hip, he was looking down towards Danny’s waist at what he was doing, but he angled his head so that he could see Danny’s face out of the corner of his eye. As Lewis’s hand touched the back of Danny’s hip, essentially part of the cheek of his bum, he felt Danny tense up again, not only that, but the expression on his face also clearly showed fear. It only lasted a second before it left his face and his body relaxed. Lewis wondered if he had imagined the look, but there was no doubt that Danny tensed up each time he put his hand down the back of his underpants, yet he didn’t when he put it down the front. He felt that that was unusual, feeling that most people would be the other way round.
Danny did the same movements and Lewis did the same examination on this leg, then he told Danny to lie flat on his back. Lewis told him to put his hands behind his neck, then hold his feet a few inches in the air so as to stretch his tummy muscles. Lewis gently pressed his fingertips all over his stomach, feeling the tensed muscles. He let Danny put his feet down every now and again as he knew what a strain it was holding them up. As he was doing it, because Danny’s underpants where loose, but quite close fitting, Lewis decided that his cock must be quite small, at least when soft, for there was hardly any bulge where a bulge should be!
When he had finished the stomach area, Lewis told Danny he was just going to slip the front of his pants down an inch or two at the front, so he could do the same on his abdomen. Danny didn’t speak so Lewis took hold of the waistband at each side and slid it down two inches. There was no sign of any tension in Danny as he did so. He then examined the exposed area whilst Danny held his feet up off the settee. When he finished, Lewis told him to draw his knees up so that his stomach muscles were very slack and to just relax. Lewis then made another examination of the now soft and spongy stomach.
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