The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: John has a Visitor
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: John has a Visitor - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Danny arrived at Johns Saturday morning as usual. He let himself in and went through to the kitchen. Before he could go out back and start work, John came in having heard him arrive. So, as they usually did, they sat and had a coffee.
John loved Saturdays, he enjoyed Danny’s company as well as their special time together later on in the day. They chatted about what they had done since last week and John told him about his coach trip out the previous Tuesday.
“The trip was run by a local club,” John told him, “It was set up for older people locally to meet up and socialise, particularly people on their own. They organise all sorts of outings every Tuesday of which last week’s coach trip was one. Anyway,” he said, “I’ve joined the club, so now I don’t have to wait for my friends to invite me. I can also go on the trips that appeal to me even if my friends aren’t going.”
“That sounds lovely,” Danny told him, “I’ll be good for you to have a social life.” “I won’t be going every week,” John said, “But I will be absent on quite a few Tuesdays. I’ll text you whenever they’re happening.” He gave Danny a knowing smile. “This coming Tuesday there is a trip to see round an old water mill, so I’ll tell you now that I’ll be away.”
“The following week is a trip round a garden centre,” he said. “That doesn’t appeal so I won’t be going on that one.” They chatted a bit longer, finished their drinks then Danny went out into the garden to start work.
At one o’clock, John stuck his head out of the back door. “Danny, I’m putting the kettle on,” he shouted. Five minutes later Danny packed up and went in to eat his sandwiches. John joined him, he didn’t eat mid-day, but he sat with Danny and had a drink, enjoying his company.
Just as they were finishing their drinks, the front doorbell rang. John went to answer it leaving Danny to finish his lunch. Danny heard him talking to someone at the door, then heard the door close. A few moments later John came back into the kitchen followed by a younger man who Danny guessed was about Mike’s age.
John introduced him to Danny, “This is Harry,” John said, “He was on the trip I went on last week.” Danny stood up and shook hands with him. “I’ll go and get on,” he said. “No, please stay and have a drink with us,” John said. Danny sat down again whilst John put the kettle on.
Chatting to Harry Danny discovered he was thirty-three and had been on the trip with his parents because he was interested in the factory they had toured. As he and John were the only two singles that day, they had been paired off on the coach. Despite their age difference, they had got on well and enjoyed their day. Harry was about five foot ten and looked a bit skinny.
“It would be hard not to get on with John,” Danny said with a grin. John put their drinks on the table then the three of them chatted generally for ten minutes or so. As they neared the end of their drinks, Danny noticed John look at Harry with raised eyebrows. Acting as if he hadn’t noticed, he watched Harry out of the corner of his eye. Harry nodded back at John.
Intrigued, Danny awaited further developments. He didn’t have to wait long. John spoke, “Danny, I asked Harry to call round whilst you were here as he has a problem.” Danny glanced at Harry who looked a little embarrassed. “We got on so well on the trip that he shared a little bit of it with me and asked for my advice. I told him I was no use, but I knew someone who I felt sure could sort it for him.”
Harry chipped in at this point, “I was relieved,” he said, “But when John told me your age, I wasn’t so sure, so we arranged this meeting to see how I felt once I’d met you.” Danny smiled at him, “That’s perfectly understandable,” he said, “So did I pass?” Harry gave him a sheepish grin, “Yes,” he said, “I feel at ease with you already, just like John said I would.”
“What I didn’t tell you,” John said to Harry, “Is that Danny had solved problems for at least eight or nine people to my knowledge, in fact it’s probably more by now. I don’t know what those problems were because what is said to Danny stays with Danny, but I do know they were solved because many of them told me afterwards that they found it easy to tell their innermost thoughts to Danny and they felt that they no longer had a problem.”
“Danny, I couldn’t ask you before Harry came because,” John continued, “I didn’t know how he would feel when he met you, although I had a pretty good idea,” he said with a grin. “Are you ok about taking another problem on?” “Of course,” Danny said, “You know I’ll always help any friend of yours.”
John got up, “I’m just going to the bathroom,” he said as he left the room. Danny turned to Harry, “I gather you have already discussed some or all of your problem with John?” Harry nodded. “How easy did you find bringing it up with him?” “Very hard at first but it got easier, he just gave me the impression I could talk to him.” Danny nodded. “Thinking of your entire problem, what percentage would you say you revealed to John?” About twenty five percent.” Harry admitted after a moment’s thought.
“How do you think you’re going to feel telling me every bit of it?” Danny asked. “I honestly don’t know if I can,” Harry answered frankly. “If you had had more time with John, do you think you would have told him the rest of it without being asked?” Danny said. “Probably not Harry answered.”
“Is that because it is too embarrassing to admit or talk about?” “Yes.” Harry said very quietly. “Ok, one more question for now, If I am to solve your problem, I will first have to get you to open up and tell me everything. I can do that, but my question is, would you prefer for that to happen with just me and you, or would you like John to sit in with us as he already knows so much anyway.”
Harry thought for a moment or two, then said, “I don’t really know. John says you are the expert, so I will be guided by you.” “Good,” Danny said. “From the sound of things so far, between us we should be able to solve the problem for you.”
Shortly after there was a knock on the kitchen door. Danny called out “Come in John.” John came in and sat down. He looked at Danny and asked, “Do you want me to go shopping?” “No, it’s ok for now,” Danny told him, “Harry says he feels comfortable enough with you for you to stay with us, although,” Danny said, “If either of you change your mind, tell me right away, ok?” Both Harry and John replied, “Ok.”
“Let’s go through into the lounge,” Danny said, “Then I’ll explain what I want to do.” “Harry,” Danny said, “At every stage it’s up to you whether you continue or not.” They went into the Lounge, were Danny instructed John to sit on the end of the settee. “Harry, I want you to take your shoes and jacket off then lie on the settee with your head on John’s lap.”
Harry took his jacket off, kicked his shoes off and lay down. “John, can you rest one hand on Harry’s head and the other on his chest please,” Danny instructed, which he did. Danny sat on the edge of the settee by Harry’s waist.
“Now Harry, I’m going to tell you the first stage, then it’s up to you to decide if you want to carry on or not. Before I can do anything to help you. I have to know all of the problem. As we’ve only just met, and I gather you only met John on Tuesday, I don’t expect you to be able to just lie there and reel off all the intimate details of your life, hopes and problems.”
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