The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Lewis Visits Tim’s Flat

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Lewis Visits Tim’s Flat - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Sunday morning Lewis walked across town to visit Tim. He arrived about eleven o’clock to have the door opened by a sleepy-eyed Tim, still in the shorts he slept in. Inviting him in, Tim closed the door and threw his arms around him. “Lovely to see you,” he said, “Sorry I wasn’t up, I’ve never worked so hard in my life as I did yesterday.” He kissed Lewis and hugged him tight.

“Come on through, I’ll put the kettle on, then tell you all about it.” Lewis followed him into the kitchen and sat at the table whilst Tim made them a coffee. As they sat with their drink, Tim told him, “I arrived at five to eight just as Mr Johnson and Ralph were opening up. He seemed pleased to see me and introduced me to his son. His son was a bit cool with me to start with, but as the day wore on, we got along much better.”

“I worked with Ralph most of the day, we went round inspecting all the shelves to start with, Ralph called out what needed replacing and I wrote them down. Then we went through into the stock room and loaded up a small trolley. Ralph read my list and pointed to items on the shelves which I put on the trolley.”

“Then I wheeled the trolley through to the shop and Ralph took things off the trolley and put them on the shelves. Once the trolley was empty, we returned to the store and loaded more things off the list. Whenever the shop got busy, which was frequently, Ralph had to leave what he was doing to go and help his dad at the till.”

“The first time he left me, I just waited for him to return, but the second time I decided to carry on alone. I had noticed that whenever he put anything on the shelves, he brought the existing stock to the front and put the new stock at the back, so I did the same.”

“When he came back, he seemed surprised that I’d emptied the trolley, then sounded annoyed as he said,” “I suppose you just put stuff on the shelf any old how?” “When I told him I had done it as I’d seen him do, by putting the new stuff to the back, he seemed surprised but pleased. We got on much better after that. By the time we had finished the re stocking, I was going into the stockroom alone and filling the trolley when he was on the till. When we had finished, he told me it had taken us just over half the time it usually took.”

“We went into the back and had a coffee. He took a cup through to his dad, then we chatted as we drank ours, with a few interruptions as he had to go and serve. He asked about my job and you, apparently his dad had been very impressed with you. He told me he hadn’t really had a choice of what to do, it was taken as read that he came to work in the shop full time as soon as he finished school.”

I told him how bad I felt about what I’d done and how grateful I was to his dad for dealing with it the way he had.”

“So, what else did you have to do?” Lewis asked. “After our coffee, we started in one corner of the storeroom checking the shelves and making a list of stock that was running low, ready to order supplies. When Ralph got called to serve, there wasn’t anything I could do until he returned as I had no way of knowing what stock there should be. I did feel pleased that they were happy to leave me alone in the storeroom.”

“We had only got halfway down one aisle when there was a loud knocking on the back door. That’s a delivery, Ralph said, then went and opened it. A large van was backed up to the door full of boxes of all shapes and sizes. It took us half an hour to unload them all and I was knackered.”

“Once the van had gone, it was nearly one o’clock. Ralph said they didn’t close for lunch so he and I would have something to eat and drink, then he would take over in the shop whilst his dad had lunch and a break. He explained that they usually ate one of yesterday’s sandwiches from the shop for lunch. He took me through to the shop and showed me which I could choose from. They had fresh deliveries each day, but they had a small section separate labelled ‘Yesterdays’ which were reduced. When we had picked, we went back into the stockroom to eat them.”

“There was a little corner with a table and two dining chairs, we sat there and ate our sandwich then Ralph made us each a coffee. We sat and chatted for twenty minutes or so, we were getting on really well.”

By now Tim and Lewis had finished their drinks, so Lewis said, “Why don’t we move over to the settee, then I can relax you whilst you tell me more?” Tim was delighted with the idea. Lewis sat at the end of the settee and Tim lay down across his legs with his head on the arm.

Once he was settled, Lewis put one hand on his head and the other on his bare chest, then started gently massaging as Tim continued his tale.

“When Ralph had finished,” Tim said, “He went through to the shop. Then his dad came in a few minutes later to join me. I made him a drink, then as he ate his sandwich, he asked me how I was getting on. I told him I hoped I was being helpful. I was getting on well with Ralph and it was hard work.”

He smiled, “Yes few people realise what goes on behind the scenes,” he said. “Not just in a shop, in most jobs I suspect.” “I asked if there was anything I could be getting on with until Ralph came back. He pointed to the top one of the big pile of boxes. “If you open that,” he told me, “Then see if you can find the shelf where they go. Has Ralph showed you the order to put them on the shelf?”

“Do you mean putting the newer ones behind the existing ones I said.” “Good, yes that’s right, off you go then.” “I cleared the first box ok, so he told me to do the same with the next one. By the time he returned to the shop and Ralph came back, I’d cleared four boxes.”

“Ralph was delighted. We got stuck into the remaining ones and by three o’clock we’d sorted the lot. There was a bell which rang when whoever was on the till needed a hand, so Ralph had to disappear numerous times, but by now I knew what to do so I carried on. Around three, Ralph made us another drink. He took a cup out to his dad then came back to sit with me.”

As Tim chatted away, Lewis had massaged down his chest and over his shorts, going down his legs as far as he could reach. Coming back up, he ran his hand all over the front of Tim’s shorts, feeling some movement as he passed over his cock. He came back up his bare chest to his shoulders as Tim continued.

“Ralph told me he had really enjoyed having someone working with him, he hadn’t realised how lonely he had got. I discovered that he hardly ever went out anywhere with the shop being open eight until late every day. I asked him what sort of thing he would like to do if he did go out. He told me he’d love to have a girlfriend but didn’t think that was likely to happen any time soon. We talked about the sort of films we liked, and it turned out he liked walking, especially in the countryside which I do too. Anyway, we’d been sitting chatting for an hour by then so I said shouldn’t we be getting on.”

“Don’t worry,” he said, “Apparently we had got so much done between the two of us that we were well ahead.” “Later on, I’ll go round and top up the shelves in the shop,” he said, “but there’s no rush for that.”

Lewis ran his hand down over Tim’s stomach then onto his shorts again. As his hand drifted across his cock, he could feel that it was almost fully hard. It throbbed and moved when it felt Lewis’s hand on it. Tim made a happy murmur and rested his hand on top of Lewis’s, pressing it down on his cock. Lewis smiled at him, “Finish your story first,” he said, “Then we’ll relax properly.”

Tim took his hand away and resumed his tale. “I said perhaps we could go into the country one weekend and have a walk together, but Ralph said he couldn’t really take time off at the weekend as it was the busiest two days. So, I suggested how about we go out one evening during the week then, I’m usually home by quarter to six, I could collect you at six. We could take food with us and do a couple of hours walking. We decided we’re going to do that on Wednesday. His dad was happy with the idea too, said it would do him good to get out.”

“That’s brilliant,” Lewis said, “See you’re collecting more friends.” As he spoke, he slid his hand down inside the front of Tim’s shorts, took hold of his now rock-hard cock and held it whilst it throbbed in his hand. Tim sat up and put his arms around Lewis, giving him a big hug and a long kiss.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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